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Thank you, Athios. What do you know? My own guardian angel.

My eyes drift to the other side of the guests.

The side that is nearly taken up by the absolute largest men I’ve ever seen in my life. Tristan de Barre of Dreadmoor Keep, his wife and brood, along with Jason, Gawan, and Ellie, and all of their children, have crossed the Pond to attend the nups. Tristan’s men have come as well, and let me tell you, it’s an impressive bunch of once-medieval fellas.

To think of all the lives that have been lived. Lost. Relived.

Shocks me to the core.

“Time to go, baby girl,” Preacher whispers to me.

Rhine starts a new tune—another he’s written—and Preacher and I start up the dogwood-petal-strewn aisle.

My eyes are fixed now on only one soul. My breath leaves me.

His eyes are mostly back to that beautiful cerulean color I love. But there are still flecks of red embedded in them that may never go away. I’d decided that it’s him, and I wanted all of him. No contacts needed. Our gazes are locked as I make my way toward him. The look on his face reveals much. Jaw muscle flexing, and he’s fighting a smile, but soon loses that fight as his beautiful lips stretch into a wide grin.

I think he’s freaked.

He meets me and Preacher in the front of the fountain. Preacher kisses me and places my hand in Eli’s. Then he joins them together and sits beside his wife.

“I can’t stop shaking,” Eli whispers in my ear as we face Garr.

My heart leaps.

Garr goes through the typical ceremony, and I hear every single word he says. Through sickness and in health. Yes, yes, of course. For as long as you both shall live? Is there any other choice? Longer than that, maybe? His words register, and Eli and I both answer. Inside, though, I’m a quiver of nerves. My wedding day. To Eligius Dupré.

How did I get so lucky?

“You wish to say your own vows, dat’s right?” Garr asks.

Eli nods and turns me to face him. He holds my hands and slips a platinum band over my ring finger. It nestles next to the engagement ring he’d given me, before Edinburgh. It feels right, like it’s belonged there all along, and my breath hitches. “All my life, I’ve waited for you, Riley Poe. You’re everything I could ever want, no matter how many lifetimes we live. You make me full, complete, and I’ll spend every single day making sure you never regret marrying me.”

My heart is in my throat, and I swallow past it. Eli’s words sink to my core. Love makes my nerves tingle. My eyes meet his, and I hold his gaze. My heart flutters. “I worked hard to pull out of the dregs that were once my life,” I say, and I ease the wide platinum matching band over Eli’s ring finger. My hands are shaking. The sun beams overhead but is filtered through the canopy of live oaks. Dapples of sun light on Eli’s face, and just looking at him I feel my heart melting. His mouth lifts on one side, fighting a grin. “But to love you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I’ll love you till the day I die, Eligius Dupré. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You’re my life.”

I hear Nyx sniffling behind me, and I fight my own tears.

“Well, den,” Garr says. He’s dressed in a dark gray tux and a slick hat to match. “I think you two belong togedder, forever. In the eyes of God, and all dese folk, I pronounce you wife and husband, for as long as you both exist.” Garr grins at Eli. “Well, den, kiss her, boy!”

My whole body is humming with love and excitement as Eli grasps my face with both of his hands and presses his mouth to mine. It’s a sweet, long, sleight-of-tongue kiss, and I melt into him. He pulls back and looks down at me, and the love in his mostly blue eyes takes my breath away. He smiles. I smile back.

You’re mine, he says.

Nuh-uh, you’re mine, I correct.

“Mr. and Mrs. Eligius Dupré, all hitched and legal!” Garr hollers.

Someone in the crowd whistles, and I know without looking it’s Tristan. The sound pierces the air and rivals that of a screeching falcon. The crowd roars then, clapping and rising to their feet. Eli takes my hand and we make our way right into the center of them all, and we stand there forever greeting, hugging, and rejoicing.

“My God, woman,” a deep voice rumbles at my ear. “I thought you were a vision wearing a battle helm and yielding a broadsword.” I turn and look up—way up—into the strange blue eyes of Tristan de Barre. “But I fancy this dress, for sure!”

I throw my arms around Tristan, and for the first time, meet his lovely wife, Andi. In turn, I hug all of the Dragonhawk knights, Gawan of Conwyk and his wife, Ellie, and all of their children combined. It’s like a small army. Eli shakes their hands, and they’re none satisfied with that. They pull him, too, into a tight bear hug.

It’s a day of hugging I’ll not soon forget.

“You did well, gel,” Gawan’s strangely accented voice says in my ear. “You’re a strong-willed lass—that’s for sure. No one else woulda survived that realm, save you.”

I grasp his large hands in mine. “We wouldn’t be here if it not for you, Gawan. Thank you.”

Gawan holds my gaze for a moment, and together we share a silent understanding. He nods, then joins his family.

“Well,” a familiar voice sounds off to my left. “I guess this means you two need paid vacay.”

I turn and throw my arms around Jake Andorra’s neck, and he hugs me tightly. Then he slaps Eli on the back. “Good to see you, Dupré. You both look fitter than ever. Can you two wrap up your honeymoon so we can get back to work? I hear there’re unexplained ghostly slayings in an Irish asylum. Could use your help.”

Eli and I pass a look.

And grin.

Jake walks off, shaking his head.

We greet the WUP team, Ginger and Lucian, as well as Gabriel and Sydney, and I’m thankful for all of the eclectic souls in my life.

Including the one I’m now married to.

My brother hugs me close and kisses my cheek. “You’re the prettiest bride I’ve ever seen, Ri,” he says. Still the sweetest kid ever. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, bro,” I tell him. I’ll later let him know what Athios told me about our mother.

“How about me?”

I turn and, without hesitation, throw my arms around Victorian Arcos. He’s handsome, velvety black hair still pulled into a queue, and looking positively polished in an Armani tux. “Slick threads,” I say. “I’m glad to see you.”

“And I, you,” he answers. Then sighs. “I suppose this is the end?”

I lift an eyebrow. Vic and I had spoken on the phone after he’d settled things with his family. I owe him my life. He’d sacrificed so much. I couldn’t imagine, well, life without him. I smile. “Never the end, my friend. But yes. I’m married now. Your chances with me are officially over.”

“I suspected as much.”

Eli laughs and claps Vic on the shoulder. “Don’t sweat it, old boy. You’ll find someone. I’ve no doubt.”

No one like her.

I smile at Victorian for slipping that one past Eli, and kiss him on the cheek.

“So this is the lucky one,” an accented voice says at my side. I turn and find Rhine grinning. He sticks his hand out to shake Eli’s. “I almost stole her from you, ya know.”

Eli’s grin is genuine. “Almost,” he says. “Thank you for watching after her. She’s not stopped talking about you. Quite impressive.”

Rhine leans over and brushes a kiss across my lips. “Anytime,” he says. His green eyes flash with mischief. He shakes his head and walks over to talk to his band.

“So, here we all are, full circle,” Noah says. He drapes an arm over my shoulder. “Now what?”