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Gasps and moans escaped her constricted throat as her whole body responded unwillingly to the onslaught. Her beautiful tits quivered excitedly in the sucking mouths of the two horny matrons. Her pussy started humping with unwanted pleasure against the licking of the girls tongue. She tried to deny her pleasure, tried to hold back her orgasm. She choked, she gagged again, she sobbed – then all hell broke loose.

"Nooo!" she shrieked.

Her whole body started jerking violently and her hot ass and pussy twisted hornily as she came. At the psychological moment, female hands caressed every inch of her tingling flesh while female mouths sucked fiercely on her aching tits. The matrons tongue slipped up into her fuck-hole and wiggled around inside until Cindy thought she'd come until she died. Her orgasm was excruciating.

"Now that's wet?" Max gasped, seeing Cindy's pussy soaked with cunt-juices.

The matrons continued sucking Cindy's thrusting, quivering tits and laved them all over with their saucy tongues as the other matron continued to eat her pussy.

The tit-sucking and cunt-licking had rendered her helplessly horny. Boys had often done that to her, too. Her body always responded to such stimulation. Max came up behind Cindy with a big dildo strapped to her and slipped it into Cindy's wet pussy. Still her mind rebelled against this depravity. Never had she lusted after three girls.

But here was her new reality, as mad as it seemed. And here she was, hopelessly shackled in a doggie-position. Cindy knew that she had to fuck her, that her captors wouldn't set her free until she came again. She sobbed because of her fate.

Max kept fucking her harder and harder. The big dildo-cock found her pussy and speared up into her body with a powerful thrust that made Cindy's head swim.

"Oh, no!" she shrieked as she felt the amazing thickness of the dildo. She hadn't expected such thickness or force.

With her young mind spinning and her senses reeling, Cindy helplessly fucked back on the rampaging dildo strapped to the matron. Out of her head with horniness created by her tormentors, she unwillingly but hotly screwed her pussy back and forth on the drilling dildo.

"Ohhh, mamaaaa!" she cried, shivering with ecstasy as the matron ravished her hot pussy with the dildo. "Oh, ohh, ohhhhh… it's so fucking big…! Ohhhmmmm, I can't believe it! Ewwww, she's fucking me so deep…! My cunt's on fire…! Ohhh, give it to me! Fuck meeeee!"

The rigid dildo ripped into her cunt and the cock-head banged her womb. Cindy squealed, her tits tightened up and her pussy clenched like a horny mouth around the savage cock. She came violently and the onlookers watched her fucking young body go crazy. Cindy was fucking for a good come now, humping her ass and pussy furiously on the drilling, plunging dildo.

Cindy didn't know what she was doing. She was smothered in exquisite sexual feelings she wasn't used to. She gasped and moaned and whimpered hotly as she came. She surrendered helplessly to her overwhelming pleasure and came wetly all over the slip-sliding dildo that was ravishing her pussy. Her violent orgasm slowly subsided, even though the matron continued to fuck in and out of her soaked cunt. Her mind cleared enough for her to realize that the matron was fucking her hotly.

"I didn't know she was so aware of it," Regina Fairfield remarked, watching the action.

"She is alert, isn't she?" Max said. "Too bad she's such a rebellious little thing."

"We'll change that," Mrs. Fairfield said with promise in her voice.

Cindy heard these things but she couldn't work up enough breath to respond to them. Something weird was happening inside her tight, squishy cunt. The more the matron fucked her with the big dildo, the harder and faster she moved. "Fuck her good," the woman purred. "Just keep the dildo moving in her. That-a-girl. Good girl. Keep going. Fuck her hard. Sock it to her."

The unexpected orgasm boggled Cindy's young mind and her whole body was racked with the pain of intense pleasure of the big dildo pounding into her hot pussy.

Her pussy came wetly on the drilling, pounding dildo. Her fluids, hot and silky, squished from the edges of her cunt, forced out of her coming body by the thickness of the dildo raping her cunt. The creamy liquid squirted from around the pistoning dildo and leaked down her inner thighs, tickling her.

"I'm coming too much!" she cried. Huge waves of violent feeling rippled through her shaking, shuddering torso.

She came and came on the stabbing dildo until the matron was finished pumping into her delightful pussy. Then Max backed up and removed the dildo from inside of Cindy. Cindy collapsed the best she could in her position and quivered all over as she sobbed. Her lovely cunt dripped her own hot fluids onto the wooden platform. Quivers shot through her body.

"Oh, ohhh, ohhhh," she groaned, quaking helplessly. "Please… no more… let me go… I'll be good… no more."

Regina Fairfield nodded her head. A matron unshackled Cindy's wrists and another freed her ankles. Cindy fell onto her back and grasped her aching tits. She rubbed them and her pussy and whimpered meekly before the group of captors.

"Are you ready to behave yourself?" Mrs. Fairfield asked her.

"Yes, yes!" Cindy gasped.

"We'll see," the woman said, and walked out of the room.

They did see. Cindy's resolve to be good around here lasted exactly two hours, during which time she laid on her cot getting her breath back. Then, at supper in the large, well furnished dining ball, she forgot her promise.

She sat at a table with six other pretty girls and looked at them all hatefully. "How can you sit still for this treatment?" she challenged. "How can you eat so peacefully when you know what's going on? I don't want this fucking food! I want to go home with my parents! I want to sit in my own chair and eat my own food, where I belong!"

Hidden cameras swiveled and focused on the cute blonde raising a ruckus in the dining hall. Suddenly strong hands gripped her arms and lifted her right off her feet. Cindy was dragged, kicking and screaming, out of the dining hall.

"Wait! Wait!" she screamed. "I'm sorry! I won't do it again! Let me go back and eat! I'm sorry! I forgot!"

Regina Fairfield met them in the corridor. She strolled up to them and smiled at Cindy. "Such a nuisance," she said.

"I'll behave!" Cindy cried.

"I'm sorry," the older woman said evenly. "You're a bad influence on the other girls. Bring her along."


Cindy was surprised when she wasn't led to the rumpus room. She was half-dragged down the long corridor, then another that branched off to the right. At the end of it she saw a big door. There was something strange about it. As she was pulled closer and closer, she realized what it was. The door had no knob on it, just a big hole for a key.

Regina Fairfield unlocked the door and Cindy was shoved inside. It was a white, padded room with a single light bulb overhead in a wire cage. The single window had bars on it.

Cindy staggered and whirled to face her jailers. "What's the meaning of this? Why did you put me in here?" she cried.

Mrs. Fairfield answered. "You'll spend the night here!" she announced. "You can't be trusted on the dorm with the other girls."

"No, please!" Cindy pleaded. "I don't want to spend the whole night alone!"

"Oh, you won't be alone," Regina Fairfield assured her. The door closed abruptly, cutting off all sounds.

Cindy peered around her and felt terribly alone. She sank to the floor and began to weep. There was no furniture at all in the strange room. Of course, the floor could serve as a bed. It seemed to be one huge mattress.

Drying her tears, Cindy tried to decipher Regina Fairfield's strange remark. What did she mean that Cindy wouldn't be alone?