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"Well, anyway, what I said was, you don't sound very enthusiastic about taking the girl to court. Or am I mistaken?"

"Yes… yes, you're mistaken. I want to take her to the court and I want to see her found guilty and given a stiff punishment, as stiff as they come. I don't think any penalty is too harsh, do you hear me, girl?"

"Yes," Wendy said sullenly.

She knew what a rat he was, even if Penny didn't. But for some reason, she began to suspect that Penny knew he was not telling the truth – she simply found it better or more satisfying to believe his far-fetched story.

At her expense.

What was she going to do? What were these awful people going to do to her? Send her to jail? For how long? The rest of her life?

Oh God! Why did this have to happen? The sex was good, she thought, but it wasn't worth all this! No, never!

She began to fantasize about her future – a wretched future full of rape attempts by insane guards, drug addiction, homosexual affairs with her other prisoners, and all the other horrible aspects of jail she had seen in countless movies and television shows.

Jail would be horrible! Yes, and she felt she couldn't possibly survive such an ordeal. After all, she was just a kid and a kid with a very delicate disposition, not used to living behind bars and eating only bread and water. It was no use. She wouldn't be able to survive.

How could this happen to me? she wondered. I'm a fairly good American. I never do anything to upset anyone, never steal, never incite riots! Why is this my fate?

That awful Lew? she cried to herself. He's doing this to me, yes! Just because he doesn't want to tell his wife the truth – that he seduced me, that he's the one who whipped out his cock and stuck it in me. He raped me, more or less, he can't deny it! So why am I the guilty one here?

She continued to rant about her fate while Lew and Penny privately discussed what they were going to do about her.

Finally, she noticed them and moved closer, carefully, very worried now.

"What… what are you talking about?" she asked them. "She wants to know what we're talking about," Lew said. "Can you imagine that?"

"I can imagine it. I can imagine anything from this idiot cunt! She would do anything, say anything, if it gave her some perverse thrill. That's what's wrong with you, girl, you don't know how to control your lust. You feel something and you have to feed that hunger."

"No… No, you don't know what you're talking about, you don't! It's a lie!"

"Are you calling me a liar, you stupid bitch!" exclaimed Penny.

Wendy glared sourly.


"Oh, be quiet…"

"What did you say? I'm asking you a question, bitch! Answer me!"

"What? What?" asked Wendy, disgusted with all that these two were doing to her.

"I asked you if you were calling me a liar. Now answer me. Were you?"

"I…" Wendy was a little afraid of Penny, she seemed so angry, but then her sense of injustice outweighed her fear, and she shouted out: "Yes… yes! I'm calling you a liar, and your husband a liar too!"

"Did you hear that, darling? This incredible bitch is calling us both liars. Can you imagine?"

"She's too much," said Lew without much fervor. He was apparently leaving the hysterics up to his wife.

"You are both liars," Wendy screamed, repeating her message once more to make sure they understood.

"Well, you heard her that time," said Penny. "You can't say you didn't."

"Yes," said Lew, "I heard her."

"All right, then, that's settled. She said it, and I don't take an insult like that from anyone. Not from anyone. She'll have to be punished."

"Oh… well, I don't know about that dear," said Lew. "That's kind of risky…"

"Nonsense. You heard what she called us."

"Well, we can tell the courts all about it when we take her before a judge."

"No. Her insolent behavior must be met with right now."

"But darling…"

"Be quiet, Lew, this is something I must do. It isn't so much because she called me a liar, but because she called you one. That is something I just cannot allow to happen. I'm sure you understand."

"But… but…"

"Be quiet, dear. I'll settle this in my own way."

"What are you going to do?"

"Stand there and watch, darling. After all the humiliation she has put you through, I'm sure that you will enjoy this as much as I do."

"Penny… I think you should be careful. After all, I mean, she isn't our kid. You can get in trouble if you touch somebody else's kid."

"Nonsense, I tell you. Any right-thinking American parent would be glad to see me punish this awful child. I'm going to teach her a lesson good and proper."

"Well… if you say so. But I really think we ought to wait and take her to court. Those juvenile courts can be pretty stiff, you know. Long jail terms in the juvenile home. Maybe we should wait and see what kind of sentence she gets before giving her our own punishment."

"No. I have made up my mind! This girl will have to be punished for her wrongdoing, and if you don't feel up to administering that punishment, then I, as your wife, will have to do it."

"What? What are you going to do?" Lew asked nervously.

"You better not!" shouted Wendy.

Penny suddenly darted toward the thirteen-year-old girl and slapped her hard across the face. The blow stung bitterly and Wendy's cheek turned a bright crimson, both from pain and embarrassment. She thought Penny had finished hitting her when she'd caught them at it. But apparently not. Apparently, she was only just beginning.

"Come here, girl," Penny said deviously.

"No… no, I won't."

"Yes you will. Now come here, right this minute, do you hear me, bitch?"

"No! Leave me alone, leave me alone!"

"We'll leave you alone… alone in solitary confinement in that fucking juvenile home, that's when and where we'll leave you alone and not until then!"

"Ahhhhh! Help! Help! Somebody, anybody! They're going to hurt me!"

"Keep her mouth shut!" Lew cried. "You want to get the cops over here before we want them?"

Penny grabbed for the girl, catching hold of her open mouth and pulling it forward violently, ripping the skin at the sides of her mouth and making it bleed.

Penny pulled the girl forward and punched her several times with a closed fist, then she threw her knee up hard into the girl's groin.

"Ahhhhh! Shit… owwwww! Stop it, stop it," Wendy wailed. "It hurts, it hurts!"

"That's only the beginning, my lovely young husband-stealing bitch!"

She pulled the girl over toward the sofa and threw her across her knee. When the girl's naked bottom was exposed and stuck out in the air, Penny raised a hand.

"Are you watching, dear?" she asked her husband. "You'll enjoy this."

"Yes, dear, I'm watching."

"Then here we go."

"No! No!" screamed Wendy, shaking all over as she perched lewdly across the older woman's knee.

"Oh yes, my dear, you won't get away without some form of physical punishment, something you will remember so you'll think twice about doing such a terrible thing ever again in your life."

Her hand swept across Wendy's pink, jiggling fanny. Wendy's ass cheeks immediately turned a: bright red.

Penny laughed. "Did you see that, darling? Now watch, here we go again!"

And again her hand came down on Wendy's firm ass. And again, over and over. Finally, Wendy was sobbing and her ass was burning with welts. Penny pretended to rub it, her fingers dipping in between the cheeks, pressing in against Wendy's young and slightly hairy pussy. She pushed her index finger right into the hole, making Wendy squirm with surprise. She hadn't expected that so soon after getting her fanny spanked. Penny continued to finger Wendy's cunt while she smiled at her husband who was watching intently.

"Owwwwww!" Penny cried. "Oh… oh, please, won't you stop it… won't you, please!"