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"Oh yes! That feels so good!" Annette thought to herself as a flash of electric pleasure shot through the outstretched lips of her pussy. She saw the top of the head in her crotch, push itself further between her legs. "Oh yes! Yes!" she thought as a second wave of extreme pleasure filled her cunt. In and out the head moved between her spread legs and cunt lips, and the pleasure with each movement seemed so real to her tortured sanity.

Annette started moaning as her mind swam, with the image of her crotch humping the smooth, slick, wet head she pictured between her legs. With each dream filled delirium, the head pressed harder up, into her crotch, while her body tingled with bizarre self excitement. The feelings continued to grow stronger and stronger. She felt her crotch and thighs splash with the dripping wet juices from her cunt. She heard the slurp of her drenched cunt against the smooth skin of the head. The feeling seem to grow, never stopping, never letting up.

"Oh, yes!" she thought, "Please don't stop! Don't move!" Her mind swirled with the fantasy as her head rolled in a circle from the unrelenting pleasure. Then, without warning, the pleasure stopped. The image in her mind continued for a few moments, as her body searched for the missing sensations, until they too died away.


Annette opened her eyes and looked down the length of her naked form and screamed into the ball gag at what she saw. "NO! PLEASE, NO!" her mind cried over and over as stared down into the dark brown eyes of Jeff's dog Rex. Rex sat below her between her outstretched legs, licking his chops, and looking back up into Annette's horrified eyes. It's hot, panting breaths bathed her unprotected cunt in a satanic warmth that pulled at her crotch, beckoning it to move closer and closer.

Annette watched in revulsion as her crotch pushed, quiveringly toward the dog's snout. She fought to control her hips. She managed with all her strength to move herself back against the pole. She closed her eyes hoping when she opened them up again the beast would be gone.

With her eyes closed tight, Annette could feel the panting hot breath against her cunt lips, as though her body was magnifying the sensation somehow. "Oh God. Don't let this disgusting animal touch me again! Why won't he just go away!" But deep inside she knew she hungered for the touch of his long wet tongue on her quivering cunt.

Deb had made a wide circle around Annette. When she was directly behind the Farm Slut, she walked forward and placed her hands against the back side of the pole. She leaned her head forward until her face was just behind Annette's left ear.

Suddenly there was a whisper, echoing in Annette's head. Her eyes shot open. She tried to turn away, but the hypnotic eyes of the dog, held her, shaking, in a trance like state.

"As a Farm Slut, your status will be one notch below the Farm Animals," Deb spoke as Annette felt tears starting to form at the corners of her eyes. "Verbal communication from a slut to a human is forbidden, unless questioned. Direct eye contact with any human, is forbidden," Deb continued as she reached down and placed her hands on Annette's ass cheeks and pushed them forward slightly.

"When a slut is required to service a farm animal," Deb continued to speak as Annette allowed her crotch to move slightly forward, "It does so immediately, with total indifference to its own pleasure or pain."

Annette could hardly contain her revulsion, as she watched and felt her cunt move again ever so slowly toward the dog's wicked tongue. She moaned in agony, as she saw her cunt stop short and felt the removal of Deb's insisting hands from her ass.

Deb had halted her gentle pushing, and had called one of the slave to her side. She whispered something to the slave, turned back and placed her hands once more on Annette's ass cheeks. With both hands, Deb started kneading Annette's cheeks, as her fingers probed between them and poked deliciously at Annette's ass ring. Occasionally one of Deb's fingers slipped slightly into Annette's ass, and Annette moaned with delight and push back onto the intruder.

"You want the dog, don't you, Slut?" Deb asked Annette. "Think of how pleasurable his tongue felt a while ago, as it slid along your slut cunt lips." Deb poked teasingly in and out of Annette's ass with her fingers, occasionally pushing one of her fingers forward and circling her dripping cunt's entrance.

"After today, no slave will ever lower himself to touch a Farm Slut like you," Deb spoke into Annette's ear. "Only your mistress, and the Farm Animals will have anything to do with you at all." Deb paused as she slid a finger up into Annette's ass and then slowly withdrew it.

Deb grabbed both of Annette's ass cheeks and squeezed them in each of her hands as she pulled them apart, painfully stretching the skin around her ass hole open. Annette felt something cold press against the entrance to her ass. Annette quickly glanced over her shoulder, and trembled with shock as she saw the woman kneeling slightly behind her.

Deb had ordered Martha to go and return with a dildo for Annette's ass. Martha had returned with one of the training dildos, the one Annette had used on her, not two weeks ago.

Annette felt the tip of the dildo slowly entering her ass. She stood on her toes as the pressure increased, instinctively trying to get away from the unrelenting object, demanding entrance into her dry tight chamber. She tried to relax the muscles in her ass, but the pain caused her to cramp and bear down on the intruder with all her might. Then, as Annette screamed, the dildo slipped quickly past her tight ass ring, and buried its length fully into her rectum.

Annette heard the click of the switch, turning on the pressure sensitive shocking sensors. She waited, afraid to move, for the vibrator to start. The pain in her ass burned as she tried to keep her ass muscles relaxed. "Where's the vibration?" her mind asked? "No, please. No! Don't do this to me!"

Deb let go of Annette's ass cheeks and walked away. Within moments she returned with two large nipple clamps. Reaching around from behind Annette's back, Deb squeezed the clamps in her fingers, positioned them over Annette's nipples and released them at the same time.

Annette's body jerked in the bindings holding her upright to the post. The pain was unendurable. Her body muscles tightened, causing her ass to contract around the dildo. The dildo responded with its shocking spike delivered to her defenseless bowels. The shock cause her to lift onto her toes as her leg muscles cramped in their extreme upright position.

Annette knew another shock would follow in two minutes if she didn't force herself to relax. She tried to ignore the pain ripping through her breasts and bowels. Concentrating hard, she fought to relax her leg muscles and lower herself to her heels. "There," she thought, "I'm down. I can control it. Concentrate, must concentrate," she told herself repeating the words over and over again like a mantra.

The painful torment to her body was continued unabated. The throbbing in her ass was nothing compared to the painfully sharp stinging in her nipples. Just then she felt the ropes around her loosen and slip down past her hips. They stopped halfway down her spread legs and hung lopsided and loose. Her wrists were still attached to her neck collar but she moved her elbows in to massage her stinging nipples.

With a shock, the dildo in her ass started to vibrate, sending shivers of delight through her defenseless body. Her hips started to move in slow circles in time with the undulating waves of the vibrator.

The ropes were removed from her legs, and Annette stood with her back to the post and the spreader bar holding her legs wide apart. From around her back came two hands, one from each side. Annette screamed from behind the gag as she saw the hooked weights in each hand being attached to the large nipple clamps. By the time she thought of leaning forward, to try and avoid the attachment of the weights, it was too late.