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When the plane touched down, Lisa was still on top of him, her breathing ragged and not yet under control. “That was amazing,” she said as her hands rand along his broad chest and she tried to gather her senses.

“It was,” he agreed as he turned to plant a firm kiss against her lips.

Lisa tried desperately to concentrate on helping Bridget get ready for the wedding, but her mind kept drifting to what had happened on the plane the night before. When the plane landed, she had been sure that her relationship with Adam wasn't just about sex. They had talked all the way through the disembarkation process and she was thrilled to discover that Adam was as charming as he was sexy. But when she went through customs, she looked up and he was gone. She checked around the airport and realized he had disappeared.

After that, nothing had gone right and to top things off, when she arrived at her hotel, they had given away her room and she was forced to intrude on Bridget. Fortunately Bridget and Dillon were in separate rooms before the wedding — apparently the first night they had been apart since their first date. Lisa smiled wistfully, and wished she had been as lucky as Bridget.

She shook her head to get the thought of him out of her mind and looked over at Bridget. She really looked beautiful today. The silky white gown hugged Bridget's full breasts and accentuated her small waist. The bottom of the dress was long and flowing, perfect for their wedding on the beach. Her hair was arranged in artful waves, accented with a small tiara to hold her short veil in place.

“You look wonderful,” she told her friend sincerely.

“And you look distracted,” Bridget answered.

Lisa smiled and appreciated her friends support. “It’s nothing, just a guy,” she said trying to be as dismissive as she could. Bridget gave her a look and she realized she hadn’t fooled her at all. “Bridget, I promise, I will tell you all about him tomorrow, but today is your day. I don’t want to talk about it today.”

“Well, don’t worry too much about it. Maybe we can find you a new guy today. You know, I was going to set you up with Dillon’s best man, but he met someone on the way over here and apparently had been inconsolable since he lost her in the airport.”

Lisa perked up as she listened to the familiar story. “What do you mean? How did he lose her?” she asked, chills rushing over her — it couldn't just be a coincidence she hoped.

“I don't know too much about it,” Bridget said, “Just that he met someone yesterday on the flight over and is apparently head over heels for this girl. He spent most of the night trying to find out what hotel she was staying in. But apparently she never checked in anywhere. Dillon just said that he was a wreck when he came back today — apparently he didn't sleep all night. If he weren't so stuck on this girl, I was going to introduce you two because you have so much in common. I really thought you guys would hit it off,” she finished.

“Lisa, what's so funny,” she asked as Lisa grinned from ear to ear.

“Bridget, this is very important. Who is Dillon's best man?”

“I never told you about his best friend? How weird,” Bridget said with a small frown. “His name is Adam, Adam Cole.”

Lisa smiled ear to ear as she realized what she had just heard. “I think we already met,” she giggled as butterflies raced through her stomach.

The music started and the girls quickly pulled themselves together. “Well, you're on,” Bridget said as Lisa took her first step onto the aisle. She looked at the dais, beautifully decorated with flowers and chiffon and at the two men standing there waiting. She noticed Dillon immediately as he stood there proud and tall, but it was the other man who had all of her attention. The look on Adam's face when he saw her was shock mixed with surprise and happiness. Lisa beamed back at him.

When she got to the front of the isle, she lingered for a moment extra, and whispered softly into he ear, “Can I get a ride home after this?”

He winked at her and she knew her life would never be the same.

Rough Ride

“ This is ridiculous”, Amber thought as she drove past the newly posted sign on the road. She had been driving this trail for years, and suddenly, there was a “No Trespassing” sign blocking the way down to the creek. She wanted to ignore it and just keep riding, but someone had downed a tree across the trail for emphasis.

Amber stared at the sign and the tree, getting more and more annoyed. After the day she had just had, the last thing she needed was another bad surprise. She had just found out that her boyfriend of nearly a year had been cheating on her for months. She still couldn't figure out how that had happened. When they had been together, he had always been so timid and polite, even saying please and thank you in bed. She never thought he would be the type to cheat.

Now she had given him the boot and needed a fresh start. This trip was supposed to be the beginning, a chance to clear her head and start over. She had taken the top off the Jeep and had planned to drive all the way to the creek. Instead her trail was now blocked!

She cursed whoever had thought public land didn't need to be used by the public and considered her options. It was just too beautiful of a day to stop, she decided. She pressed the gas down just a bit as she eased her Jeep off the trail and over the brush. Whoever had restricted the trail would eventually learn it would take more than a downed tree to stop an off-roading vehicle like her Jeep. She gave it a bit more gas and the car crested the small hill and soon the tree trunk and irritating sign were far behind her.

She drove slowly, enjoying the scenery and choosing her course carefully. When she got to the water, she drove up until her car’s front tires were nearly in the water. She stripped down to her bathing suit and waded into the warm creek. It was perfect and just what she needed. When she got out, she felt like a new person. She rested across the hood of her car, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, enjoying the babble of the water and the feel of the warm sun on her face.

She heard the hoof-beats faintly in the distance, but when they got louder, she opened her eyes to find the rider. Across the creek, she could just make out a man riding along one of the distant trails. She couldn't see much, but he reminded her of a cowboy from a movie. He was wearing a wide brim hat and even from a distance she could tell was that he belonged in a saddle. The horse galloped quickly but the rider looked comfortable and relaxed, the two of them moving like one down the road. She smiled wistfully as she wondered what it would be like to be with a man like that. She’d always wanted someone like that, someone who was strong, masculine and confident — someone who didn't ask for every kiss while sneaking off behind her back.

Finally, she made a decision. She got back in her Jeep, threw it into reverse and hit the gas. The sound of here tires spinning against the sand made a louder noise than she expected. She kept her foot on the gas, but the car didn’t move. Instead it threw sand everywhere as the tires sunk into the soft soil. She saw the rider look over in her direction and he turned to head her way. She stopped for a moment then pressed the gas again. The car sunk a bit lower into the tire tracks.

She smiled as he got closer and she was able to make out more of his features. He was large, probably over six feet tall and all muscle. He wore a black tight fitting t-shirt, with blue jeans and a pair of dark brown cowboy boots. As he got closer, she realized that his skin was tanned from long days outside and he had strong, crisp features. Amber sighed and wondered why she had never found a guy like that.

She got out of her car as he approached and marveled at how solid he was. Every motion appeared considered and deliberate. When he stopped his horse in front of her, he smiled and she felt butterflies run through her stomach. He swung off the horse and dropped the reigns, giving the horse the ability to graze.