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Paul picked up the phone and made an offer that night: ten percent under the asking price. Caitlyn responded by showing up on our Annapolis doorstep the following morning, her abundant red hair tied up in a low ponytail, documents in hand. ‘Good news,’ she said as I invited her inside. ‘They’ve accepted your offer.’

‘I can’t believe we’re doing this,’ I said ten minutes later as we sat down with the agent at our kitchen table. I signed my name at the bottom of the contract and added the date, then slid the document over to Paul.

‘What’s next?’ Paul asked after he’d signed the contract himself and reached for his checkbook.

Caitlyn smiled. ‘We wait for the check to clear, then set a closing date.’

Which explains why, a week later, I was sitting in our basement office, prowling the Internet, searching for curtains at bedbathandbeyond.com when the phone rang. I was busy comparing tabs to grommets so I cursed the interruption, but the phone cut off in mid-ring so I figured Paul had picked it up. ‘If it’s Ruth,’ I yelled, ‘tell her I’ve already got all the feng shui remedies I need.’

My sister, Ruth Gannon, owns Mother Earth, a New Age shop on Main Street in Annapolis. Our Prince George Street home already looked like an auxiliary showroom for Mother Earth with all the wind chimes, water features, mirrors and candles she’d brought over.

‘Three baguas are two too many, if you know what I mean.’

I had selected a bright island floral for the guest bedroom windows when I felt Paul standing behind me. ‘It wasn’t Ruth,’ he said quietly.

‘Who, then?’ I asked, clicking the mouse to select eighty-four inches.

‘It was Caitlyn Dymond. The deal fell through.’

‘What?’ I swiveled in the chair to face him, looked up into his troubled eyes. ‘How can that be?’ I sputtered. ‘They accepted our offer! We signed a contract! Paid the deposit!’ I waved a hand at the computer screen. ‘I’m even ordering curtains!’ An awful thought occurred to me. ‘Don’t tell me the check bounced.’

‘No, the money is all there. Apparently there was another, earlier contract, one that Caitlyn knew nothing about.’

‘Offer them more money!’ I said.

Paul shook his head. ‘It won’t work. Already tried. Apparently the other contract pre-dates ours.’

I glared at my husband, silently seething. ‘I don’t understand. Why didn’t Caitlyn know about the prior contract? Isn’t that what multiple listing databases are for?’

‘Well, we’ll find out in a few minutes. Caitlyn’s on her way over to explain.’

‘It had better be good,’ I grumped, as I consigned the curtains sitting in my virtual shopping cart to oblivion and stomped up the stairs after my husband.

Fifteen minutes after her phone call, Caitlyn arrived, ashen-faced. We showed her into the living room. I was so pissed off I didn’t offer her anything to drink.

‘I’m so sorry,’ she began as she settled into an armchair, dropping her oversized handbag on the carpet next to her feet. ‘I’m as unhappy about this as you are.’

‘Were we gazumped?’ I asked, referring to a practice I’d learned about in England where buyers could be outbid, even after an offer has been accepted.

She shook her head. ‘No.’

From his spot on the sofa, Paul leaned forward, forearms resting on his knees. ‘Well, what, then?’

‘As I explained to Paul on the phone, there was an earlier contract that I knew nothing about. The sellers decided to go with the earlier offer.’

‘But, but…’ I stuttered, trying to collect my thoughts. ‘Was that offer higher than ours?’

Caitlyn shook her head. ‘No, the same amount.’

‘Two contracts on the same property,’ I mused. ‘Is that legal?’

‘It’s not illegal.’

Paul made a time-out with his hands. ‘Wait a minute. Wasn’t the Wicomico house a Barfield and Williams listing?’

‘It was,’ Caitlyn said.

‘The company you work for.’ It was a statement, not a question.

She nodded miserably.

Paul pointed an accusatory finger. ‘Then how come you didn’t know about the earlier offer?’

‘Kendall Barfield was the listing agent, not me,’ Caitlyn said obliquely.

Paul flopped back in his chair. ‘Ah, I see.’

‘See what?’ I asked.

‘So, if we got the house rather than these other folks, whoever they are, Kendall would have to split the commission with you. Am I right?’


‘But if she sells the house…’

Light dawned and I finished the sentence for him. ‘Kendall gets to bank the full six percent.’

‘Right,’ Caitlyn said.

Angry tears pricked my eyes. I’d never met Kendall Barfield, only seen her photograph – all fluffy white-blonde hair and toothy, demonic grin – staring out at me from an advertising placard attached to the shopping cart I was pushing through the Acme Supermarket. ‘How bitchy.’

‘I’m furious, too, Hannah,’ Caitlyn confided. ‘This is the third time Kendall’s pulled a stunt like this. If she weren’t the biggest realtor on the Eastern Shore, swear to God, I’d quit.’ She bent over, picked up her handbag and set it in her lap. ‘But, I have another listing here that I think will appeal to you and Paul. A waterfront home on Chiconnesick Creek, just outside of Elizabethtown.’

‘I doubt it,’ I said, swiping at my nose with the back of my hand. I’d never heard of Elizabethtown, so how good could it be?

Paul snatched a tissue out of the box on the end table and handed it to me. ‘Give Caitlyn a chance, Hannah.’

I dabbed at my nose, thinking murderous thoughts as I watched Caitlyn rummage through her bag.

‘This listing just came on the market, and it’s my exclusive.’ Caitlyn grinned. ‘The owner’s a friend of mine. No way Kendall can screw up this sale.’ She handed me a printout.

As I studied the photographs on the listing, my spirits gradually lifted. ‘I feel like I’m back in Dartmouth, Paul. The house looks like an English cottage, rose arbor and all. And the price is certainly right.’

‘It’s an estate sale,’ Caitlyn explained. ‘The widow is hoping the house will move quickly.’

I handed the printout to Paul who flipped through it, his eyes scanning it carefully. When he reached the bottom line, he glanced up at Caitlyn, his brow furrowed. ‘Looks charming, but it’s one hundred thousand less than the place on the Wicomico.’

‘Well,’ Caitlyn confided. ‘It needs a bit of work.’

‘How much work?’ I wanted to know.

‘You said it looked like an English cottage, Hannah. That’s because it is an English cottage. The main part of the house was built in 1765. Maryland was still a British colony then. It’s been added to over the years, of course, but with some sense of style and respect for the home’s historic origins.’

‘Sounds intriguing. When can we see it?’ Paul asked.

Caitlyn pulled an iPhone out of a side pocket of her handbag and tapped a few keys. ‘How about tomorrow after lunch?’

After we’d agreed, figured out where Chiconnesick Creek was – Tilghman County, just north of the border Maryland shares with Virginia – and Caitlyn had left, I fixed two glasses of iced tea and joined Paul on the back patio. I settled into a lounger, took a long sip of tea and said, ‘I wish Naddie were still writing murder mysteries instead of dabbling in watercolors.’

Paul turned his head and studied me over the top of his sunglasses. ‘Why?’

‘Because I have a victim for her.’

Paul laughed, then closed his eyes as if deep in thought. ‘Let me guess. For a novel called Final Closing?’

‘I’m sure that title’s already taken, but yes.’ I stirred my tea with an index finger, then dried it on my shorts. ‘Kendall Barfield slumped over her desk with a knife sticking out of her back. I would pay extra for that. It would totally ruin the cut of her Ralph Lauren blazer, of course.’