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I tangled the fingers of my other hand in his hair and pulled his head down to my shoulder. I growled in his ear,

"You come really hard for me, and scream when you come, and I'll make sure your sweet ass is full all evening, baby."

He screamed.

* * *

As tired as I was, I felt determined to keep my promise.

Five minutes later he was on his hands and knees on our bed, his sweet ass in the air, his cock already half-stiff again.

I couldn't deny it was hot.

I stood next to the bed and lubed the butt plug, carefully slid it home.

His sigh of pleasure stirred something deep inside me in a good way.

I patted his ass. "There you go. You can keep that in until bedtime."

He rolled over and grabbed my hand, kissed it. "Thank you, Mistress." His cock had fully inflated again, rigid, throbbing. I had a feeling we'd have a second round at bedtime. I couldn't in good conscience leave him hanging like that. He'd been so good.

He was a good sub.

I pulled him to his feet and grabbed his cock. "You've got free time until we go to bed. If I catch you playing with yourself, you won't get any relief for two days."

His cock throbbed in my hand, even stiffer than before.

"Yes, Mistress," he eagerly replied.

My heart pounded. How could I enjoy this? What the fuck was wrong with me? Or was anything wrong with me?

I'd do anything short of killing to see that playful, eager light in his eyes all the time. I craved it. "Very good, that pleases me." I patted his ass again. "Go on, check your email or whatever."

He kissed me and walked to his study. I imagined he'd sit there, squirming in his chair, enjoying the full feeling in his ass.

I needed to check my email, let Tony know I'd made it home all right.

He was on IM as it turned out.

You okay? he asked.

I'm good. We had a short talk. First of many.

Talk is good.

I apologized to him for leaving. Told him I'll do a better job teaching him.

You've learned well, grasshopper.

I laughed. Tony always cracked me up. Thank you.

For what?

For putting up with a crazy woman.

LOL you guys are sooo vanilla girl, you have no idea. I'm glad I could help. I'm always here if you need an ear.


I checked my email, read the news. An hour later I shut down my laptop and walked to his study.

His left hand firmly gripped the arm of his chair, as if he struggled to keep it there. His right lay on his desk, on his mouse.

His cock stood straight up in his lap.

I leaned against the doorjamb. "Have you behaved yourself?"

He nodded. "I had to scratch but I didn't play with myself, Mistress."

I fought—and lost—against the urge to laugh. "That's okay. Scratching is allowed." I nodded, indicating his erection.

"You ready to do something about that?"

He eagerly nodded.

"Shut down your computer and get your ass in bed so I can fuck you." I was already wet again.

The man could move wicked fast. I think he bypassed the normal shutdown and simply held the power button. He zipped past me and landed on our bed, wiggled his ass at me.

I couldn't help it. I laughed again. He was so damn cute like this.

At least I knew I wouldn't have to worry about him cheating on me.

Later that night as he folded his body around me, pressed against my back, his arm draped around my waist, I closed my eyes and knew somehow, some way, we'd make this work. I'd quit making the mistake that it was all on my shoulders to figure it out. I would involve him in the process, ask for input, tell him what I needed.

We could do this.

Chapter 14


She came home!

Oh thank you, God, she came home!

And she still wants me.

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, inhaling the scent of her shampoo as she lay sleeping in my arms.

Chapter 15


The next night, as soon he got home from work and before he could strip, we went through our collar ritual. I never realized how important this all was to him until now, I think. I paid attention this time, thanks to my talks with Tony. I watched as my husband actually relaxed, tension draining from him as I buckled the collar around his neck and snapped the lock shut.

I'd never noticed that before.

Maybe there were a lot of things I'd never noticed before in my attempts to do everything the right way for him.

He took my hand and kissed it, nuzzled it against his cheek. "Thank you, Mistress," he said, as if a sigh of relief escaped him.

"Go get naked, sweetie."

He stood, walked to our bedroom and stripped. He returned to me, knelt before me.

"Come on," I said. "I want to show you something."

With a puzzled look, but without question, he followed me out to the garage. I'd already prepared. I indicated a large, folded towel neatly laid on the floor. "Stand there," I indicated, then sat on the stool in front of the tool bench.

I didn't want his feet getting cold on the concrete floor.

Emptying the tool bag, I went through each tool with him.

Some he already knew, duh, he's not a moron. The ones he knew, I let him return to the tool bag. The ones he didn't we went through several times, their names and basic functions, how they differed from similar tools and why I might ask for one instead of another.

After an hour I was starving and knew he had to be hungry, too.

"Any questions?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No, Mistress. I don't know if I'll remember them all though."

I smiled. "That's all right. We'll keep going through them until you do. Okay?"

He nodded and smiled and I took a deep breath. I could do this. I sent him to go start dinner and gently swatted his ass as he passed me.

He turned and grinned and my heart did little summersaults in my chest. Jesus I loved this man.

* * *

I quizzed him each night after he got home from work.

There was no punishment for forgetting, but every time he got one right I reached over and stroked his cock.

He worked really hard to remember.

I had a purpose for this. On Saturday, I planned to change out the kitchen faucet, which was dripping. Since the damn thing was so old it was far easier to replace the whole thing with a newer style rather than trying to gut the old one to replace a washer.

Saturday morning, I lined up everything I thought I'd need and made him empty out the cabinet below the sink. He looked nervous.

I couldn't blame him.

I was so proud of him. He gained confidence with everything he did right. When I kept my cool the one time he got confused, he tried even harder to please me. By the time we finished a half hour later, I had a new faucet and he had a raging hard-on I couldn't wait to relieve him of.

I stood up and gently swatted his ass. "Clean up those tools for me, then go get your ass in bed."

He hungrily kissed me. "Yes, Mistress."

I couldn't help but laugh when he jumped into bed, practically on top of me, fifteen minutes later. I had him kneel while I slid his medium-sized butt plug in, which had him squirming under my hands. Then he went down on me and sent me into orbit.

The Man With the Golden Tongue has never failed me.

I crooked my finger at him and he fucked his rock hard cock inside me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and reached behind him and gently pressed on the butt plug.

"Oh, fuck!" he moaned, taking a few hard strokes before he came.