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A few moments later Jake and a half dozen other clansmen appeared.

“Josephine told me what happened, and I’m truly sorry that things turned out this way. Has Sean had a chance to examine all of you?” Richard asked.

“He did,” Jake replied. “He is going to make sure we don’t suffer, but what’s done is done, and the important thing is that we were able to see the Augs defeated. A reward worth the sacrifice.”

“Your team, along with Josephine, deserve the credit for this victory, we will never forget what you have done,” Richard said as he reached out and shook their hands one by one.

After Jake was gone, Richard asked Josephine if she could get the rest of the rebels to come over so that he could address them.

Once they were gathered around, Richard looked out at the weary crowd and stood up with Josephine’s help.

“First off let me start out by personally thanking each and every one of you for your courage and bravery. Without your determination and commitment, I would not be here proudly representing the best of humanity. The enemy has been defeated, and I believe they will agree to our terms. In the meantime we need to start thinking about our future and how we want to shape it. We have been given the opportunity to rebuild our society from the ground up, and I am confident that we can learn from our past mistakes. My hope is that the future generations will be as proud to be human as we are, and will never forget the sacrifices made to ensure their freedom. So, let’s pay our respects to the fallen, and then head back home.”

After the meeting ended, Richard hobbled over to the edge of the overlook and sat down with Josephine.

“How are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m glad it’s over, but I feel awful about what happened to Jake and his friends,” she replied.

“I couldn’t be more impressed with him. A true patriot who gave his all to save us. I know you feel responsible for what happened to him, but the truth is, we would all be dead if you had not nuked the Augs when you did,” Richard said in a soft voice.

“I know, it just difficult to see people you care about in pain,” Josephine sighed.

“Time heals all wounds as they say, and I believe that to be true. Before we met, I was driven by hatred and revenge, but you have taught me to love again. My only hope is that I can repay your kindness, by devoting myself to you,” Richard said as he reached over and held her hand.

“That’s a promise I will hold you too,” Josephine replied as she kissed his cheek.

Chapter 22

As the rebel force entered the settlement through the south, they were met with smiles and cheers from all of those who had remained behind. Several of the soldiers lifted Richard and Josephine off their feet and carried them along like royalty as they walked down the snow-covered streets in triumph. It was an emotional homecoming, and although a few had tears in their eyes from the loss of loved ones, far more had tears of joy.

Once the fanfare died down, the soldiers made their way back to their homes to be with their families. Richard hobbled over to the pasture with Josephine’s help. When Dakota saw them, he came running over, and right behind him was a cinnamon colored foal.

“Dakota, you’re a father!” Richard cried out with joy. Dakota neighed and then rested his head on Richard’s shoulder. The foal cautiously approached and then nuzzled Josephine with her head, mimicking Dakota. Josephine could not resist petting the little horse and after a few minutes of greeting each other, Dakota and his foal trotted back over to the other horses.

“They seem really happy,” Josephine remarked.

“Yeah, and it looks like a couple more mares are pregnant too,” Richard said with a smile.

“I’m sorry we can’t have kids of our own. I would love to adopt a couple of kids, but there aren’t any orphans thanks to the Augs,” Josephine said as she looked over at Richard.

“It’s okay, I have you, and that’s more than enough to make me happy,” Richard said with a smile.

“Let’s get you back to the cabin so you can rest your leg,” Josephine suggested.

“That sounds good, and I think I need a bath, what do you think?” Richard joked.

“Nothing sounds better to me right now,” Josephine replied.

“What’s that, me taking a bath, or you taking one?” he smirked.

“How about both,” Josephine replied.

The next morning, Richard was awakened by a loud knocking at the front door.

“What’s going on?” Richard asked when he peeked out and saw Sean.

“There is an Aug approaching from the south and he has a white flag.”

“Okay, I’ll be right out,” Richard said as he hurriedly put his clothes on.

“What’s going on?’ Josephine asked.

“An Aug is coming up the road,” he replied.

“I’ll come with you,” she announced. Richard might have objected, but he needed her help to walk.

When they reached the south end of the settlement, they saw the Aug standing there waiting for Richard.

“I am the leader of this clan, do you have a message for me?” Richard asked.

“Yes, we have accepted your terms,” the Aug replied.

“So you will leave us alone and vice-versa,” Richard questioned.

“Yes,” the Aug replied.

“How do we know that you won’t attack us?” Richard asked.

“I have been given orders to provide you with the access codes to our satellites. With those you can verify what you need to,” the Aug replied as he handed Richard a laser inscribed metal disc with numbers and letters inscribed on it.

“Thank you,” Richard replied as he turned to head back towards the camp.

“Wait!” the Aug said in a reluctant tone. Richard felt his heart race as he looked back over his shoulder at the Aug, wondering what trick he was about to become a victim of.

“A few of our women are pregnant, and we have no use for newborns now that our supply of larvae is gone,” the Aug said in a mundane tone.

“We’ll take them off of your hands,” Josephine blurted out.

“Alright, I’ll have them brought to you when they are weaned off of the females,” the Aug replied.

“I appreciate your offer,” Richard said as he held out his hand. The Aug reluctantly shook it, and then walked away. Once the Aug was out of sight, Josephine hugged Richard as hard as she could. Then she whispered, “It looks like we get to adopt after all.” Richard felt a few tears falling onto his shoulder and then he kissed Josephine’s cheek.

“My broken heart has been mended,” he whispered back.


The Facts Behind the Fiction

My novel Dominant Species might be fictional, but the architecture of the story is based around a framework facts. Below is a list of just a few of the amazing, yet true details that I used to create the story. (1)

DARPA — Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is part of the United States Department of Defense and is responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military. Believe it or not, DARP is actively funding brain implant and brain control research. This type of research is nothing new. Declassified documents show that the CIA conducted over 150 secret mind control programs on unsuspecting humans during the 1950-1970’s. The program was called MKULRTA.

The 341st Medical Group is located at Malmstrom AFB in Great Falls, Montana. The medical group works out of a four-building campus, which includes a 91,000 square-foot main facility.

The Black Horse Troopers are part of the 11th Armored Cavalry. They were founded in 1901 and are still an active unit of the United States Army.

Mosquito bites infect an estimated 700 million humans every year with viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and worm larvae. Of those infected, over one million die each year, making Mosquitoes the most deadly creature on the planet — after humans of course.