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‘withdrawal movements’, 2 August, TNA DEFE 3/65

p. 401 ‘Joe, I already have it’, J. Lawton Collins, Lightning Joe, Novato, CA, 1994, p. 250

‘Some of the troops held themselves well…’, P. Peschet, MdC TE 215

p. 403 ‘it seemed like an excellent…’, NA II 407/427/24037

‘As we arrived there…’, Robert B. Bradley, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division, MdC TE 366

120th Infantry Regiment in Mortain, NA II 407/427/24037

p. 404 ‘were the greatest obstacles…’, Generalmajor Freiherr Rudolf von Gersdorff, FMS A-918

‘They had been deceived…’, General Warlimont, ETHINT 1

‘passive resistance…’, Generalleutnant Graf von Schwerin, ETHINT 17

p. 405 ‘The Führer has ordered…’, Heeresgruppe B, 6 August, BA-MA RH 19 ix/87

Hitler’s opposition to General von Funck, General Warlimont, ETHINT 1

‘virtually impossible’, Heeresgruppe B, 6 August, BA-MA RH 19 ix/87

‘little air activity’, BA-MA RH 19 ix/87 p. 406 ‘The war looks practically over’, 4th Infantry Division, NA II 407/427/6431

‘a beautiful bivouac…’, NA II 407/427/ 6431

Ultra intercepts, 6 August, TNA DEFE 3/65

Bradley’s scepticism about Ultra, see Carlo D’Este, Decision in Normandy, New York, 1983, pp. 420-21

‘to stop spreading rumours’, NA II 407/ 427/24037

p. 407 German motorcyclists, Chérencé-le-Roussel, 39th Infantry Division, NA II 407/ 427/24037

‘extraordinarily well’, General der Panzertruppen Freiherr von Lüttwitz, FMS A-903

p. 408 fighting in Saint-Barthélemy, 30th Infantry Division, NA II 407/427/24037

120th Infantry in Mortain, NA II 407/ 427/24037

p. 409 ‘A loud clang followed…’, Reardon, p. 100

p. 410 ‘should deal exclusively…’, 2nd TAF Operations Report by Air Marshal Sir Arthur Coningham, TNA AIR 20/1593

‘This is the moment…’, John Golley, The Day of the Typhoon, Shrewsbury, 2000, p. 129

pilots in 123 Wing, Desmond Scott, Typhoon Pilot, London, 1982, p. 193

‘roughly a four-per-cent chance…’, Ian Gooderson, Air Power at the Battlefront, London, 1998, p. 76

p. 411 ‘Diving point…’, ‘The Rocket Racket’, Air Ministry, AHB

Typhoon operations, 7 August, TNA AIR 25/704

‘Our fighters have been engaged…’, Telephone Journal, Seventh Army, 7 August, NA II 407/427/6431

p. 412 ‘Alles kaputt!’, Robert B. Bradley, 30th Infantry Division, MdC TE 366

83 Group, Alfred Price, ‘The Rocket-Firing Typhoons in Normandy’, Royal Air Force Air Power Review, Vol. VIII, I, Spring 2005, pp. 78-88

‘As the day developed…’, 2nd Tactical Air Force Operations Report by Air Marshal Coningham, TNA AIR 20/1593

Operational Research Section reports: Joint Report No. 3, ‘Rocket-firing Typhoons in Close Support of Military Operations’, Operational Research in North-West Europe, TNA WO 291/1331; and No. 2 ORS, 2nd TAF, Report No.1, ‘Investigations of the Operation of TAF Aircraft in the Mortain Area — 7th August 1944’, TNA AIR 37/61

p. 413 ‘Whether you realise it or not’, General der Panzertruppen Geyr von Schweppenburg, ETHINT 13

‘There is nothing…’, Operational Research Section, ‘Investigation of the Operation of TAF Aircraft in the Mortain Area, 7th August 1944’, dated 7 December 1944, AHB

field artillery in support of 30th Infantry Division, Brigadier General James M. Lewis, commanding 30th Division Artillery, NA II 407/427/24037

p. 414 ‘a thorn in the flesh…’, General der Panzertruppen Walter Krüger, LVIII Panzer Corps, FMS B-445 p. 415 Germans with cognac, Pfc John Cole, 8th Infantry, NA II 407/427/6432

‘It was quite clear…’, comments on Seventh Army war diary, Generalmajor Rudolf Freiherr von Gersdorff, FMS A-918

p. 416 ‘In formal manner…’, 30th Division, NA II 407/427/24242

12th Infantry, NA II 407/427/6431

p. 417 SS panzergrenadiers using American equipment, Captain Dunbar Whitman, 12th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, NA II 407/ 427/24021

‘For the first time…’, 4th Infantry Division, NA II 407/427/24021

‘The tank he could see…’, NA II 407/ 427/6432 and Reardon, p. 256

p. 418 ‘Then he pulled himself to his feet…’, 30th Infantry Division, NA II 407/ 427/24038

‘There, under that tank…’, NA II 407/ 427/24037

p. 419 air drop, Reardon, p. 201

smoke shells, Lieutenant Charles A. Bartz, 230th Field Artillery Battalion, 30th Division, NA II 407/427/24242; and Lieutenant Elmer Rohmiller, 120th Infantry, 30th Division, NA II 407/427/24242

128th Evacuation Hospital, Colonel John N. Snyder, MdC TE 648

p. 420 ‘Under cover of this operation…’, General der Panzertruppen Walter Krüger, LVIII Panzer Corps, FMS B-445

1st Battalion, 39th Infantry, NA II 407/ 427/24037

Colonel Birks at Abbaye Blanche, NA II 407/427/24037

p. 421 ‘I want Mortain demolished…’, 30th Division G-3 Journal, 11.05 hours, 11 August, quoted in Reardon, p. 267

‘incredibly weary troops’, NA II 407/427/ 6431

‘the attitude of “silent mutiny”…’, NA II 407/427/6432

‘Kluge did it deliberately…’, Wilhelm Ritter von Schramm, BA-MA MSg 2/247


p. 422 Crerar as commander in Italy, see Terry Copp and Bill McAndrew, Battle Exhaustion, Montreal, 1990, pp. 66-8

Montgomery on Crerar and Keller, LCHMA AP/14/27; see also Stephen A. Hart, Montgomery and ‘Colossal Cracks’, Westport, Conn., 2000

p. 423 ‘to avenge the death of our comrades’, quoted in Howard Margolian, Conduct Unbecoming, Toronto, 1998, p. 29

p. 425 ‘Blimey! Square-bashing in tanks’, Ken Tout, Tank!, London, 1985, p. 17

2nd Canadian Infantry Division in Operation Totalize, report by Canadian Military Headquarters, NA II 407/427/24200

7th Norfolks crossing the Orne, Lieutenant Colonel Freeland, 7th Battalion Norfolk Regiment, MdC TE 168

p. 426 ‘The artillery has an awfully easy job…’, Lieutenant T. T. Ritson, RHA, diary, 6 August

‘A magnificent view of the Orne valley…’, William Helm, ‘The Normandy Field Diary of a Junior Medical Officer in 210 Field Ambulance’, 177th Brigade, 59th Infantry Division

‘Here on the British front…’, Myles Hildyard diary, 11 August

‘During these days…’, Rev. A. R. C. Leaney, IWM PP/MCR/206

p. 427 ‘What an honour!’, Hubert Meyer, The 12th SS, Vol. II, Mechanicsburg, Pa., 2005, p. 25

‘View Hallo!…’, Tout, p. 111

p. 428 destruction of five Tiger tanks, Hauptsturmführer Dr Wolfgang Rabe, quoted in Meyer, pp. 29-30; see also Stephen A. Hart, ‘The Black Day Unrealised’, in John Buckley (ed.), The Normandy Campaign 1944, London, 2006

p. 429 ‘Other aircraft could not…’, Major Robert Kiln, Hertfordshire Yeomanry, 86th Field Artillery, SWWEC 99-63

‘The American air force…’, Aitken Hughes diary, 6 General Hospital, WLHUM RAMC 1771

‘unfortunate support…’, SHD-DAT 1 K 543 1

‘the Sikorski tourists’, SHD-DAT 1 K 543 1

p. 430 ‘becoming very serious…’, Heeresgruppe B, BA-MA RH 19 ix/87 p. 431 Generalleutnant Paul Dannhauser, 271st Infantry Division, FMS B-256

Plessis Grimoult, diary of Major Julius Neave, 13th/18th Hussars, SWWEC T2150 p. 434 intelligence failure over anti-tank defences, Captain A. Potozynski, 10th Polish Mounted Rifles, SWWEC LEEWW 2000.327