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colle jumping steps in which the legs and feet are held tightly together in the air.

coryphee the rank below a principal dancer and above those in the corps de ballet.

coupee to put down one foot while lifting the other.

course, pas de a succession of running steps.

danseur a male ballet dancer.

danseur, premier the leading male ballet dancer.

defile, le grand on closing night of a ballet, an onstage parade of all the members of the ballet company.

deux, pas de any dance performed with two people.

divertissement a ballet that shows off the talents of its dancers but does not tell a story.

enlevement the act of lifting another dancer into the air, who then strikes a pose.

en pointe on the tip of the toe.

entrechat a jump straight up performed with beats and rapid changes of leg position.

ferme a position in which the feet are closed together in opposite directions.

gargouillade a jump in which the legs are brought underneath the dancer, with the feet describing small circles in midair.

glissade sliding or gliding by the soles of the feet. Also known as glisse.

jete a leap from one foot to the other.

leotard the form-fitting elastic garment worn in dance practice. Also known as tights.

limbering exercises performed to loosen up the body.

mime stylized gestures used to illustrate a passage in a story.

pas step or dance. pas couru running steps.

pas marche a stylized walk, with the legs swung wider apart than is natural.

pique stepping sharply onto one toe while keeping the leg straight. Also known as jete sur la pointe.

pirouette whirling on the toes of one foot.

pistolet throwing the left leg up, then springing with the right and performing a beat followed by a change in leg position, a second beat, and a final leg change before landing with the left leg in the air.

plie a bending of the knee or knees.

pointe a dancer is en pointe when she is standing on the tips of the toes. Also describes the specially blocked shoes used for performing en pointe.

pose placing an extended foot on the ground.

promenade pivoting on the heel.

revoltade a leap in which the dancer appears to jump over his own raised leg.

rolling standing with body weight centered on either the inside or outside of the feet.

rosin a substance used to prevent slipping on the dance floor.

saute a jump in which the takeoff and landing are in the same position.

sickle foot when the natural line of the leg is curved inward. Also known as serpette.

sissonne a jump made with a landing on one foot with the raised foot touching the supporting leg at the knee or ankle.

soubresaut a jump in which the legs are clung together without a change in position.

soutenu to be performed slowly.

spotting when turning or spinning, leaving the head frozen in the same position until the last possible moment. A spin in which the head follows far behind the body's rotation.

taquete small, quick steps on tiptoes.

temps de pointe steps performed en pointe.

tiroirs, faire les when two lines of dancers cross and recross on the stage while performing the same steps or movements.

toe shoes ballet shoes.

tour en l'air springing straight up and executing a single, double, or triple turn in midair.

tutu the traditional ballet skirt.

variation solo.

Jazz dancing

allegro brisk movements.

arabesque balancing on one leg with the other leg raised high to the rear and the arms upraised.

attitude a balancing on one leg with the other leg extended and upraised to the front.

back bend a standing position with the back arched and the arms upraised toward the ceiling.

barre warmup exercises performed in a studio at a horizontal bar.

barrel leap turn a leaping turn made with arms extended.

barrel turn a turn on one foot with arms extended.

battement a leg kick from the hip forward or back.

body roll a roll or flex of the body from the knees and progressing to the thighs, pelvis, torso, and head.

catch step two steps in any direction timed to one and a half counts of the music.

chaine quick turn made in two steps.

chest lift from a supine position, the chest is lifted forward to an upright position.

compass turn a turn on one foot with the other leg extended and making a full circle.

contraction a drawing together of the body.

corkscrew turn an ascending or descending turn starting and ending with the legs crossed.

coupe a brisk exchange of foot position.

degage lifting and pointing a fully arched foot.

demi-plie bending halfway at the knees.

en croix describing the shape of a cross.

en dedans circling into the body.

en dehors circling away from the body.

fouette a sharp movement from one direction to another.

frog position a seated position with the legs pulled up, bent at the knees, and the feet touching each other.

glissade a sliding step.

grand plie bending fully at the knees with heels raised off the floor.

hitch kick a scissors kick performed with toes pointed.

hop leaping off and landing on the same foot.

inverted long jazz arm the arms extended out to the sides with palms facing up.

isolation isolating and moving one body part in contrast to the rest of the body.

jazz hand palm out, hand facing forward with fin­gers extended.

jazz sissonne a leap starting and ending with the feet placed together.

jazz split a slide and split to the floor ending with one leg fully extended and the other bent at the knee.

knee hinge kneeling and arching or "hinging" the torso backward.

knee slide sliding across the floor on one's knees. knee turn a turn performed on both knees. leap turn a two-step turn and jete. outside turn a turn on one foot. pas de bourree a three-step series in any direction. passe moving the leg or foot from front to back. pelvis roll a circling motion of the pelvis. pirouette a spinning turn performed on one foot. plie bending at the knees.

plie-releve position a position in which the knees are flexed and the heels are raised off the floor while the arms are outstretched to the sides.

port de bras the placement or movement of the arms.

promenade a pivot on the ball of the foot.

renverse bending while making a turn.

rond de jambe performing a circling movement with the leg.