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He stopped and was in the forest, as if he were part of this silent nature. Although he was seriously injured in a battle with Arkent in the stagnation world, since Mother Marsha healed his injury and returned to Vaunde, he felt close to the World Laws all the time. Strength seems to grow every moment, and the level that he used to know is getting closer and closer.

“Is the adult in a bad mood?” He also stopped and said a little embarrassedly: “Is it because we have delayed the Time in Faithwind Circle for too long?”

She bowed her head: “If I didn’t accidentally get into the Buga people…”

“Nothing, Sasaarland people deserve it,” Brando shook his head, his thoughts were not in this matter. He naturally heard conversations in the distant wooden houses, and it seemed that his influence on Aouine’s was getting bigger and bigger. But whether it is good or bad is hard to say clearly.

However, he does not intend to stop it.

Aouine needs of course not just a certain person, this ancient kingdom has its future, its next generation. At least these people have developed different ideas with their parents. Like a pool of stagnant water, a new ripple is swaying.


Brando suddenly started talking.


“Can I invite my Captain of the Guard and walk with me?”

Mountain people The girl screamed: “Adult, are we not leaving?”

“Of course not,” Brando replied. “Although I invited my Captain of the Guard. But it took her time to rest. You can’t keep this face all the time?”

I reveal some incomprehensible expression.

Brando lightly smiled, extend the hand: “Come to me, don’t follow the trend at the end, can it be that I look terrifying?”

Looking at Brando’s hand, she hesitated for a while before putting one’s own hand. When Brando took her hand, the girl’s movements were obviously stiff, but soon it softened.

Brando looked at the awkward walking action. I can’t help but laugh: “could it be that my Captain of the Guard is actually a puppet?”

In the bright moonlight, 茜 seems to have lost the ability to speak, bowing his head and remarking.

Brando shook his head with a smile, but his mind was a little uncertain.

He has often dreamed of these days.

Dreaming of the past, dreaming of Bucce’s night, dreaming of Romaine, dreaming of upperclasswoman and Her Highness the Princess, dreaming of the killing and fleeing in the dark. The dreams are strange, some real, some are absurd. Every dream seems to have people trying to talk to him and tell him everything about the past and the future.

He couldn’t help but think of the alliance of Sasaarland people.

The wizards have been secretly detained, but they have disappeared in Faithwind Circle, and the Sasaarland people may have some trouble checking it out. So he handed those people to Druids. The power of World Circle is not inferior Silver Alliance at all. Druids owes him a favor in the Faithwind Circle, and the two have always cooperated well. This little thing is not enough.

He has interrogated a lot of things from those people, and it is not surprising that the Sasaarland people are embarrassed about the slate of war. After all, they used to be the ‘owners’ of these Tabo knowledge. Some ambitions want to restore the position of the Silver Lineage, reproduce the empire above the sky, and let the Buga people re-flow the silver bloodline – since the change of ‘tiamat’ Laws, the status gap, such a mad idea in Silver There is a growing market within the Alliance.

He heard that the Buga people hadtily withdrew from the Four Borders Plain meeting, and there was a difference and a different voice inside. Vladimir and Thrall Warlock have been splitting the Silver Federation, and now is the best opportunity for them. .

It was originally a matter of the Silver Lineage, but the Sasaarland people reached out to Aouine, giving Brando a sense of danger. The gray Wizards’ hostility to the Princess Gryphine faintly discernable was obviously not just as simple as taking the slate.

He saw such a future in his dreams. He didn’t know whether the future was true or not, but he was confused. He subconsciously extend the hand to go, as if to want to seize this World, moonlight through his fingers, it seems a bit embarrassing.

The forest in the distance is still immersed in the darkness, but the shadows are ugly, but it is not difficult to see the rolling hills of Grahár Mountain Ranges; there is a sparkling stream running through the forest, allowing the pebbles to emit bright rays of light in the moonlight. There are a few young deer that are passing through the forest.

When he went to Sarnan, he set foot on the land of Fir Tree Shire. The business road in this Black Forest can be said to be opened by him, but on this road, he has a strange hometown.

Where is his hometown?

Trentheim, or Bruglas, or Bucce, is it past or present?

“Hey, what do you think of this world?” Brando suddenly stopped and asked back.

This problem is a bit too big. The mountain people are silent for a moment before they shake their heads silently.

Brando smiled and he didn’t expect to get an answer, or he already got the answer. World in people’s minds has different meanings in people’s minds. It becomes bright or gray with people’s hearts. There is no fixed answer for different people.

What is the World he wants?

Brando silently thought about the answer to this question.

But the same problem seems to touch some of the ideas in the hearts of the mountain people.

Brando suddenly felt a hand hugged himself from behind, and he felt a nervous heartbeat, clinging to his back, as if there was no distance, passed to his heart.

“What is it, eh?”

茜brief remark hair.

“Are you afraid?”

“I heard the old people say that the gods will become the stars in the sky, shining on the people on their land. I am afraid that one day, Lord Thane will leave us.”

Brando hearing this can’t help laughing heartily, laughing and tears are coming out, this silly girl – he held down his hands on his chest: “Where is the god, we are just a mortal.”

Hey, silently.

Brando suddenly stopped laughing.

He felt the boundless power poured into one’s own body. Every breath he breathed seemed to echo in the mountains. The pine forest rustled and turned into a sound of waves. It seemed to be his heartbeat, Heaven and Earth. At this moment, he has become a whole.

Brando closed his eyes and felt that one’s own spirit was slightly resonance. He felt that one’s own bloodline seemed to echo the sound of the stone hammering, and the rumbling sound was the echo of Silver’s Laws line.

Laws constitutes his body, MP constitutes his blood, he blinks like a rising morning, when he closes his eyes like a moon, exhaling the north wind, the words are turned into Laws and symbols, he stepped out Every step of the life, Life is born from the footprints, his heart beats, and the pulse of the earth becomes one.

Brando sighed one breath.

At that moment, he saw the end of Sage, where Marsha seemed to be waiting for him in the light.

“I won’t leave you,” he said softly, “I swear.”

The home is very close.

Crossing this forest is the wilderness of Fir Tree Shire, and the moonlight of the Black Forest must have been chilled on the land.


early morning.

The junction of the original site of Green Village and the Black Forest – since Fir Tree Shire opened a new passage into the Black Forest from the direction of Schaffend, it has been deserted. There are few people in the bushy ruins, only occasional adventurers will take this place, or stay here for a short time.

The wreckage of the broken wall in the forest witnessed the decline of the place. In the eastern part of the village, the Trentheim people built a sentry tower here. The sentinel Harder stood at the top of the tower, and the forests a few miles away were within his field of vision, and he was incredibly seeing that the entire group was coming from the direction of Green Village.