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He knitted his brow. “And that is?”

She scooped up the tiniest of the smoky-gray kittens and held it in her hands. “Life.”


Readers interested in learning more about the various food and restaurant topics discussed in this book are directed to Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser and Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain. Both were invaluable to me in researching this book. Similarly, readers wanting to know more about the world of tournament Scrabble (and who doesn’t?) should check out Word Freak by Stefan Fatsis. Just for the record, my current Scrabble rating is 1353. My wife usually thrashes me, so some nights after the kids are in bed I’ve been known to play at play.games.com. Care to guess my login name?

Special thanks must go to my federal law expert, Arlene Joplin, and my criminal appeals and death row expert, Vicky Hildebrand, for reviewing the manuscript and advising me on many issues. Thanks to Dave Johnson for being my sure source of information on police procedure. I don’t always listen to advice, though, so if you spot anything that looks like a mistake, blame me. Or better yet, assume that like all great artistes, I took dramatic license. Thanks also to Harry for occasionally letting me use my own computer and to Alice for volunteering to help me revise the opening chapters (Maybe when you’re older, Princess). And I must thank my wife, Kirsten, editor in chief of Hawk Publishing, always my first reader and an invaluable partner.

By the way, thanks to Christina, Ben really does have a plaque with his name on it at the Polo Grill. Check it out.

Readers can E-mail me at: wb@williambernhardt.com. My official Web site address is www.williambernhardt.com.

William Bernhardt

About William Bernhardt

William Bernhardt is the author of many books, including Primary Justice, Double Jeopardy, Silent Justice, Murder One, Criminal Intent, and Death Row. He has twice won the Oklahoma Book Award for Best Fiction, and in 2000 he was presented the H. Louise Cobb Distinguished Author Award "in recognition of an outstanding body of work in which we understand ourselves and American society at large." A former trial attorney, Bernhardt has received several awards for his public service. He lives in Tulsa with his children, Harry, Alice, and Ralph.
