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"Well, that's all I'm answering because it's none of your business what I say to him."

Aiden smiles. The four-ton radioactive smile.

"Stop grinning," I say and swivel back around in my seat. "It's annoying."

I’m lashing out.


"Okay, ladies," Peyton says. "That’s enough for today. Have a seat. We need to go over what's expected of you for Homecoming week. For those of you who are new this year, Homecoming at Eastbrooke is a time-honored tradition. Alumni will be on campus all week and you are expected to be on your best behavior. We’ll be working on our parade float with the alumni dancers this Sunday afternoon. After that, we’ll be teaming up with the cheerleaders and spirit club to make all the signs and banners that will decorate the halls this week. These are required activities.”

She looks down at her notebook and continues. “You're expected to go all out on dress-up days. Monday is Groovy 70’s. Peace. Love. Cougars. Think tie-dye and bell-bottoms. Tuesday is Pajama Day. A lot of girls will wear those zip-up onesies. They make your ass look horrible. Like you’re wearing a diaper with a load in it. I don't want to see any dancers in one of those ugly things. Wednesday is Western Day. Think cowboy boots, bandanas, and hats. Thursday is Sports Day. You'll need to borrow a Varsity player's football jersey for that day and pair it with your red sequined skirt. We'll perform at the pep rally, bonfire, and for the JV game. Friday is School Spirit Day. Normally, that's the day we would wear the football jerseys but I'd like to do something different this year. Shake some things up. Anyone have any ideas?”

Katie whispers to me, “How cute would it be to dress as little cougar kitties? Like all in leopard or something?”

I whisper back, “Tell her. That’s an awesome idea! Although I’ve never understood why they have leopard print mixed with their school colors when a cougar is different than a leopard.”

“Probably because leopard print is easier to find?”

“Oh, yeah, that’s true. So tell her.”

“No, it’s a stupid.”

I raise my hand.

“Yeah, Keatyn?” Peyton says.

“Katie and I think it would be cute if instead of wearing school colors, we dress as cougar kitties.”

Peyton’s eyes light up. “That would be cute. We could wear leopard ears and tails. Those would be easy to buy. What about the outfit?”

“We have those black tanks and flutter skirts that are required for our dance competition. We could wear those.”

“That’s perfect. Good job, girls. On Saturday, we’ll all be attending the Ladies’ Luncheon. Please dress appropriately. Nothing low cut or too short.” She glances down again. “All right. I think that covers it all. I’m looking forward to a fun week.”

After practice, Peyton pulls me aside. “Jake really pissed Whitney off at lunch today. It was awesome.”

“What’s gotten into you lately? Are you mad at her?”

She shrugs. “I hate how she just assumes that she’ll win Homecoming Queen. Like I don’t even have a chance. It pisses me off. I guess I’m lashing out.”

“I thought you were best friends.”

Peyton rolls her eyes. “We have a weird friendship, I guess. Maybe I’m just getting sick of feeling like I’m always supposed to come in second. I’m probably too competitive.” She turns to Katie. “Great idea on the little cougars. We’re going to look hot.”

My supposed rebound.


Dawson takes me to the cute little Italian restaurant he brought me to on the day we bought my car. I know he's going to ask me out tonight, so I wanted to look extra cute. I straightened my hair but then teased it to look a little messy and sexy. The dress I'm wearing is a multicolored, crocheted Free People dress with a fringy hem. I couldn't decide if I wanted to wear the tall teal suede boots I got to go with it or the strappy purple suede heels. I went with the heels.

We have a nice dinner, chat pleasantly about Homecoming, about his family coming, but not once about our relationship.

I hope I didn't waste this adorable outfit on nothing.

After dinner, he parks his car down by the field house and leads me out onto the big green commons ground, where we played football and he kissed me in the grass.

My heels are sinking into the damp grass and I'm worrying about ruining the suede when he says, “This is where I first laid eyes on you."

“No, it’s not. We met at dinner, when you said Riley was a cheap imitation of the real thing.”

He scrunches up his nose. Kisses me. "You tease me about the worse kiss ever, but you're lucky I even talked to you. You were so mean.”

I laugh. “You were a jerk, and, besides, I apologized.”

“Still, this is where I first saw you. When you stole the soccer ball from me.”

I remember that day so vividly. Like it was a scene out of a movie. I felt free and fearless. I could never have done something like that at my old school.

I glance over at the goal. The spot where I first saw Aiden.

I can still feel that instant connection.

But I’ve learned that instant connections aren’t enough. Sparks aren’t enough.

My mom always says that life is about the choices you make. And I know that I’ve made the right choice. The smart decision.

Because I’m here with Dawson.

“You didn’t have a shirt on that day. I thought you were gorgeous."

"I thought you were crazy." He laughs and grabs a piece of my hair, twirling it lightly on his finger. "Crazy, but hot. So, Keatie, will you be my girlfriend?" His big brown eyes glitter in the moonlight.

Our relationship has been all backwards. Bad first impressions. Bad manners. Bad kisses. Sex way too soon. My supposed rebound could have gone horribly wrong in so many ways.

But it hasn't. It's been better than I could have scripted.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend, Dawson."

He undoes the necklace. I turn around and lift my hair up, while he clasps the key to his heart around my neck.

Of course, once he has it clasped he attacks my neck with his mouth.

Cool your orange panties.


I'm lying in bed lazily sliding the key back and forth on the chain and thinking about tonight. How Dawson attacked my neck. How he stopped hugging me and started rubbing his hands up and down my sides. How he slid his hand up under my dress and inside my panties. How I stood there in the dark thinking, What if someone can tell what he's doing to me, but not caring enough to stop him. How by the time he was done all I could think about was having him come to my house for a wild playdate. The kind of playdate where the parents aren't home so the kids eat sugar, jump on the beds, and color all over the walls. How I dragged him to the lacrosse field. How the bleachers felt cold on my naked ass and how it contrasted so perfectly with the hotness of him on top of me.

He texts me at the same time a Facebook notification pops up.

Dawson Johnson and Kiki Kiki are in a relationship.

It shows a photo timeline of us together. Kissing on the bench. At the Hamptons partying. Holding my hand at lunch. Kissing after he asked me to Homecoming. I accept our relationship and change my profile picture to the one of us kissing. You can't really see my face, just how I leapt up into his arms and gave him a kiss worthy of the sexy way he asked me.

Katie pops up out of her bed. "Keatyn! Dawson asked you out? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Everyone already thinks we're going out. We just made it official tonight."

"How did he ask? Was is dreamy?"

"I'm not sure about dreamy. He was just sweet. We went to dinner, and then he took me down on the soccer field where he first saw me. Asked me there.”

"Then what?"

"Then he was being naughty, so I dragged him to the lacrosse field."

"I want to go to the lacrosse field. I’ve heard it's a nice, private place."

"I little cold but, yeah, it was."

"So are you finally going to admit that you and Dawson are having sex?"

I laugh. "Probably not."

"But you are, right?"

I nod my head and laugh. “Probably.”

She leaps across the room and onto my bed. "Tell me about it, please. Let me live vicariously through you. I don't even have a date for Homecoming and it's only a week away!"