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Entering the front room, we sat to watch some more television. It was just in time as Dave walked back in through the front door a few minutes later. He asked us if we had behaved and didn't get into any fights while he had been gone. We replied we had been perfect and hadn't even yelled at each other.

Dave thought that to be strange, as they were usually at odds with each other. It was as he headed down toward his bedroom that he noticed some pictures lying on the floor in Stacey's bedroom.

Curious, Dave picked one of the pictures up and saw Marks cock jutting out in plain sight. The other two pictures finished the tale. He just placed them on Stacey's dresser and walked out and went into his own room. He decided it was her life, and that, though Stacey was his daughter, she was her own person as well. He thought about all the times when he was younger and wished he could have experienced life as well. The best he had during his early years was masturbating and dreaming of the most perfect woman he could imagine. Those were years lost and he could never make them up. But he certainly couldn't encourage her to start enjoying the thrills of sex without seeing it from a parents viewpoint as well.

Dear Diary,

School starts in about two hours. I had better stop a minute and get into the shower before Mark wakes up. Else I will never get ready in time to catch the bus. I'll be back in just a second.

Dear Diary,

Never mind. Mark has again beaten me to the bathroom. I might as well continue with my story.

After Dave got dressed, we headed out in the car to the movies.

The line was short, as the show had been playing for almost two weeks already. It was a science fiction movie we had all been wanting to see, but hadn't had the time before to get to. The theater was dark and they headed toward the middle, where we could see the movie well, and still be away from the few other people already seated. Mark went to end of the aisle and sat. Then Stacey and I followed. Dave sat next to me and we leaned back to get comfortable while waiting for the pre-views and commercials were over.

Dave glanced over and saw Mark and Stacey were holding hands. Dave whispered to me that it was strange to think of one of the neighborhood boys actually with his daughter. He thought he had always realized it would be like this, but had hoped for some dashing young rich man to pull up in a limousine and ask if his daughter could go for a walk with him a few paces behind to protect his little girl if she needed him. Well she's not so little now.

Dave admitted to me that Stacey had always been mature in her thinking and had more common sense than most of the kids he knew. Her grades at school had been slightly above average, but not perfect straight A's. It was good enough that she tried and that was all he could ask of her. He was more proud of her now then ever before.

As the movie started, Dave noticed that my hand had crept underneath the arm rest and was pressing itself against his crotch. He covered my hand with his, so that any casual glances in their direction would hide them. His cock strained to be free of his pants, but this was definitely not the place to whip it out. So I just deftly slid my hands into the waistband and down under his briefs to encase his now hard shaft with my tiny fist.

Dave couldn't help himself from reacting to my touch, and as I stroked my hand up and down his rock hard shaft, he could feel his hot jism boiling inside his balls, screaming to be released from their prison. I pumped him fast and harder. Suddenly he spurted inside his underwear, soaking himself and my hand. I continued stroking him until his cock became limp and depleted.

Pulling my hand from inside his pants, I lifted my fingers to my mouth and sucked the salty semen from them. The sight of that almost made Dave want to get up out of his seat and throw me to the floor and take me right there in the theater.

Mark had watched the entire act of me pumping Stacey's father out of the corner of his eyes and was so engrossed he never noticed that his arm around Stacey was positioned so his hand could cup her budding breasts. Stacey noticed it though, and she reached up and forced his hand to place pressure on her tiny nipples. They began jutting forth through the thin tee-shirt material and Mark swirled his fingers around the arora of her nipples. Stacey felt her panties becoming soaked in the way her body responded to his caresses. I could see her knees drawing back and forth, as she caused her vagina to open and close in the pulsation to his playing with her breasts. I knew she couldn't orgasm this way, I myself did the same thing sometimes, but that it still felt good to do it, though it always left me excited wanting more.

We watched the entire movie this way and as the ending credits rolled onto the screen, we got up and exited through one of the side doors that no one else was using. Dave had a big stain on his pants and we teased him about pee-ing himself. He told them he had spilt his coke and to let it go at that. But we continued to tease him, so Dave pointed out that it must have been hot in the theater and Stacey sure had sweated a lot, 'cause he could see right through her thin shorts and panties from all the moisture built up there. Stacey thought she would die of embarrassment as we got into the car to head to her house.

We got home and Dave went into his room to change clothes again. Stacey and Mark decided to go for a bike ride. After they left, Dave went into Stacey's room, where I was borrowing a tee-shirt and noticed that pictures were still lying where he had placed them on the dresser. Dave looked at them and saw that the angle of the camera had caught Marks shaft on the out bound stroke and he could see Stacey's vaginal lips stretching out to keep him deep inside her. Damn, he said to me. I really wished she had waited until she was at least sixteen. I might have been a little more emotionally prepared. Oh well, the best I can do, now that she has discovered how wonderful sex feels, is to counsel her on attempting to postpone any more until she is older and then make sure she understands birth control. There are to many unwanted babies in this world for children to be having children themselves. I told him that I was glad that he wasn't mad. I knew that Stacey would just die if he found out and asked him to never say a word to her about finding the pictures. He said he'd never tease or reprimand her on something as private as this. So long as a friend of hers, by the name of Lori, would happen to hint that she might be a bit more cautious in the future? I told him I would talk with her at our first chance alone.

Dave knew all young adults wanted to explore the opposite sex, yet knew how it could easily it get out of hand when you have two inexperienced people trying it out on each other.

If they were just more open in the schools, maybe half the kids who end up pregnant wouldn't have been so eager to jump into bed with someone else.

It's not that sex is bad, it's just that when young hormones start talking, it's hard to keep a rein on it. Young boys have yet to learn self control. True all men think with their little head from time to time, but until they gain some experience and the novelty has worn down, they think totally with their little heads in the heat of the moment. I was at least fortunate to have someone as experienced as Dave was.

After about thirty minutes, the kids came back in, sweating and hot from the bike ride. They grabbed soda's and sat to play some nintendo. Dave was sitting on the couch relaxing in almost a napping position. I scooted back until I was leaning up against his legs. Mark and Stacey were engrossed in the game that they were playing, so Dave leaned over and slid his hand down my shirt and cupped one of my tiny breasts in his hand. He toyed with my nipples until I was wiggling on the floor from the reaction it was causing between my legs.

I wondered how my breasts could stimulate me this way. They were just flesh and fatty tissue. Why did men seemed so fascinated by them? It was then I realized that because they were a part of my privates, and secret to open viewing, that must be why men are drawn to them. In many countries, women go around topless and men do not even notice them. Boy was I glad we lived here in America. Then again it could also be the fact that his touch was sending extremely small electric jolts throughout my body, leaving me wanting more.