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foreign traveclass="underline" to Paris with his parents, 18; visits his sister in Prussia, 40; to Rome, 26–28, 252; in Gibraltar and Portugal, 28; in Canada, 31; in United States of America, 32; to Germany to meet Alexandra, 41–42; to Vienna and Venice, 49, 50; to Balkans and Middle East, 51; to the Continent and Tunis, 60; to Denmark, Sweden and Germany, 83; to Russia, 87, 261; to Wiesbaden, 90; long holiday, Europe, Egypt, Turkey, 101–9; Oberammergau, Jugenheim, Homburg, 112; convalescent cruise in Mediterranean, 117, 124; Loire Valley, 125; Indian tour, 129–39; on family affairs, 146; Malta, 216, 217; KE’s entourage, 236; KE’s enjoyment of, 237; Paris, 237–39; Denmark, 239; set pattern of continental visits, 240; travels incognito, 240, 243, 244, 254; Marienbad, 244–48; Portugal, 251; Naples, 254–55; Berlin, 269; Algiers, 273; France, 293; Spain, 302

health: 241; exhaustion, 34; typhoid, 112–14; phlebitis, 269, 281; coughing fits, 280, 293, 294; bronchitis, 275, 280, 283, 293; appendicitis, 281; peritonitis, 282; operation for perityphlitis, 282; listlessness and depression, 282–83; chill and indigestion, 292; last illness, 281

money matters: his allowance as a young man, 22; Duchy of Cornwall, 67; Sandringham, 68; his annual income, 68; and visit to Russia, 87; gambling, 98, 112; QV criticizes his extravagance, 106; expenses at Constantinople, 106; rumours of debt, 126; and Indian tour, 129, 131, 135; racing expenditure and profits, 200; QV’s parsimony to P of W, 200–1; House of Commons increases P of W’s income, 201; income of KE, 201

politics: Bismarck annoyed by P of W’s relationship with Thiers, 125;

‘want of political judgement’, 125;

P of W kept in ignorance and allowed no responsibility, 142, 149, 156;

speaks in the Lords, 144; housing reform, 144; army reform, 144–45; excluded from Cabinet affairs, 145; choice of new Prime Minister, 149; at last has key to Foreign Office boxes, 150; his advice ignored, 150; KE and, 206; government ignores him, 208; does not get on with his ministers or their opponents, 209; KE depressed and worried about, 283, 287; women’s suffrage, 284; Third Reform Bill, 284; republicanism and socialism, 285;

‘People’s Budget’, 286; reform of House of Lords, 285, 286–87; KE frets about, 292

quoted on people: Emperor of Austria, 275; Bernstorff, 111; Buller, 160; von Bülow, 274; Campbell-Bannerman, 210, 248; Winston Churchill, 210; Garibaldi, 79; Gordon Cumming, 160; (to) Jeanne Granier, 258–59;

Haldane, 211; King Kalakaua, 147; Morley, 211; Nicholas II, 262; Pss of W, 116, 170; Sutherland, 73; Wilhelm II, 267

quoted on other matters: meeting with Alexandra and her parents, 42; his talk with Prince and Princess Christian, 57; his proposal to Alexandra, 58; his happiness, 59; loyalty, 73; Irish revolutionaries, 75; English aristocracy, 75; war in Denmark, 78; arrogance of Anglo-Indians, 138; QV’s treatment of him, 149–50; racing, 163; the Press, 163; art, 194; sartorial matters, 196; Holman Hunt’s London Docks, 198; proposed inquiry into conduct of Boer War, 210; danger to British rule in Indian Empire, 213; relationship with Prince George, 218; Biarritz, 241; his Orleanist sympathies, 256; Portuguese nobles, 261; death of Alexander III, 262; Cowes regatta, 270; Wilhelm II’s bombastic speech, 267; public men in Germany, 274; Afghan War, 283; Peers, 287

and QV: childhood relationship with, 6, 17, 18, 22, 25; at Albert’s death, 47; adult relationship with, 51, 99–100, 150–51; she disapproves of him, 73, 81, 108; she refuses him any authority or responsibility, 75–78; she is annoyed with him, 82–84; disagreements between, 145–49; he defies her, 150–51

and Wilhelm II: gives Kalakaua precedence over Crown Prince Wilhelm, 147; angered by Kaiser’s congratulations to Kruger, 152; Kaiser hopes to embarrass KE, 207; Crown Prince not invited to Sandringham, 266; P of W dislikes, 267; strained relations with Kaiser, 268–69, 270–71, 275–76; temporary amity between them, 267, 274; annoyed by Kaiser’s behaviour at Cowes, 268–69; and Kaiser’s officious behaviour on death of QV, 270; unsatisfactory meetings in Germany, 271; Kaiser at Sandringham, 272–73; deteriorating relationship, 273; Kaiser gossips about, 274; KE sends Kaiser birthday greetings, 274; discussion of naval matters, 276, 277, 278

and women: kisses a pretty girl, 22; Nellie Clifden, 40, 46, 50; rumours of flirtations in Russia and Paris, 89; Hortense Schneider, 101; Mordaunt divorce, 107–8; in India, 135–36; Lizzie Mathews, 137; letters to Lady Aylesford, 140–42; Lillie Langtry, 155–57; Bernhardt, 156, 238; Daisy Brooke, 157, 158, 158, 167–68, 170; Agnes Keyser, 171, 293; Alice Keppel, 177, 202, 220, 293, 304; in Paris, 239–40; at Marienbad, 248–50; Mrs Moore, 301

work: serves on Royal Commissions, 144, 151, 178; official duties, 110–11, 127–28, 133, 145, 148–49, 206–7, 258, 262; KE’s enthusiasm for, 205; the army, 207, 210, 211–12; the navy, 207; medicine, 207; diplomacy, 208;

resents government ignoring him, 208–9, 272; his few victories, 211; defeats, 212–14; official visit to Ireland, 261; audiences, 293, 294; signing documents, 294; a dereliction of duty, 303

Egypt, P and Pss of W in, 103

Eiffel, Alexandre Gustave (1832–1923), 257

Elizabeth, Empress of Austria (1837–98), 50

Elizabeth, Princess of Wied, 40–41

Ellenborough, Countess of (d 1881), 51

Elliott, Maxine, 247–48

Ellis, Arthur Edward, later Sir Arthur (1837–1907), 102, 130

Ellis, William (1800–81), 14

Elphinstone, Sir Howard Crawfurd (1829–90), 48, 76

Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803–82), 34

Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (1818–93), 42, 43, 57, 64

Errol, Countess (d 1916), 131

Erskine, Lady Sybil St Clair, 186

Escoffier, Auguste (1847–1935), 226

Esher, Reginald Baliol Brett, 2nd Viscount (1852–1930): on Prince Charles of Denmark, 181; comments on, 192–93; on KE, 193, 205; disapproves of informality at court, 201; and KE’s enthusiasm for work, 205; on Arnold-Forster, 210; KE and, 215; and P and Pss of W, 218; and return of Liberal government, 292

Eugènie, Prince Imperial of France (1856–79), 256

Eugènie, Empress of France (1826–1920), 18, 256

Eulenburg und Hertefeld, Philipp, Count von (1847–1921), 275

Faraday, Michael (1791–1867), 14

Fayrer, Sir Joseph (1824–1907), 130

Fehr (courier), 217, 236, 243

Feodora, Princess of Leiningen (1807–72), 5

Ferdinand I, King of Bulgaria (1861–1948), 250

ffolkes, Sir William (1847–1912), 71

Fife, Alexander William Duff, 6th Earl of, later cr Duke of (1849–1912), 181

Fildes, Sir Luke (1844–1927), 299

Filmer, Lady, 73, 89

Filmer, Sir Edmund, 94

Fisher, John Arbuthnot, 1st Baron Fisher of Kilverstone (1841–1920): dances at Windsor, 201; KE supports, 207; KE and, 211, 215; in Marienbad, 244; on KE, 300, 304

FitzGeorge, Sir Adolphus Augustus, 130, 242

Fortescue, Seymour, 247, 287

Fowler, John, later Sir John (1817–99), 103

France: P of W in Loire Valley, 125; P of W in Cannes, 145; KE fond of, 237, 263, 267; anti-British feeling in, 240, 258, 260; KE in Biarritz, 240, 292–93, 302, 303; KE’s goodwill visit to, 260–

64; P of W and Franco-Prussian War, 265; Franco-German relations, 274; QA on Biarritz, 297; KE declines to come home from, 303; see also Paris

Francis II, King of the Two Sicilies (1863–94), 60

Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria (1830–1916), 50

Freake, C.J., 179

Frederick, Crown Prince of Denmark, later King Frederick VIII (1843–1912), 83