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Joan came into his office. “I sent her the quarter mil,” she said. “Mind if I ask a question?”


“Why are you buying and decorating and landscaping a house in a place where you already have a gorgeous home. Is this just to keep the twins from getting it?”

“Yes,” Stone said. “There are other reasons, too, I think, but I don’t know what they are.”

Late that afternoon, Tracey called back. “I had a look around your new property this afternoon, and there’s a barn building full of whatever was in the house before all the trouble. There are some glorious eighteenth-century American pieces of furniture, out of Boston and Newport — a dining table and chairs, a breakfront, and some other chests of drawers and odd tables. There’s also a lot of old silver. They’ll give the house great character.”

“Then use them, but I don’t want any upholstered furniture or bedding used. See that all of that is burned, in a responsible way, of course.”

“Got it. I’ll send you photographs as I progress.”

“Don’t. Surprise me when it’s all done.”

“As you wish.” She hung up.

Later, after some thought, he called Tracey back. “I’d like you to put the eighteenth-century furniture and silver in my current house, and put the stuff it replaces into the new place.”

“Good idea.”

“One other thing about the new place: should the Stone twins ever chance to see it, I don’t want them to recognize anything that used to belong to their side of the family.”

“All right. By the way, Stone, Billy wants to talk to you.”

“Put him on.”

“Hey, Stone.”

“Hey, Billy.”

“A few minutes ago I got a call from a Boston lawyer named Keegan — the elder, not the younger. He represented the twins during negotiations for their sentencing, and his firm handled the details of their grandmother’s estate.”

“I know the Keegan son, but not the father.”

“Well, apparently he’s still representing them. They want to buy the family house.”

“What did you tell him?”

“That it’s been bought three times and sold twice. I stuck to the story we talked about — the Savannah lawyer and the Delaware corporation.”

“You did the right thing, Billy.”

“Keegan pressed me hard, but I told him it was out of my hands. He said that the twins would be very, very disappointed to hear that. It sounded like a threat. I gave him the mailing address of the Delaware corporation, so you may be hearing from him.”

“Good. I’ll see that someone responds to it.”

“Better you than me. Tracey is very excited about doing up the house.”

“I’m delighted to have her do it,” Stone replied. They said goodbye and hung up.

Stone knew he should start preparing to deal with the Stone twins, but he wasn’t sure how, or what he would be dealing with. He hoped they kept it at the lawyer level, but he didn’t believe that would happen.

He decided to deal with it on a blow-by-blow basis.


The Bacchettis returned to the city, and Stone and Dino arranged to have dinner at P. J. Clarke’s. Viv was still dealing with jet lag after Hong Kong and L.A.

It was nearly seven, and they managed seats at the bar for drinks.

“So, how was your stay at the Arrington?”


“And how are the boys?”

“Thriving. They’re the toast of Hollywood, though they don’t seem to know it.”

“They’re like that.”

“Have you heard from the Stone twins yet?”

“You mean, ‘heard’ like a bomb through the window?”

“Something like that.”

“So far, they’re dealing through an attorney, Keegan.”

“The one who came to see you?”

“His father. He’s been representing them from the beginning of all this. He called Billy Hotchkiss, wanting to buy the house. Billy told him it was sold, and Keegan let it be known that the boys would be... ‘very very disappointed,’ if the sale closed.”

“Has it closed?”

“Friday morning. I think Billy took some pleasure in telling him that. Also, I’ve hired his wife, Tracey, to decorate the place. She did Dick’s house.”

“Good. I can’t see you running around town looking at swatches and paint chips.”

“Good guess. She says she can have it done in a month.”

“That’s what they all say.”

“She has movie and Broadway decorating experience. I believe her.”

“The twins are going to make a move on you at some point,” Dino said. “Are you ready for that?”

“No. All I can do is respond.”

“My best guess is that they’ll go for the house first.”

Stone sat up straight. “I hadn’t thought they’d do that.”

“I’d call my insurance agent, if I were you.”

“Not only that. I’m going to put some security on it.”

“On Billy and Tracey, too.”

“I’m not thinking fast at all. I’m glad you’re back.”

Stone sent his friend Mike Freeman, at Strategic Services, a text ordering help. “There, that’ll get him started.”

His phone rang. “Yes?”

“It’s Mike. Is this about those twins?”

“It is.”

“Oh, shit. I don’t like what I’m hearing about that.”

“It strikes me that an awful lot of people are hearing an awful lot of things about it. Tell your people to dress like residents, just arrived for the summer.”

“What, did you think I would dress them like Secret Service, complete with palm mics?”

“Send some women, too. Give them station wagons, golf clubs, and tennis rackets.”

“They’ll like that. I’ll have people there tomorrow morning.”

“Thanks, Mike.” He hung up.

“Listen, Stone,” Dino said, “maybe these boys learned something in prison besides how to be better murderers. Maybe they’re more normal now. A lot of people are saying that about them.”

“You have a point, Dino, but I can’t let myself think that way. You know, the first time I saw those boys was at the Taratine Yacht Club, on the island. What struck me was they were like fresh copies of their father at that age.”

“Is the father the one you coldcocked when you were eighteen and got banished for your trouble?”

“One and the same. He was a shit then, and he was a shit until the day the boys put a gun to his head and blew his brains out. He seemed normal much of the time, but he wasn’t normal, and I’m betting the twins aren’t, either. Well, I’m not buying their act. I’m going to treat them as mortal threats.”

“I’m sure those sentiments are returned in kind,” Dino said.

“Me, too.”

“You remember when we used to wear light armor to work?”

“Yes. It was hell in the summer.”

“Not in Maine. It should be quite comfortable there.”

Stone looked at him sharply. “Are you saying you think I’m going up there for the summer?”

“I’d say it’s a sure thing, Stone. I know you well enough to think that you’ll give the appearance of taking all this in stride, until you won’t take it anymore. And my money would be on you, except...”

“Except what, Dino?”

“Except there are two of them.”

“Well, everybody keeps telling me that they act as one man, that they’re joined at the hip. If that’s true, they’ll make easier targets.”

“With twice as much firepower. I’ll help, but the mayor would frown on my spending the summer in Maine.”

“Why don’t you just retire, so you can be of more use to me?”

“Because I’d be busier than I am on the job,” Dino said, laughing, “and in greater danger of bodily harm, too.”