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‘That meant’, added Dick, ‘The radiation that’s been emitted over the whole country has affected the brain in a different way. It’s modified neurons in the limbic system…’

‘In particular, in the somatosensory cortex’, added Taylor.

Maxx stared wide-eyed in horror as Dick continued, ‘In this way the weapon has been transformed from being an Impotence Bomb…’

‘Into a libido bomb’. Maxx completed the sentence for Dick and slumped back in his chair in traumatic shock.

Now the whole population would be horny and there was no way to reverse it. Maxx broke down and cried like a baby as he contemplated the consequences. The whole country was sexually aroused and there was he, completely unable to get a stiffy.

Taylor and Dick hugged each other, which was quite embarrassing as both of them had quite large erections. Dick turned round to see the technician with the clipboard standing right in front of him, now without her lab coat. She ran her tongue over full rich red lips and ripped open her blouse to reveal her firm 34C bosom.

Dick looked down at the large bulge in his trousers. He smiled and thought to himself that after everything he’d been through, things were definitely on the up.


About the Author

Mark Leigh has had 40 humour books published including the phenomenally successful ‘The Complete Revenge Kit’ and titles co-written with Adrian Edmondson, Jeremy Beadle, Julian Clary, Rolf Harris, Chris Tarrant, Des Lynam and even Roy Chubby Brown.

His TV credits include scriptwriting for Rory Bremner, Joe Pasquale, Hale & Pace, Russ Abbot, Brian Conley and Noel Edmonds. He has also co-written two full-length film scripts which he is in the process of developing. ‘Dick Longg, Sexual Saviour of the Universe’ is Mark’s first novel.


© Mark Leigh 2012

Mark Leigh has asserted his rights under the Copyright, Design and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work.

First published 2012 by Aperiron Press.

Cover images courtesy of Shutterstock.