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"Cock sucker," Barry whispered, his cock running out of jism. He put down the whip at her side. "Dirty stinking, cock sucker."

He pulled his dripping cock from her mouth and rubbed it over Amy's pretty face. Her tongue shot out of her mouth, trying to get another taste of his prick, but he pulled it out of her reach and then laughed at her pitiful attempts to get it back.

Finally Glen was finished too, leaving her asshole feeling loose and numb and clogged with gooey jism. He wiped his cock clean in her shining black hair. Then he reached down to pull her garter as far away from her wetted thigh as he could. When he let it snap back against Amy's heated flesh, it almost triggered another explosion in her cunt.

Both of them got up then, letting Amy's face bang against the carpet. They stood above her and made fun of her. Amy squirmed at their feet, out of control, her body jerking and jiggling spastically. She was truly debased now, a housebroken plaything they could do with as they wished. She was nothing but a groveling animal the orgasm she'd gone through at the end of their inhuman abuse proved that.

Glen leaned forward and spit on her. His spit hit her right below one eye and leaked, over her cheek and nose. A moment later Barry split too, and his spittle caught her right at the edge of her mouth and then drooled over her lips.

Amy cried pitifully and they laughed at her shame.

Barry kicked her in the stomach a few times and watched her writhe in helpless anguish. Within a minute or two, his cock was rock hard once more.

"I want her pussy this time," he said at last. He aimed a brutal kick at the lush, vulnerable flesh of her right tit.

"Turn her over on her back, then," Glen said, his eyes twinkling with cruel amusement. "Because this time I get to do the whipping, and I'm going to strip the skin right off those pretty tits."

Amy wished she could pass out, wished she could die. Instead, she watched sickly as her cousin and his friend came for her again.


Amy never in her life felt pain the equal of that she experienced when Glen strapped her tender tits and belly. She had cum twice while Barry fucked his hard cock into her swampy cunt. Now she was lying on her side, trying to recover from her ordeal. Both guys had cunt twice now surely they would be finished with her. Surely they were going to let her go now.

At least, they were giving her a moment of peace. After Barry had shot his steaming cum up into her soggy pussy, he'd make her lick his cock and balls clean. Then be and Glen had both left the room. She had thought of calling out to them, begging them to untie her. But Glen had still been holding the strap that had marked her body, and she was afraid of attracting the attention of that awful length of leather.

So now she was lying on her side with her arms still bound cruelly behind her back. Her cunt and asshole and mouth were all filmed with the filthy jim her cousin and his friend had spilled. Her lips and thighs and ass and checks were all stained with the overflow of their bubbling cum. Her arms were almost numb from the pain now, but her shoulders ached terribly from the harsh way they were pinned back. Every time she tried to shift her position to take some of the pressure off them, the wounds of her terrible lashing sent waves of pain snaking through her.

Amy cried bitterly. Her whole world was filled with pain and degradation. She'd been tied and beaten and fucked, forced to suck a man's ass and fucked up her own ass. And she had cum she'd been betrayed by her own body.

And she would be Glen's slave forever. As long as he had those videotapes, he could make her do anything her wanted. Even after she was married, he could make her submit to terrible fuck sessions like this. Those tapes made hers into his plaything, his sexual toy. Those tapes made Glen her master, and she his slave.

Amy was still crying when Glen and Barry came back into the room. Each of them carried a small bag.

"Are you going to let me go now?" she managed to ask at last. She turned her tear stained face up toward her cousin, hardly able to meet his mocking, superior gaze. "You've both fucked me, hurt me, and you know I can't tell on you."

"Let you go?" Glen waved his long, limp cock at her face. "Does the stuck up, ass sucking whore think it's time we let her go?"

"Why not?" Amy cried, shutting her eyes tightly. Her body quaked with fear and tension as she realized her ordeal was just beginning. "Oh please, why not?"

Glen leaned down and began to untie her arms. The first ropes he unfastened were at Amy's elbows, and when he first unknotted them Amy's arms stayed together. Her body was so cramped that she couldn't even pull her elbows apart. When he untied her wrists, it took her almost a minute to bring her arms back in front of her, they were so numbed. She knew that she'd be in agony when feeling began to return to her arms, and she could tell by the amused looks on Glen's and Barry's faces that they knew it, too. It was just another pan of the cruel game they were playing with her.

"Why not?" Glen echoed, rolling Amy over onto her back. He started running his hand over the silky black haired mound of her cunt. "Because you gave me shit from the time we were kids, strutting your hot little body around me in the slinkiest outfits you could find, always rubbing yourself against me and showing me your legs and ass and tits when no one was looking. Because all you ever talked to me about was sex, and because you used to stick your hand in my pants pocket to get money and rub my cock for a minute before you pulled any out. You tortured me for years, bitch, when I was too dumb to keep you from getting away with it. This is just your payback."

"No, you've got it all wrong, Glen!" Amy cried desperately. "I only dressed and acted that way because I thought you wouldn't like me if I didn't."

"Well, prick tease, you got your wish." Glen grinned, his cock growing longer and harder with each passing instant. "I like you a lot. I like you so fucking much that I might just decide to keep you around for good. We've got a lot of years of fucking and stuff to catch up on."

Glen pulled a metal bar from his bag, a curious device that had cuffs on either end before Amy could protest, he shut the cuffs tightly around her thighs just above her knees. Then he pulled out a half dozen of her cunt hairs and laughed while she screamed in anguish. Amy's body came back to life as he snatched her cunt hair out, her hips jerking wildly and her tits heaving with each thrash of her body. Then Glen quit his torture and Amy grew quiet once more, gasping for air and watching both men with wide, frightened eyes.

Both Glen and Barry pulled the same thing from their bags this time, and Amy wanted cry for mercy, wanted to die immediately and be spared what she knew was coming.

Both guys pulled out small electric prods, the kind police used. Amy understood clearly that they were going to use them on her.

"Nooooo!" she screamed as the two men circled her prone body and switched on their terrible weapons. "Please, Glen! I'll do anything you want, forever. I'll be your slave. I'll be good. Oh please, Glen! Nooooooo!"

"You know, cousin, there is one thing that might keep us from wasting your tight whore's ass with these suckers," Glen growled. He stood over Amy, straddling her belly, and held the buzzing stick inches from her rounded tits. "And that's if you can get away from us. Five minutes, slut. Just like tag. You run. When we catch you, you get tagged. We'll give you five minute's head start."

Amy shook her head, refusing to believe this. To be fucked, even up the ass by a cock as big as Glen's, was one thing. This was simply inhuman, killing torture.

"You looking at your watch?" Glen asked Barry. "Yep," Barry replied, grinning broadly.