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Zekk flinched. “Yes, Master Brakiss. All of the computer equipment is stored inside this assault transport, ready for distribution to the Second Imperium.”

Brakiss clapped his hands together. “Excellent! Then your mission was a success, with acceptable losses of personnel. Those other … inconveniences are insignificant in our overall conflict. You have achieved our most important goal.”

Tamith Kai’s eyes widened with anger, and her normally pale face flushed a blotchy red. “Master Brakiss!” she hissed. “Zekk also claims to have removed those Jedi brats. But although Vonnda Ra accompanied him to this confrontation, Zekk returned alone … claiming victory.”

Zekk stood rigid. “The young Jedi Knights are no longer a problem,” he said. “This I swear.”

Tamith Kai obviously didn’t believe him. But Brakiss did, and that was all that counted.

Zekk didn’t know how long he could keep up the charade. He had fallen to the dark side—and he had also protected his friends. The two seemed incompatible. Sooner or later, Brakiss would learn what he had done—and then Zekk would face an impossible choice. But, as always, no one else would make Zekk’s choices for him … and no one else would face the consequences.

“The Second Imperium applauds your efforts, Zekk. The history of the galaxy will remember you as an instrumental fighter in our grand cause.”

Zekk knew he should have felt better, prouder … but he could summon no emotion other than dread. And disappointment in himself. He was no longer sure of where his past decisions would lead him.

One of the stormtroopers standing in ranks within the hangar bay shifted uneasily. Zekk focused his attention on the burly trooper—instinctively identifying Norys. Qorl stood beside the bully, frowning in disapproval at his white-armored trainee. The leader of the Lost Ones still bore a chip on his shoulder, resulting in a perpetually surly attitude.

Suddenly, the air in the huge docking bay shimmered. Zekk looked up as the other stormtroopers backed away. Beside him, Brakiss grew tense, almost fearful, but stood his ground against the projection.

An image formed in the air, a giant cowled head with yellow eyes and an age-ravaged face that emanated dark power. The visage of Emperor Palpatine was incredibly clear and focused, as if the transmission came from very close. Very close indeed.

“My subjects at the Shadow Academy,” the Emperor’s shuddering voice said, “my fellow fighters in the cause of the Second Imperium, I am pleased to learn of this successful mission! Through our various raids and by gathering the scattered remnants of my lost Imperial glory, we now have the might to move on to the next phase in our plan of conquest. The new hyperdrive cores and turbolaser batteries have already been installed in our secret battle fleet. I have commanded that the new computer components be incorporated immediately. We must strike again while the Rebels are still reeling.”

Under the leather padding, Zekk felt a cold, damp shiver work its way down his back.

“It is our mission to remove the only real line of defense the Rebels have against us. Brakiss, you promised me an invincible fighting force of Dark Jedi Knights. The time has come to make use of them.

“Together, as our primary campaign, we shall attack and destroy Luke Skywalker’s Jedi academy. Those light side Jedi will be crushed to dust beneath our feet.

“I command you all to move out. Set the Shadow Academy forces in motion. We must transport our station to the jungle moon of Yavin 4 without delay. Once we have eliminated the new Jedi Knights, the galaxy will be ours for the taking.”

Zekk stood stunned. Brakiss stared at the fading image of the Emperor in amazement. Then, as if a power switch had been flicked on, all of the stormtroopers sprang into motion.

The Shadow Academy rushed to prepare for its greatest battle.


In the aftermath of the devastating attack on the Wookiee computer fabrication facility, Jaina knew they could not afford to wait. Too much was at risk—and right now.

While the New Republic forces sent a few nearby ships filled with a complement of engineers and soldiers to help in reparation activities, Jaina and Lowie worked tirelessly with Chewbacca to complete repairs to the Shadow Chaser. The tall Wookiee still limped on his sore leg, but his injuries had mostly healed, and he didn’t let a little stiffness slow him down.

Inside the crowded power-supply bulkhead of the Shadow Chaser, Jaina, the smallest of the workers, crammed herself deep into the tightest spaces, hooking up power leads and disconnecting diagnostics. All the replacement parts had been ready even before the Imperial attack on Kashyyyk, but now the sleek vessel needed to be reassembled.

“Power it up before I crawl back out of here,” Jaina said. “All the circuits are grounded and shielded, but I want to make sure everything checks out before I fight my way into open air again.”

Lowie grunted and flicked a power switch. He and Chewbacca simultaneously roared an affirmative.

Jaina heaved a sigh of relief. “Well, I’m glad the ship’s functioning again,” she said. “We have to get out of here and back to Yavin 4 before the attack comes. We need to be ready for the Shadow Academy.” She swallowed. “We’ve all been training a long time for this.”

Lowie roared in agreement, though he and Chewbacca and Sirra seemed somewhat saddened. Sirra growled a series of notes, and Em Teedee said, “Mistress Sirrakuk says that she will stay to help her people clean up and make repairs, but she understands that her brother Lowbacca must return to fight with the other Jedi. There are many Wookiees who can assist here on Kashyyyk, but there aren’t many other Jedi Knights … and she is exceedingly proud that her brother is one of them.”

Lowie rumbled his appreciation.

Em Teedee added, as an aside, “I do believe she’s quite pleased with him.”

Sirra patted her big brother on his hairy shoulder, then proudly ran one hand over her glossy new belt, woven from the strands of fiber she had harvested from the syren plant. Jaina knew that Sirra’s personal opportunities were now wide open, possibilities for her life that had always been there … but that she would now be better able to take advantage of.

Jacen rushed aboard the Shadow Chaser carrying the small cage with his pet Ion and her babies. He cooed reassurances to the furry rodents.

Tenel Ka accompanied him, looking confident in her freshly polished reptilian armor. She had reworked all of her braids meticulously, brushing her hair out and plaiting it using the new one-handed technique Anakin Solo had developed for her. “We are prepared to depart,” she said. “And we are ready to fight as true Jedi Knights.”

Lowie roared with enthusiasm. Sirra embraced her big brother, and then each of the young Jedi Knights.

Chewbacca limped up the ramp and strapped himself into the Shadow Chaser’s pilot seat. Lowie slid into the seat behind his uncle, flipping on the controls and powering up the various subsystems. The two Wookiees barked a preflight checklist back and forth.

Sirrakuk slipped back out of the sleek ship and stood watching as the craft prepared to depart. Within moments the Shadow Chaser rose up on its repulsorlifts, bearing its message of warning to Luke Skywalker and his Jedi academy.

“We’ve just sent the alert to Yavin 4, but now we have to go,” Jaina told her brother. “Uncle Luke is back from his scouting mission with Dad—but the Jedi academy is still in danger.”

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Jacen agreed.

He held the small cage in his lap, still whispering soothing words. Tenel Ka sat beside Jacen, eager to go. She brushed her fingers over the weapons at her belt, anticipating the fight to come.