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‘Don’t Trust Don’t Fear Don’t Beg’ motto of 108

gay men in 106

Hewetson’s ‘review’ of 220–2

letters smuggled to and from prisoners in 159–61

library in 143–4

prisoners still fighting regime in 345

rope network (doroga) in 5–10, 75, 85, 99, 102, 103–4, 112–15, 123

routine in 85

surviving, crash course in 102–7

women’s tapping code in 84, 117, 144–5, 204

women’s zone in 107–8

‘woollen’ cells in 76–7

SIZO-1, St Petersburg (Kresty), see individual activists/crew:

activists’ arrival at 278–9

described 276

escapes from 277–8

SIZO-4, St Petersburg:

activists’ arrival at 279

officials’ tour of 286

SIZO-5, St Petersburg:

activists’ arrival at 279

officials’ tour of 285–6

Slaiby, Pete 138

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr 88, 92–3, 143–4, 277, 343

banned works of 93

Speziale, Camila:

and Amnesty Bill 332

bail application of 305, 307

cell of 70–1

father’s letter to 271

jail arrivals of, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew

jail sentence pronounced on 66

onboard detente orchestrated by 47

platform pod occupied by 16

previous work of 118

at Prirazlomnaya protest, see under Arctic 30

activists/crew prison transfer of, see under Arctic 30

activists/crew release of, on bail 313–14

and Russian seizure of Arctic Sunrise, see under Arctic Sunrise

in SIZO-1, Murmansk 68–71, 78, 84, 117–18, 203–4; Harris’s tapping code with 84, 145, 204; and T-shirt gift from family 162

in SIZO-5, St Petersburg 292

Willcox’s reunion with 319

Stalin, Joseph 89–90, 91, 97, 244

Stepan (inmate) 74–5, 79

Stolypin, Pyotr 258

Stravinsky, Igor 93

Suchkov, Andrey 288

Sunday Times 274

Suu Kyi, Aung San 199

Suzie Q (RHIB) 22–3

Teulings, Jasper 50, 136, 260–1, 322

Trotsky, Leon 89 (See also Lev Broshtein)

Tsyplenkov, Sergey 185

Turner, James 130

Tutu, Desmond 198

Ukraine 343

Under the Green Roof 87

Vasilieva, Tatiana 189, 194

Vasily (inmate) 279–80, 288, 309

Vettel, Sebastian 160

Vitaly (inmate) 101–3, 104–8, 109–10, 179, 229, 241, 269

Voight, Jon 248

Wałęsa, Lech 199

Wallace, George 245

Weber, Kruso:

aboard Ladoga 26, 42

appeal of 180–1

back on Arctic Sunrise 42–3

banner demands release of 30

leaves Russia 336–7

at Prirazlomnaya protest, see under Arctic 30

in SIZO-1, Murmansk 263

see also Arctic 30 activists/crew

WikiLeaks 129

Willcox, Elsie 244–5

Willcox, Henry 244

Willcox, Maggy 247, 249, 343

Willcox, Pete:

bail granted to 312–13

birth and early life of 244–7; and trip to USSR 246–7

captains Seeger’s boat 247

commandos and coastguard officers faced by 15

described 14

diary entries of: in SIZO-1, Murmansk 243–4, 249–50, 263, 265; in SIZO-1, St Petersburg 281, 285, 295–6, 301, 305, 312–13

earlier arrests of 248

first Greenpeace captaincy of 247

first protest of 245–6

home return of 343

marriages of 249

and Mikhail Ulyanov 341

piracy charges against 247

portrayed in Rainbow Warrior movie 248

at Prirazlomnaya protest, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew

Rainbow Warrior captained by 15, 248

release of, on bail 319

and Russian seizure of Arctic Sunrise, see under Arctic Sunrise

self-questioning by 313

in SIZO-1, Murmansk, diary entries of 243–4, 249–50, 263, 265

in SIZO-1, St Petersburg 312–13; diary entries of 281, 285, 295–6, 302, 305, 312–13

strip-searched and fingerprinted 60

see also Arctic 30 activists/crew

Willcox, Roger 244, 246

Winter Olympics 172, 331, 345

Yakushev, Ruslan 30

Yeltsin, Boris 175, 278

Yuri (inmate) 7, 10, 109, 112–15, 142, 148, 194–5, 203, 206, 207, 252, 267–8, 269

charges against 6

Zaspa, Dr Katya 134

bail application of 302–3; granted 303

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About the Author’s Royalties

The author’s royalties from sales of this book are being donated to groups that fight for environmental protection and the rights of political prisoners: SaveTheArctic.org; 350.org; PlatformLondon.org; Agora-Sofia (www.openform.ru) and Human Corpus (www.corpus.media.org).

About the Author

Ben Stewart is a former Guardian Student Journalist of the Year. He was one of the six protesters cleared of criminal damage in a groundbreaking trial after climbing the chimney at Kingsnorth power station. In its ‘Year in Ideas’ issue the New York Times magazine described the verdict as one of the defining moments of 2008. In 2010 he led the first Greenpeace expedition to challenge Arctic oil drilling off the coast of Greenland. In 2013 he was a leading figure in the campaign to free the Arctic 30. He lives in London.


© 2015 by Ben Stewart

Foreword © 2015 by Paul McCartney

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form, without written permission from the publisher.