Death By Drowning

Death By Drowning
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Год: 2011
Добавил: Admin 31 Май 18
Проверил: Admin 31 Май 18
Формат:  EPUB (2122 Kb)
  • Currently 0/5

Рейтинг: 0/5 (Всего голосов: 0)


Josiah survives a forty-foot fall off a cliff only to discover that her nightmare is not over. O'nan's body is never found and he may be alive. Josiah puts the past behind her but it reaches out, threatening to pull her off the cliff again. Matt, her best friend, and a physical therapist named Jake stand between Josiah and harm. Even they can't keep danger at bay. Once again, Josiah makes the rounds of quirky characters found in the lush Bluegrass horse country, a world of thoroughbreds, oak-cured bourbon and ante-bellum mansions.

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