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Sometimes they shackled me to the wall and tortured my nipples, my clit, until I begged them to fuck me. Other times I was bound to the bed where they whipped me into a frenzy with the flogger before they made me suck them off.

Never had they blindfolded me. And never had they so delicately

removed my shoes. Never, ever had they been so silent. They liked to talk dirty. Spur each other on.

Use me.

The other sandal was released. When my feet were bare, Jeff slid his hand up the back of my bare calves, then over my knees, and pushed the skirt of my dress up to my hips.

I sat still, waiting for their first command. What would they have me do tonight? I loved to suck their cocks. Long and thick, they filled my mouth, tasting so good. My mouth watered at just the thought.

“Stop thinking.”

My lips parted in surprise at Steve’s softly spoken words.

Jeff’s thumbs drew gentle circles on my hipbones, his fingers curving over my sides, making me squirm. What was up with them tonight?

When warm breath brushed over my shoulder, I almost jumped in

surprise. Then Steve laid an open‐mouthed kiss against the tender, sensitive skin where my neck meets shoulder, and I stiffened. They’d never kissed me before. My breathing sped. My heartbeat thundered in my ears. Oh, God, was this goodbye?

“I believe Steve commanded you to stop thinking,” Jeff said, his light touch on my hips, his thumbs rubbing those slightly ticklish, ultra‐sensitive spots just above my hipbones.

“I…” My throat closed up on me. I didn’t know what to say. With

Steve’s warm breath and silky lips against my neck, and Jeff’s hands on me, too, I lost my train of thought. I didn’t want this to be a farewell fuck.

I loved this tenderness, craved more even though I didn’t know I would, but it couldn’t be the end.

“You what?” Steve whispered against my ear, his breath sending a zing of tingles down my spine, before he nibbled my earlobe.

A groan ripped from my throat. I wanted to grab them both and hold them close, not let them go. But that wasn’t part of the deal. Never had been. We were all free agents, and when it was over, it was over. So I let my head fall back heavy and closed my eyes behind the blindfold. If this was the last time, I wasn’t about to waste it talking.

Jeff’s deep chuckle whispered through the room, yet another thrill to my body. I wished they hadn’t blindfolded me. I wanted to see them.

Hell, I wanted to read their expressions. I was a therapist, after all. It was what I did for a living. Which was probably why they blinded me. They knew this. I’d been up front with them about my career and why I sought release the way I did.

Steve let go of my hand, and I almost reached out to grab for him, terrified he’d pull away from the delicious torment he wreaked on my ear, my neck. But he let go only to reach behind me and slowly lower the zipper on the back of silk sheath.

The soft material parted, letting loose its tight rein on my breasts, and then he slowly pulled it forward until the thin straps slid down my arms, leaving a goose bump‐inducing tickle in its wake.

“You’re so beautiful, Chloe,” Steve whispered, his breath trickling against my cheek. “Have we ever told you that?”

Tears stung my eyes behind the blindfold, and I shook my head.

No, they’d never said that. They’d complimented the length of my legs, how they wrapped around their waists when they took me missionary style, or how my boobs bounced when one fucked me from behind, but beautiful? No, never, and the soft, feminine side of myself I tried to keep under lock and key melted at the sentiment.

“Our mistake,” Jeff said. “You are beautiful.”

Fingers tugged at the dress, pulling it farther down until it bunched at my waist. And then hands, one from each man, one rough and callused, the other smooth and warm, each took a breast and plumped it, teased the nipple. I sat utterly still, hands fisted on the bed on each side of me to keep from reaching out for a…hug?

Where had this needy version of my strong, unfeeling self come from? Because of the sorrow, pain, and often anger I dealt with daily in my job, I closed off. Locked my emotions up tight and didn’t let anyone in. And when I was with these two it was about physical pleasure and release, not hearts and flowers. But tonight, for whatever reason, I felt soft and vulnerable, and I didn’t like it one bit.

“You’re trembling,” Jeff commented in little more than a whisper.

His breath was right over my nipple, warm yet cooling, making the tip of my breast pucker into a hard pebble.

“What’s wrong?” Steve asked. His mouth still hovered near my cheek.

They demanded an answer. That much I knew. But what was my answer? That they were scaring me? That I was scaring myself? Why wouldn’t they just fuck me like normal so we could all get what we needed and be done with it?

Jeff pinched my nipple hard, and I yelped. Not so much from the pain but the surprise of it.

“Answer him,” Jeff commanded, and his hardened voice was something familiar.

“I don’t understand what you’re doing to me,” I said honestly.

Honesty was important in any relationship—as years of schooling to become the therapist I was had pounded into my head—but it was even more important in a D/s relationship. The partners must understand each other’s needs, wants, desires, limits. Damn, they were pushing my limits right then, and it had nothing to do with sex!

“You don’t like what we’re doing?” Steve asked, though his fingers drawing small circles over my areola didn’t stop their motion.

At first I shook my head, then I nodded. Hell, I didn’t know. I just didn’t know…

“You have your safe word,” Jeff said, his voice back to soft and gentle. “Use it any time if you must.”

No. Definitely not. Though I was scared and uncertain where this night might lead, I couldn’t say the word. I needed them to touch me this way, with this gentleness. Maybe something had been lacking in my life for too long, and perhaps this was a one‐time thing. Maybe they wouldn’t do this again. Maybe they were tired from whatever they spent their days doing and weren’t up to whipping and tying me up and fucking my brains out.

But then Steve did something I never in my wildest dreams imagined. Something so shocking I froze. When his lips brushed mine in the most tender kiss ever given to me, my body went hot, and my heart stalled. All that came out of me was a garbled, unintelligible sound that didn’t sound human.

They’d never, ever kissed me.

“That wasn’t quite the response I expected from you, Chloe,” Steve whispered, his lips brushing mine with each word. “Shall we try it again?”

He didn’t give me time to agree or deny. This time there was a bit more pressure against my mouth. He brushed his lips over mine, and when I opened my mouth, expecting a deeper kiss, some tongue action, he gently nibbled my bottom lip until I whimpered and fisted the silk sheet in my fists to keep from grabbing him.

Jeff’s warm mouth closed over the nipple he’d been teasing, and I moaned. My skin felt too tight, too hot. Jeff suckled like a kitten at my breast while Steve teased and softly tortured my lips. I couldn’t take it any longer. I released the bedding and raised my hands to Steve’s shoulders, gripped them, felt the soft, warm flannel he wore.

Steve pulled back at the same time Jeff released my nipple with a soft popping sound.

“Ah, ah, ah, Chloe.” Steve lifted my hands from his shoulders and pulled them down. “You weren’t given permission to touch.”

“We don’t want to bind you tonight, Chloe,” Jeff said. This time his voice was somewhere in the middle. A little rough, a little gentle, a lot arousing. “Don’t make us, because you know we will.”