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"Suck my fingers, Slut!" Deb ordered. Annette opened her eyes and looked down at the messy fingers and hesitated before opening her mouth slightly and touching the tip of her tongue onto the end of Deb's ass juice coated fingers.

Angry with Annette's delay of obedience, Deb reached with her left hand, around the back of Annette's head. Grabbing the slut's hair in her fist, Deb pushed Annette's head forward onto the slick coated fingers of her right hand. Deb rubbed her fingers around inside Annette's mouth, moving them in and out slightly, pressing them against the retreating tongue.

Deb jerked her fingers from Annette's open lips and wiped them on the woman's quaking breasts. She stepped back and turned toward the shaking Annette to speak.

"You ungrateful slut!" Deb screamed. "I give you the honor of receiving pleasure from the hand of your mistress and you hesitate to obey me?"

"Please, Mistress, I'm… I'm so sorry!" Annette almost sobbed out her apologize. "It, it won't happen again, I promise!" Annette's body was trembling. Her crotch screamed to be caressed and fondled again. Her own hands, helplessly bound to her neck collar strained at their bindings in an effort to attend her cunt's consuming sexual hunger. She stared at Deb's hand as her whole body shook from neglect. "Please, another chance. I'll do whatever you want, Mistress."

"How dare, a low life slut like you, even dreams of speaking directly to her mistress without permission!" Deb screamed as she walked back and stood in front of Slut Annette, their noses almost touching. "I want this slut gagged!" Deb ordered as she looked over at her oldest daughter Cathy.

Turning back to face the horrified Annette, Deb reached up with both hands, grabbed Annette's nipples and applied a small amount of pressure to each.

"From now on you will answer me with only the nod of your head," Deb instructed Annette in a low demanding voice. Cathy returned with the large ball gag and stood behind the shaking body of Annette. Deb nodded to her daughter to install the gag and returned her gaze to stare into Annette's watery eyes.

Cathy brought the ball gag over Annette's head and placed the large ball against Annette's partially open mouth. Deb watched as her oldest daughter slid her hands along the leather straps at each side of Annette's face and fed one end of the strap at the back of Annette's head, into the buckle. As she pulled the strap tighter, the large ball was pulled inward, forcing open Annette's jaw to its limit. The ball was too large to fit into a human mouth and 3/4 of it still protruded from Annette's face.

As Cathy was tugging on the strap at the back of Annette's head, Deb was slowly increasing the pressure on Annette's nipples. Annette's body was starting to jump and jerk from the increasing pain inflicted on her nipples. Her eyes squeezed shut trying to hold back her tears. She shuffled her body weight back and forth from her left foot to her right trying to contain her scream.

"You know your problem Slut Annette?" Deb spoke softly inches from Annette's face, "You don't believe you're a Farm Slut, do you?" Deb asked. "Answer me slut!" Deb screamed.

Annette opened her watery eyes and stared back into her mistress'. Slowly with all the strength she could summon she shook her head "NO!"

Deb pinched Annette's nipples as hard as she could and watched the contortions of pain cycle on Annette's face. Finally Annette nipples could take no more, and a rolling guttural moan of pain rolled from deep within her chest and issued out around the ball gag in one loud high-pitched howl.

Deb released her hold on Annette's nipples but stood nose to nose with the still shaking, sobbing woman.

Annette couldn't understand why her nipples still burned now that they had been released. As first the pain in both nipples had stopped instantly when her mistress had released them. Then as the blood started to flow back through them, it was as if the pinching had started all over again.

"Well, Farm Slut," Deb began as she turned, walked a few feet, then turned back to face Annette, "I'll give you taste of what a Farm Slut's life is like. Who knows, you may find you like it!"

Deb turned her head toward the large black slave and said, "Leon, tie the slave with her back to the middle post," Deb instructed.

The black slave stepped over to the nearest stall and grabbed a coil of rope from the top rail. Slipping his right arm through the center of the coiled rope, he pushed it up onto his right shoulder and walked toward Annette. His cock stuck straight out from his groin and bounced as he walked with the rope until he stood in front of Farm Slut, Annette.

As Leon took a step forward, his stiff cock pushed easily between the juicy, wet thighs of his former master. With the rope on his shoulder he grabbed Annette's upper arms and walked her backward toward the post.

Annette inhaled sharply as she felt the slave's massive cock sliding between her legs. Her hips involuntarily moved forward and back, eager to slide along its 10-inch length. She pushed her breasts against the black slave's massive chest and moved her upper body left and right, rubbing her breasts and nipples against his skin. She resisted slightly, the slave's insistent backward pressure, until her first step moved the clit ball across her pulsing button.

The probing of the warm cock between her spread cunt lips and the ball rubbing against her tender clit, exhausted any resistance Annette had tried to summon. She never felt her back, knock against the wooden post, nor did she remember the slave wrapping the rope around her waist several times. She might as well have been in another barn in another state.

For when the slave finally stepped back pulling his stiff cock out from between her drooling legs, she tried to take a step forward to go with him. Shocked, she stood as the slave continued to wrap the rope around her chest, making sure to squeeze her breasts between several wrappings before he tied the loose ends at her side.

Deb walked forward and examined the ropes running above and below Annette's slightly squeezed breasts. She grabbed the nipples and pulled the outward, elongating the squeezed breasts of the bound Annette.

Leon returned with the spreader bar and squatting down, he strapped one end to Annette's left ankle. Lifting the leg he had attached to the end of the spreader bar, Leon moved it 18-inches outward. Turning to the right ankle Leon lifted it and moved it to the outside and attached the other end of the bar to Annette's left ankle.

Releasing the coupling in the middle of the spreader bar, Leon pushed both halves further apart. Annette shuffled to maintain her balance as her feet were spread apart below her. While her ankles moved farther apart, her body slid downward, her back rubbing against the smooth pole while the ropes around her breasts pulled and squeezed her breasts hard. Leon tightened the coupling, locking the spreader bar at its full 4 foot extension.

Annette half hung, half stood, bound to the pole at her back. With her feet held wide apart, she watched the slave kneeling below her, as he locked the steel spreader bar, forcing her feet to remain spread. As she looked down on the top of his head, all she could think about, was moving her crotch onto bald black head and rubbing her cunt around in circles. The ropes tightening around her breasts only served to heighten her cravings for sex.

She could feel and hear her body and mind demanding fulfillment. She couldn't believe how horny she had become. She felt as though her dripping wet crotch would explode it she didn't get sex right away. Somehow, she knew she had to fight these cravings. She was not a Farm Slut and she would prove that she wasn't. She would control the irritable hunger coursing through her body and show all of them. She closed her eyes and shook her head trying to clear her thoughts. When she opened her eyes again, Leon was gone. There was nothing close to her body, nothing between her greedy legs and the frustrating awareness hit her, that she had missed an incredible opportunity for pleasure.

Annette closed her eyes, enraged with herself for not acting when she had the chance. In her mind she rationalized that her sexual desires had no bearing on whether she was a slut or not. After all, what could be slutty about having, or wanting sex? Sex was natural! In her mind she saw the top of Leon's head between her legs. She saw herself spreading her legs and lowering her cunt onto it.