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"Oh God! Yes! It feels so good!" Grace cried with strain from her throat.

Then another climax bolted through Eileen's riding body to send her into spasms of happiness. Their arms clamped tightly around the legs of each other to hug each crying pussy as close as possible while the creams of their insides poured steadily into their mouths.

They rolled from one side of the bed to the other and back in their throes of mutual release, until the hugging arms and straining thighs, relaxed. Eileen was again on top of Grace when the rolling stopped, her long red hair was splayed out like a fan of fire across the back of her head.

The two females were motionless as they rested and didn't speak. Eventually the sleep-filled eyes of Eileen closed and the reddened, spinning eyes of Grace did likewise.


Walter Cunningham was still angry when he wheeled the golf cart to the edge of the green next to the clubhouse. He walked quickly to the bar and stood in the doorway searching for his wife. The guys at the table waved but he didn't go over, instead he turned and headed into the dance hall where the festivities were going full-blast.

He looked at the faces in the crowded room and still failed to pick out Grace. Teresa was dancing with the young lifeguard, they were talking, smiling. Walter approved. At least they were getting back together, he thought to himself. But that still doesn't excuse Grace's manipulations and meddling.

Walter went back to the bar and made sure Johnny Carvel was still present. He was. But Grace was nowhere to be found. He knew what he would have to do. It didn't please him to do it but there was no time like the present. The light was on in her office window as Walter approached with determined steps. He paused before the door, then lunged.

The flimsy wooden door creaked, finally snapped like a dry twig under his weight. Walter crashed into the office like all the detectives he had seen in every cops-and-robbers movie on television. He caught himself on the desk and stood up to point an accusing finger at whoever there was to point it at.

The office was empty. Not a soul. No wife. No lover. No woman hiding her breasts behind an open blouse, no man fumbling to get his hard cock back inside his unzipped pants. Suddenly Walter felt awfully silly. He flicked off the light and did his best to pull the shattered door closed.

His mind was still racing, though. He was determined to give Grace a lesson, the lesson of her life. But first he had to locate her. He went back to the dance hall and found Teresa next to the punchbowl with Alan.

"Teresa, have you seen your mother?" he asked.

"Oh, hello Daddy," she happily said. "Mom? Oh, I saw her a little while ago… she was looking for you."

"She was?"

Teresa nodded. Then she slyly added, "But I didn't tell her where you were."

Walter frowned. Finally he asked, "Did she say why she was looking for me?"

Teresa wanted to lie but decided against it. "Yes. She thought you were with another woman."

He frowned again. "Did this have anything to do with her meddling in your affairs?" he bluntly asked.

Teresa gulped. Alan felt uneasy. Mr. Cunningham looked angry, upset. "Did it?" Walter persisted.

"Oh, Daddy," sobbed Teresa as tears started to build in her eyes. "She's been trying to break up me and Alan! Then she tried to break up me and… "

"You and who?" asked her father. She answered him quietly. "Me and Johnny Carvel."

"Johnny Carvel?" asked her father with a loud voice. "You and him? I thought he was… "

"He was. And now he is again," said Teresa.

"Your mother's lover?" asked Walter.

Teresa slowly nodded but was surprised to see her father wasn't upset in the least. The only thing that seemed to bother him was the complicated mess Grace had made of things. He rubbed his chin with his hand and finally said, "You two stick around, I may want to talk to you again."

Teresa and Alan stared questioningly at each other as Mr. Cunningham went back to the bar.

"He seems angry," said Alan.

"Yes. But not with you or me. He seems angry with Mother."

"He should be. She's been cheating on him quite a bit," added Alan.

"But that's not what's bothering him," said Teresa. "I think he's angry because she didn't leave us alone."

Walter walked into the bar and stopped directly across from Johnny Carvel. Johnny Carvel looked up and saw the cold stare coming from the man's eyes. He swallowed the lump that quickly built in his throat.

"Hello, Mr. Cunningham," said Johnny. "What can I pour you? Scotch?"

"Nothing," said Walter. "I want to have a talk. A private talk."

His clipped words sent shudders of fear down Johnny's spine. But he nodded and came from behind the bar. "Where shall we have this talk?"


Johnny followed Mr. Cunningham out to the pool area where they found an area devoid of people. Walter turned and smiled. Johnny felt better.

"I know you and my wife are having an affair," Walter said first.

Johnny's first impulse was to deny it but he knew better. He nodded and said, "Yes."

"And believe it or not I don't care. As a matter of fact, I approve of it."

"You approve?" Johnny's mouth fell open.

"Yes. It keeps her happy and out of my hair, to put it bluntly. I'm not a man to worry about fidelity or what my wife does on her own time-as long as it's discreet. I'm not a stupid man," stated Walter.

Johnny's mouth managed to fall open even more. "Uh… Uh… You mean you've known all along?"

Walter grinned. "Sure I have. I've known about you and all the others."


With a laugh Walter said, "You don't expect a woman who cheats on her husband to be true to her boyfriend, do you?"

"No, I guess not," admitted Johnny.

"You're aware of her interest in the young lifeguard?"

"Yeah," said Johnny. "But that's over."

"So I notice," said Walter. "Are you two back together again?"

"Well… "

"Come on, you can admit it. Just never tell her I approve, that's all," said Walter.

"Yeah, we patched things up a little while ago. It seems she wanted to correct the trouble she caused between your daughter and Alan the lifeguard."

"Uh huh," said Walter as he thought. "But that doesn't excuse her foolish behavior. She was the reason Teresa and you got together, right?"

Johnny nodded without speaking. He had no idea Mr. Cunningham knew about that.

"It all happened because Grace didn't think that lifeguard was good enough for our daughter," said Walter. "So she drove her into the arms of a bartender."

"What's wrong with bartenders?" asked Johnny.

"You'll have to ask Grace that one. She must think something is or she wouldn't have moved so fast to stop it. She chose the lesser of two evils."

"I guess so," admitted Johnny.

"When the most evil thing was her own behavior."

"Right again." Johnny was feeling nervous. Mr. Cunningham's calculating discussion of his wife's actions was confusing him. Why bother to even talk about it? It was over. Everything was back the way it was.

"She needs a lesson," said Walter. "A lesson to teach her to stay out of other people's private affairs… even her own daughter's."

"Do you think so?" asked Johnny.

"What if she doesn't approve of Teresa's next boyfriend?"

"I see what you mean."

"Do you know where she is?"

"Uhhh…" stammered Johnny.

"Where is she?" demanded Walter.

"She was looking for you. And I mentioned the old cottage out on the golf course."

"Oh, shit!" said Walter loudly. "Did she go out there looking for me?"

"I guess so. She disappeared right after I mentioned the place."