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turn: The rare ability to transform a human into a werebeast or vampire. Werebeasts pierce the heart of a human with their fangs and transfer a part of their essence. Vampires pierce through the skull and into the brain to transfer a taste of their magic. Werebeasts risk their lives during the turning process as they are gifting a part of their souls; should the transfer fail, both the werebeast and the human die. Vampires risk nothing since they’re not losing their souls, but rather taking another’s and releasing it from the human’s body.

vampire: A being who consumes the blood of mortals to survive. Beautiful and alluring, vampires will never appear to age past thirty years. Vampires are immune to sunlight unless created by magic. They are also immune to objects of faith such as crucifixes. Vampires may be killed by the destruction of their hearts, decapitation, or fire. Master vampires or vampires several centuries old must have both their hearts and heads removed, or their bodies completely destroyed.

vampire clans: Families of vampires led by master vampires. Masters can control, communicate, and punish their keep through mental telepathy.

velum: A veil conjured by magic.

virtutem lucis: “The power of light.” The goodness found within each mortal. That which combats the darkness.

Warrior: A werebeast possessing profound skill or fighting ability. Only the elite among weres are granted the title of Warrior. Warriors are duty-bound to protect their Leaders and their Leaders’ mates at all costs.

Werebeast (aka were): A supernatural predator with the ability to change from human to beast. Werebeasts are considered the Guardians of the Earth against mystical evil. Werebeasts will achieve their first change within six months to a year following birth. The younger they are when they first change, the more powerful they will be. Werebeasts also possess the ability to heal their wounds and can live until the first full moon following their one hundredth birthday. Werebeasts may be killed by destruction of their hearts, decapitation, or if their bodies are completely destroyed. The only time a were can partially change is when he or she attempts to turn a human. A turned human will achieve his or her first change by the next full moon.

witch: Born with the power to wield magic, they worship the earth and nature. Pure witches will not take part in blood sacrifices. They cultivate the land to grow plants for their potions, and use staffs, amulets, and talismans to amplify their magic. To cross a witch is to feel the collective wrath of her coven.

witch fire: Orange flames encased by magic, used to assassinate an enemy. Explodes like multiple grenades when the intended victim nears the spell. Flames will continue to burn until the target has been eliminated.