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[7] https://www.revmed.ch/revue-medicale-suisse/2008/revue-medicale-suisse-162/prise-en-charge-medicamenteuse-de-la-douleurneuropathique-quelle-place-pour-les-traitements-topiques; https://www.pharmasante.org/autres-cremes-anesthesiantes; Van Rijswijk J. B., Boeke E. L., Keizer J. М., Mulder P. G., Blom H. М., Fokkens W. J. Intranasal capsaicin reduces nasal hyperreactivity in idiopathic rhinitis: a double-blind randomized application regimen study. Allergy. 2003. Aug. 58(8):754–61; https://www.cochrane.org/fr/CD004460/capsaicine-pour-la-rhinite-allergique; Fokkens W., Hellings P., Segboer C. Capsaicin for Rhinitis. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2016.16(8):60.

Глава 2. Им нужна наша кожа

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Глава 3. Растения-пришельцы

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Глава 4. Апчхи!

[1] http://wd043.lerelaisinternet.com/pdf/Impact_sanitaire_ambroisie_ARA_2017.pdf.

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Глава 5. Иллюзорное счастье

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