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“Well, when is he?” Tyler asked again.

“It shouldn’t be too much longer. It’s after lunch, so I suspect he’ll come sometime this afternoon.”

“I hope he comes before Daddy does. I want to play blocks with Dirk.”

“Now don’t be disappointed if he doesn’t. Remember, he’s coming here for a reason. He’s giving me a brand new computer for my job with him.”

“I know. He still might. I’ll even ask nicely.”

Ryann leaned across and gave Tyler a big kiss. “I’m sure you will.”

At that moment, someone buzzed up to her apartment. She had a feeling it was Dirk, since Mack wasn’t expected for hours yet. She stood, then walked over to the panel by the apartment door and pushed the intercom button.


“Hi, Ryann. It’s Dirk. Can I come up? I have the computer with me.”

“Sure, I’ll buzz you in. Do you need help bringing it all up?”

“No, I can manage.”

“All right.”

She hit the button to let Dirk in. She unlocked the apartment door and waited there for him. At the prospect of seeing him again, her heart sped up. Ryann resisted the urge to reach up and fix her hair. It wouldn’t have mattered if it were stuck up on end. Dirk wasn’t here for a date. She took a deep, calming breath. She would keep her cool and not stare at him like a sex deprived woman who hadn’t slept with a man in years. Wait a minute, that was exactly who she was.

A short time later, Dirk knocked. Ryann opened the door and held it there as he stepped inside carrying a box that was large, but not very wide. She shut and locked it behind him before she turned to face him. Tyler had already come over to them.

“So this is the computer,” she said. “Is that all of it?”

Dirk smiled. “Yes. I told you I’d be getting you an all-in-one.”

“Lemme see, lemme see, lemme see,” Tyler chanted.

“Relax, Tyler,” Ryann said. To Dirk, she added, “Come on, I’ll take you to where my other one is set up. We just have to switch them out. I’m sure that must be getting heavy.”

“It’s not that bad. Lead away.”

She headed through the apartment to the room that was hers. Ryann heard Dirk following behind her. Tyler suddenly pushed past her once they reached the doorway and ran over to the small computer desk tucked in the corner.

“Here, Dirk,” he said. “It goes here.”

“Well, thank you, Tyler,” he replied as he set the box on the floor. “How would you like to help me move the old computer?”

Her son nodded enthusiastically. “I’d like that. I’m strong too.” Tyler lifted his skinny little arm and flexed his bicep.

Dirk squatted in front of him and squeezed her son’s muscle. “Oh, you are.” He stood. “Let’s get started.”

Ryann shifted out of the way as she watched Dirk and her son work together. Dirk was really good with Tyler. He didn’t get impatient with the three-year-old’s incessant questions, unlike her ex, Tyler’s father. What she’d learned of Dirk from talking to him on the phone almost every day for the last couple of weeks, and now seeing how he was with Tyler, she knew he was the type of man she’d want as a stepfather to her son. Not that she was thinking that would ever happen.

Dirk bent over and Ryann’s gaze landed directly on his tight ass. His jeans molded it to perfection. She bit her bottom lip to keep the moan inside that threatened to bubble up. She imagined his body was a piece of art hidden underneath his clothes. The idea of stripping him naked to see it sent her pulse racing. Her pussy clenched at the thought of seeing his cock, hard and ready.

It was also around that time that Ryann remembered they were inside her bedroom, and the bed became a looming presence. If Tyler were gone with his dad right now, she’d do her damnedest to let Dirk know she was more than interested in him. Short of jumping his bones and having her way with him, that is.

Dirk suddenly straightened and turned his head and looked over his shoulder at her. His nostrils flared as he took a deep breath. His gaze latched on to hers, making her pussy clench again at the intensity that lurked in his eyes. It was as if he’d known what dirty thoughts she’d had of him.

Ryann quickly broke eye contact with Dirk and looked at Tyler, who was busy taking the old keyboard off the sliding tray on the computer table. When she looked back at Dirk, he’d once again turned his attention to what he’d been doing.

Since the new computer was so easy to set up, it didn’t take Dirk long to get it up and running. Ryann came closer to examine it. It was one she’d looked at before, but had thought she’d have to wait a few years to get.

“Well, do you want to give it a go?” Dirk asked.

Ryann blinked and tried to pull her mind out of the gutter as she took what he said in a totally sexual meaning. “Sure.”

She walked by Dirk to sit in the steno chair in front of the computer desk. Since he didn’t move—if anything, she swore he took a half step in her direction—her side brushed against his on her way by. Her body reacted as if he’d touched her intimately. Her pussy grew wet, while her nipples tightened into stiff peaks.

As she sat, Ryann heard Dirk draw in another deep breath, then let it out on what sounded pretty damn close to an animalistic growl. With Tyler in the room, she decided to act as if she hadn’t heard it.

She reached up and touched the screen, launched the browser, and checked her email. After going to a few more websites, including Mate Connection, Ryann spun the chair around to face Dirk. He looked at her expectantly.

“Thanks, Dirk,” she said. “I love it. It’s so much faster than my other one.”

He gave her a smile that just about melted all the bones in her body. “I knew you would.”

Ryann’s gaze met Dirk’s as she looked up at him, and she felt as if she were falling into his eyes. The heated stare he’d given her the day before at the restaurant was back. It made her breath catch. Her body, so long denied, ached to feel him skin to skin. She gave herself a mental shake. She was only working herself up for nothing.

Tyler stepped up to Dirk’s side and took hold of his hand, giving it a few tugs. “Are you done, Dirk? I want you to play blocks with me.”

The spell broken, Dirk looked down at her son. “Sure, buddy. I’d love to.” He turned his gaze to Ryann. “As long as it’s okay with your mom if I hang around longer.”

Ryann stood. “Of course you can. Stay as long as you want.” Hell, he could stay overnight if he wanted to, in her bed, while she joined him.

“Hurray,” Tyler yelled as he pulled on Dirk’s hand, trying to steer him out of the room.

She chuckled softly as she watched Dirk allow Tyler to tow him away. At least, if anything ever did happen between Dirk and her, she wouldn’t have to worry about her son not liking him. If anything, Tyler was just as taken with him as she was.

Ryann followed them into the living room. Dirk didn’t seem to have a problem with sitting on the floor as he took the blocks Tyler handed him. She sat on the couch and watched. It was a scene she would like to see happen more often. Her son hadn’t had much male influence in his short life. Mack was useless as a father, really. He did the basics and nothing more.

Time slipped away from her as Tyler and Dirk built tower after tower. Tyler was particularly thrilled when Dirk used his tall height to build one as high as the number of blocks they had would allow. Before she knew it, the sound of her apartment buzzer going off could be heard.

She looked at the clock on the digital TV box and realized how late it’d gotten. It had to be Mack. Without a word, Ryann went to the panel on the wall and pressed the intercom. At the sound of her ex’s voice, she buzzed him up.