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I raised my head and looked up into Steve’s Caribbean blue eyes.

Honesty was needed here. They’d been honest, and now it was my turn.

“I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you. I’m not much more than what you already know. I’m a therapist. Period. It’s my life, all I know. I can’t cook, have a maid because I refuse to do windows, I work long hours.” I glanced down at his chest, unable to maintain eye contact for this next part. “And as for commitment…I still rent even though I could afford a nice house because I’m terrified of being…trapped.”

“You’ll never be trapped with us,” Jeff said, and I heard the promise, the sincerity, in his tone. “Not ever.” He laid a gentle kiss on my cheek.

“The door will never be closed, Chloe,” Steve said, rubbing his chin against my temple. “And trust me when I say that Jeff and I lead pretty busy lives ourselves. If he’s not at the office, he volunteering here or there or running his stupid marathons.”

A laugh burst out of me at that. Maybe not triathlons, but marathons.

“God, that’s a gorgeous sound,” Jeff muttered. “What’s funny?”

I turned my head to look at him over my shoulder. Steve still held me in a tight embrace, as if he never intended to let go. “I always fancied you a runner.”

He grinned, and the smile lit up his face and eyes. “Yeah?”

I nodded. “Yeah. You’ve got the body for it.”

“And what do you do to keep your body so great?” Steve asked.

My face heated as I thought of my living room furniture. “Ah, an elliptical trainer and a Bowflex.” Every morning I used them. If I didn’t, I’d be as big as a house because I sat on my ass all day.

“Steve here just lifts heavy shit all the time.” Jeff laughed at himself, and I found it cute. Adorable, really.

I turned back to Steve. “You make jewelry with your lapidary skills?”

He tipped his head sideways in a half nod.

Jeff reached around me slightly and turned his wrist, showing me his watch. “He made this.”

The face of the watch was star sapphire. In the finely woven band of coppery colored metal were small black onyx squares.

“That’s gorgeous,” I said, and meant it. To be honest, I’d never bothered to notice any jewelry of any kind these men wore. I was surprised I hadn’t spotted such a spectacular piece before. I loved jewelry.

The more it glittered, the better.

“Thank you,” Steve muttered, as if embarrassed by the


“So, enough about jewelry making,” Jeff said and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“You want an answer,” I stated. They deserved one. And just maybe I deserved them. They’d always seemed like wonderful men, even through the very light conversation we usually had over drinks before heading to the private rooms. Steve had once asked for advice on a wedding gift for his mother who was remarrying for the fourth time. Jeff had wanted to know what was appropriate to get his secretary for her birthday. They thought of others. They cared. I shouldn’t have been surprised they’d come to care for me, but deep down I still was.

I took a deep breath, tried to clear my mind of all the black thoughts trying to push in, like the feeling of desolation when a relationship ended, the sense of failure, and said, “Okay.”

They squished me between them until I squeaked from lack of breath, and then they laughed. The sound was warm and filled with happiness, and one of those padlocks on my heart clinked open and fell away. Really, what did I have to lose, other than these two men? And I’d do that by saying no.

“May we finish what we started earlier?” Jeff asked.

I turned again and looked over my shoulder at him once they gave me enough room to move. Then I nodded. “I think I’d like that.”

He grinned again, and there were two little dimples in his cheeks.

Maybe getting to know them better outside of the fuck‐me, flay‐me room could be really wonderful.

I yelped in surprise and threw my arms around Steve’s neck when

he scooped me up into his arms. He grinned, too, and the twinkle in his baby blues was full of mischief. He took me the few steps back to the bed and dropped me like a rag doll where I bounced and giggled. His shirt I still wore opened, and I left it that way, revealing my breasts and belly.

This time they didn’t remain clothed. Slowly, as if they knew just how much I enjoyed the show, they undressed. Jeff’s cuffs were rolled up nearly to his elbows, and he undid each button one by one without hurried motions, leisurely exposing his chest with its soft whorls of hair, down farther to his rippled abs. He tugged the shirt from his slacks and shrugged out of it, letting it fall to the floor at his feet.

Steve unbuttoned his jeans with a series of soft pops to the buttons.

His cock was hard, straining against his navy blue briefs. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of the pants and pushed them down, toeing off his shoes at the same time.

Jeff unbuckled his belt, pulled it from the loops, and tossed it onto the bed where it lay over one of my ankles. He raised one eyebrow and smirked at me when I grinned.

This playful side of them was new to me. And I admitted I loved it.

Okay, it was time to really admit it all. I did love them, in a way. Of course, I still didn’t know them outside of this club, but I’d given it a chance, and suddenly I was as excited as I was terrified to see where it led.

In my ten years working as a sex therapist, I’d only dealt with two triad relationships. Of course, both of those had included bisexuality, which tended to lead to jealousy because someone felt left out.

Maybe I hadn’t seen more cases because they actually worked.

“She’s thinking again,” Steve said as he bent to pull off his socks.

“Talk to us,” Jeff said as he stepped out of his pants, picked them up, and folded then neatly before laying them over a chair in the corner of the room.

“How long have you two been sharing women?” Then I realized that up until a few minutes ago, I hadn’t even known they were related.

They looked nothing alike outside of a similar height.

Steve shrugged when he stood up, sans underwear. “Our first was

in college.” He turned to Jeff as if for confirmation.

“Yep. We were roommates at college.” Jeff pushed his black, silk boxers down, and his cock sprang up long and proud. “She was seeing us both, and neither of us knew it until she called out Steve’s name while we were having sex.” He strode to the bed and sat down next to me, hiking a knee up so he could turn toward me.

Steve came over, fisting his cock slowly, and sat down on the other side of me. “Started off as revenge for playing us. I made a date with her, but Jeff showed up. Next time he made a date, and I showed up. Third time we both made dates for the same night and showed up together.”

“We figured she’d be pissed off, and we’d end it all,” Jeff said, running a long, slender finger around my areola. “But she turned the tables on us and had us both that night.”

I reached over to Steve, pushed his hand out of the way, and took his cock in my palm. He closed his eyes and sighed.

“So?” I asked. “What happened with her? How long did it last?”

Jeff shook his head, then let out a little embarrassed chuckle. “We weren’t such upstanding gentlemen then as we are now. We fucked her and left and never took another call from her.”

“That was mean,” I said, but agreed the witch deserved it for dating roommates—cousins—behind the other’s back.

Steve nodded. “We never did that again.”

“Um…” I bit my bottom lip, unsure if I should ask.

“Go ahead,” Jeff said. “We’re open books to you, baby.”

Another locked clinked and fell away. The endearment did it. They called me “girl” or “woman” or once in a while when they were really fucking the hell out of me, “bitch”—only because they knew it turned me on to be talked to like that in the throes of carnal bliss—but never a tender endearment like “baby”.