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I held him, refusing to release him. I stroked his hair and trailed my fingers down his back.

God I loved this man.

Chapter 16


We had a lot of talks over the next week after her return. I began to understand her point of view. I thought she'd enjoy what we did because I thought all women dreamed of a guy slaving over them.

I didn't understand at all.

I thought I did.

But I started to.

I felt uncomfortable with that role at first, what she wanted and needed on occasion. I replayed my conversation with Tony on the phone, the things he'd told me that I resented and didn't understand then. How dare he try to tell me he knew my wife better than I did?

I realized he was right. Then it finally clicked home for me that I wanted to serve her in all ways. Serving her meant giving her what she needed, not just what I wanted to give her.

He'd called me a selfish sub, but had said it matter-of-factly as he explained it was a common newbie mistake in a relationship like ours.

At the time his words stung. If he'd been standing in front of me I would have decked the bastard.

He was right. This couldn't all be about me.

She needed me. She had tried so hard to do this for me and I never once asked her what I could do for her in this way. I was doing what I wanted to do, even though she benefitted from it.

I had never sat down and asked her what her needs were the way she'd sat down and tried to figure out and meet mine. She never asked for things for herself. Her focus was always on me.

Tony's words finally made sense.

If I wanted to really be a sub, I needed to serve my Mistress. That meant serving Her, not just playing a one-sided game for my benefit.

As that realization sank in, I knew I could do this for Her and still be Her sub. Mistress wanted me to do and be things for Her on occasion. I was serving Her needs by doing that.

Suddenly, I wanted to do it more than anything.

I planned.

The weekend after I helped her with the faucet, she ran out on Saturday afternoon to do errands. I watched her car pull out of the driveway, and when I knew she'd really gone I raced to the bedroom.

It felt wrong taking my collar off. She'd placed it around my neck the night before when I got home, our daily ritual that I craved. Because it was a Friday night I would normally wear it until Monday morning.

I put it on the dresser and put my day collar on my wrist, enjoyed the heavy feel of the ID bracelet. I was still her sub and hoped she didn't mind I needed this tangible sign of my role for her.

I knew what she'd like. I dressed, leaving my underwear off. I put on work slacks—khakis—and a button-up shirt. A tie.

I checked myself in the mirror and brushed my hair.

Slipped on my loafers. I could be leaving for work. I laid out an outfit for her to wear.

One I wanted her to wear.

She returned an hour later. She couldn't see me where I stood in the kitchen.

"Where are you?" she called out.


She walked in and pulled up short, surprised by my appearance.

I took the grocery bags from her and kissed her, fighting the urge to drop to my knees before her.

"What's going on?" she asked.

I pulled her to me, kissing her hard. She resisted at first but I held on tighter. Then she relaxed against me as if something had given way inside her, giving herself to me.

"I'm giving you a break tonight," I said, gently holding her chin. "I want you to have a chance for some down time."

Her smile alone was worth this. "Thank you." Her eyes dropped to my wrist and she flicked the bracelet. "Down time?"

I shrugged. "Is it okay?"

She nodded. "It's okay."

I helped her put away the groceries. "I'm taking you out tonight," I said. "Okay?"

She nodded.

"Go get changed, baby. I left your clothes on the bed. It's what I want you to wear."

She grinned and raced out of the kitchen.

My cock throbbed and I fought the urge to follow her and fuck her right then.

I could get used to this.

I took her to one of our favorite restaurants. When the waitress appeared to take our order I immediately ordered for my wife without asking her, knowing what she liked. Her playful smile stirred my cock again. Maybe we wouldn't make the movie after all.

It was a good dinner. We talked, laughed, enjoyed each other's company.

When we finished and the waitress brought the check, I immediately reached for it, pulling my wallet out, calculating the tip, not even showing my wife the bill.

She sat back and smiled.

I still opened doors for her, because as far as I was concerned it's what good husbands do. I bought our movie tickets without asking if she wanted to see what I'd picked. I paid for the popcorn and soda and led her by the hand to the seats I wanted.

As the lights dimmed and the opening previews rolled, she leaned into my side and one hand dropped to my lap. My cock throbbed inside my pants and I grabbed her hand, gently squeezed it.

"Not here," I whispered. "I'll come in my pants."

She laced her fingers through mine and snuggled tightly against me. "Later?"

I nuzzled her temple and whispered in her ear, "If you're a good girl."

There was no mistaking her low, hungry moan. I knew if I slipped my hand inside her panties I'd find her soaking wet.

My heart raced. Part of me wanted to drag her out of there right then and fuck her in the back seat of the car. My mind whirled. I'd waffled about part of my plan, not sure if I had the balls to do it.

Now, I knew I did. For her.

After the movie, I firmly clasped her hand in mine and led her to the car. I'd parked far out in the lot, the passenger door facing away from the building. I set a slow, leisurely pace. By the time we reached the car, traffic from our movie crowd had thinned considerably.

And the lot was dark.

I gripped her right hand as I helped her in, then stopped her from swinging her legs inside the car. "Put your purse down," I ordered.

She set it on the floor and looked up at me, not speaking.

I'd turned off the dome light. The area was dark. Our car sat alone in a pool of inky blackness in the parking lot.

"Unzip me," I commanded.

She swallowed hard, but did.

"Suck me, baby."

She nearly took my knees out from under me, she went down so hard and deep on me. I firmly gripped the back of her head and groaned, trying not to shoot my load down her throat that fast.

I kept an eye out, no one around.

My wife always knew how to give me a great blow job, but tonight's was beyond compare. She eagerly worked her lips and tongue down my shaft. I fisted my hands in her hair and fucked my hips against her face.

"Get ready," I gasped.

She moaned as I came, swallowing every drop. I had to lean against the car for support because my legs were shaking.

I had to make her let go, she didn't want to stop sucking me and I'd already started getting hard again.

Patting the top of her head, I said, "That was very good, baby. Good girl. Zip me up so I can take you home."

She carefully tucked me away and looked up at me with eager eyes and a gorgeous smile.

I leaned in and kissed her. "That was fucking fantastic. Did you have fun?"

"Yeah!" Her voice sounded breathless, eager.

She'd be jumping me as soon as we walked in the door, I suspected. The question was, did I have enough willpower to finish the game I'd started for her?

When we got home she tried to squirm against me in the foyer and I carefully untangled her, firmly gripped her wrists.

"Go get in bed and wait for me," I softly commanded.