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"No more!" she choked. But the nibbling and munching and licking continued. The girls were tireless, eager and excited.

Five minutes went by. Ten. Fifteen. Cindy thought she'd die of pure pleasure. She couldn't stand this high pitch of sexual joy. Her young body and mind weren't equipped to handle such an intense degree of erotic pleasure.

Her hot ass tossed around. Her tits jerked and trembled. Her belly tightened end heaved as her burning cunt wrenched and humped and drooled lots of cum.

Cindy's asshole quivered against nipping teeth and a licking tongue. Her pussy churned violently as it produced more and more joy-juice.

They watched steadily as the young girl's curvy body twisted and turned, jerked and arched. They watched coolly as Cindy's tits heaved and tossed. They watched with interest as her sopping cunt dribbled an endless supply of hot, silky fluids.

After forty-five minutes of this incredible torture, the hapless, breathless girl looked like she was going to pass out. Her body relaxed and limp and the two girls drank deeply from her leaking pussy. When her cunt was fresh and pink again, Regina Fairfield got to her feet and stood over the girl. The girls were called off and the woman smiled with satisfaction.

"Do you think you can behave today?" she asked.

"I will!" Cindy gasped, shuddering from head to toe. "Please! No more!"

"This is just the beginning, Cindy if you misbehave again, you will find that we don't tolerate disobedience here. You have been entrusted to my care. When you leave here you are going to be a different girl, or my name isn't Regina Fairfield. Do you understand my meaning?"

Cindy managed to get her eyes open. She gazed up at the tall, stern woman and panted, "Yes, yes, please… let me go."

Mrs. Fairfield grinned crookedly. "Very well," she said slowly. "But don't think for one minute that you have me fooled, young lady. I've dealt with incorrigible teenagers like you before. I know your type. You'll be in trouble before the day is out. You're a wiseass, Cindy, a conceited, proud little bitch who needs plenty of discipline."

A nod of the woman's head sent the pretty matrons to Cindy's sex-drenched body. They unshackled her wrists and ankles and helped her to her feet. Her knees buckled but the two strong females kept her up.

"Come along, baby," one of them said.

Cindy was helped out of the room and up the stairs to the dormitory. The two matrons guided her to her cot and stretched her out on it. They said something to her but Cindy couldn't hear them. Her ears were ringing after an orgasm like that.

Slowly, very slowly, Cindy's senses returned to her. Two young girls came into the dormitory, a cute redhead and a foxy brunette.

"Oh, hi," the brunette said as she and her friend approached Cindy's bed. "You must be the new girl."


"I'm Sheila. This is Connie."

After quick introductions, Cindy sat up on her cot. "Where did you two just come from?" she wanted to know.

"Upstairs," Sheila said.

"Upstairs? You mean there's another floor to this place?"

"Oh, yes. This place is huge."

"What were you doing up there?" Cindy asked.

"Painting," Sheila replied. Seeing the frown on the new girl's face, she explained. "We have art classes here. Music classes, too."

"And dance classes," the redhead put it. She struck a seductive pose that was supposed to represent a ballet gesture.

Cindy couldn't believe her eyes or her ears. "Have either of you ever been downstairs?" she asked.

The redhead immediately turned and walked away. The brunette almost did, but she paused and peered at Cindy. "We don't talk about that," she murmured.

"Don't talk about it!" Cindy screeched. She leapt to her feet and glared at the girl. "Are you nuts? Do you know what happened to me down there? What kind of a joint is this? The God damned place is run by a witch and a group of Nazi cheerleaders! If she did to you what she did to me, I don't see why."

"Stop!" the brunette screamed. "You're the one that's crazy! I told you we don't talk about that! You want to get me into trouble? You self-centered bitch! Is that all you can think about is yourself?"

Sheila's outburst thoroughly confused Cindy. "I-I don't understand," she stammered.

"And you never will if you don't shape up!" Sheila fired at her.

Cindy wanted to argue. Her pouting lips parted but no words came out of her sexy mouth. Her blue eyes darted between the brunette and the redhead across the room. How strange they seemed! Afraid? Yes, she decided, these poor girls were frozen with fear.

Cindy didn't know it, but it wasn't fear that kept the girls' lips sealed. Not at all. It was secrecy.

"That will be all girls," a voice said from the doorway.

Cindy's eyes widened as the two matrons from downstairs approached, looking sharp and capable. "Oh, no," she whimpered, remembering their vicious attack on her cunt.

Sheila and Connie quickly vacated the dormitory. The two matrons moved up to Cindy. The taller one said, "Sit down, Farmer."

Cindy perched her little ass on the edge of her cot and peered up at her keepers with dread. A slow, rising fear kept her mouth shut.

"You'll never learn, will you?" the matron said.

"I-I was just talking to them," Cindy answered.

"They told you not to talk about downstairs. Now shut up and listen. We'll tell you this only once."

The matrons sat to each side of Cindy, hemming her in to get her undivided attention. The spokeswoman of the duo said, "This is Dormitory A. Over there is Dormitory B."

She pointed out the window and Cindy looked outside. In the distance, near another building, she saw about twelve pretty girls happily playing volley ball.

"They graduated from here," her teacher said.

Cindy couldn't believe her eyes. How could those girls be so happy in this place? And what about those classes upstairs? Sheila had made the place sound like a nice girls' school. The chicks across the way made it look like a fun resort! Yet Cindy had been shackled in a luxurious basement where two wild girls had munched her tits and cunt. It made no sense to her.

"This is crazy," she said.

The matron doing the talking fumed. Her green eyes flared and her pointed tits thrust in her white shirt. "I said shut up and listen! You would have learned all this in Mrs. Fairfield's office the moment she arrived. But no, you're a wise little bitch who thinks she knows it all. When we tell you to shut up – shut up!"

"No!" Cindy shouted, getting to her feet and pulling away from them. "Who the hell do you think you are? I want to go home! Let me out of here! I'll report every fucking one of you!"

The matron looked at her partner. She smiled. "What do you think?" she asked.

"Why not?" the other replied.

Cindy frowned at their coded conversation. Her frown deepened when both matrons looked up at the ceiling. Cindy followed their gaze and saw more of the cameras tucked in corners of the large dormitory ceiling. A small red light flashed three times. A signal, Cindy realized. But what did it mean to the matrons?

A second later she found out. The matrons grabbed her slim wrists and pulled her across the cot, pinning her down. One hiked her dress way up and plastered her mouth against Cindy's surprised pussy. The other mauled her tits and kissed her mouth hotly.

Cindy gasped through the raunchy kiss. It took her a moment to realize what the women were doing to her. Then she struggled against them – and against her own sudden, overwhelming feelings. The strange session with the dogs had left her body helplessly susceptible to sex. Her tits ached beneath the matron's caressing hand. Her pussy wanted to hump at the other woman's mouth because she was tonguing Cindy's wet cunt.

The tit-loving matron broke the fiery kiss and rasped, "Why not just relax and enjoy us?"