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1917), 20

Vanbrugh, Violet (1867–1942), 273

Vanderbilt, Mrs Cornelius, 254

Vansittart, Robert Gilbert, later 1st Baron Vansittart (1881–1957), 298

Victor Emmanuel II, King of Sardinia and first King of Italy (1820–78), 23, 27, 60, 254

Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy (1869–1947), 251, 253

Victoria, Princess (1868–1935), 180;

birth, 101; does not marry, 182; plays ‘golf’, 198; birthday parties, 220; KE’s last illness, 295; on KE’s superstition, 299

Victoria, Princess of Hesse (1863–1950):

wedding, 148, 266

Victoria, Princess of Prussia (1866–

1929), 265

Victoria, Princess Royal, see Frederick, Crown Princess

Victoria, Queen (1819–1901): attitude to religion, 11; and punishment of children, 18; assaulted in Park, 21;

and Schleswig-Holstein Duchies, 59, 77, 83; low and depressed before the wedding’, 63; at wedding, 61, 62–63; and Marlborough House, 67; and Garibaldi’s visit to England, 78; Christian names of her descendants, 82; and Mordaunt divorce, 107, 109; shares responsibility for unpopularity of Royal Family, 109; at Sandringham, 113, 114; and thanksgiving celebrations, 116; Empress of India, 138, 149; and Aylesford scandal, 140, 142; Our Life in the Highlands, 146; everyone afraid of, 152; and Tranby Croft affair, 161, 162, 163; and Fife, 181; Golden Jubilee, 188; death, 191; and state opening of Parliament, 206; and the Gladstones, 229; her style of travelling abroad, 236

comments on her by: Henry James, 191; Lady Macclesfield, 114; Frederick Ponsonby, 298; Lady Warwick, 174

and her family: Princess Royal, 3, 5; Albert, 3, 4, 47, 75–76; Crown Princess Frederick, 44; death of her mother, 45; marriage of Princess Helena, 85; birth of Prince George, 86; death of Pss of W’s baby, 111; and Wilhelm II, 152, 267, 273, 277; encourages marriage between Victoria of Prussia and Alexander of Battenberg, 265; and Prince Wilhelm of Prussia, 266

and P of W: birth of P of W, 3; she compares him to his father, 4; and his names, 4; and the child, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18; and his ambition to join army, 23; she praises him, 34; and a marriage for P of W, 40, 42, 44, 57; considers him heartless, 45; and Nellie Clifden affair, 46, 50; blames him for Albert’s death, 47–48, 49; instructions to P of W, 50, 61, 129, 138; disapproves of his friends, 73, 174; and of his frivolity, 74, 81–82; refuses to allow him any responsibility or authority, 77, 123–24, 150–52; and P and Pss of W, 83–84, 92; and P of W’s children, 81, 101, 132, 182, 185; annoyed about P of W in Egypt, 103; and Mordaunt divorce, 107, 109; and P of W’s holidays, 124; and Indian tour, 131, 132, 133; P of W brings a present for, 137–38; refuses to allow him to go to Egypt, 145; disagreements, 145–46; and his finances, 201; disapproves of his friendships with French nobility, 256; and squabble between P of W and Wilhelm II, 268

and Pss of W: 91, 129; before Alexandra’s marriage, 59; disapproves of her, 81, 86, 91–92, 93; relationship between, 87, 153; goes to see her, 87

quoted on: birth of P of W, 3; moulding P of W in Albert’s image, 4; children, 6, 18; P of W and Princess Royal, 12; P of W, 13, 19, 24, 40, 49, 51, 87, 145, 148; Albert, 15–16, 22, 47; Alexandra, 41, 57, 58, 59; Crown Princess Frederick, 42; Albert’s death, 48; P and Pss of W, 63, 73, 87, 115; Prince Affie, 82; Queen of Denmark, 85; Pss of W, 83, 84, 86, 87, 93, 153; extravagance, 106; P of W’s dislike of reading, 127; Prince Eddy, 183, 185; Golden Jubilee, 188; Alexander of Battenberg, 265; Wilhelm II, 267

Vienna, P of W in, 49, 268

Vitzthum, Count, 60

Voisin, Dr (French tutor), 13

Vyner, Mrs Robert, 242

Waddington, Mme, 243

Waldemar, Prince of Denmark (1858–

1909), 83

Walden, William Montagu-Hay, Viscount, later 10th Marquess of Tweeddale (1826–1911), 99

Wales, Albert Edward, Prince of, see Edward VII, King

Wales, Alexandra, Princess of, see Alexandra, Queen

Wales, Prince of, see George, Prince

Walsingham, Thomas de Grey, 6th Baron (1843–1919), 97

Walters, Catherine, 128, 239

Warwick, Frances Evelyn Greville, Countess of (1861–1938), 197; her history, 157–58; and P of W, 157, 158, 159, 167; and Beresford, 158; and Tranby Croft affair, 160; a socialist, 168; her house-parties, 168–70; on P of W, 170; and Pss of W, 170, 193; on Jews, 174–75; on KE’s taste in music, 197

Warwick, Francis Richard Greville, 5th Earl of (1853–1924), 157

Watson, George Lennox (1851–1904), 270

Wavertree, William Hall Walker, Baron (1856–1933), 247

Wellard (footman), 236

Wellesley, Gerald Valerian (1809–82), 13, 21, 73, 112

Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of (1769–1852), 4

Wentworth, ‘Long John’, 33

Westminster, Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor, 3rd Marquess, later 2nd Duke of (1825–99), 68, 287

Wharncliffe, Edward Montagu Stuart Wortley Mackenzie, 3rd Baron and 1st Earl of (1827–99), 99, 155

Whewell, William (1794–1866), 44

Whistler, James Abbott McNeill (1834–1903), 155

White Lodge, 19

Wilberforce, Samuel, Bishop of Oxford (1805–73), 7, 29, 51, 65

Wilde, Oscar (1854–1900), 173

Wilhelm, Crown Prince of Prussia (1882–1951), 266

Wilhelm, Prince of Orange (1840–79), 42

Wilhelm I, King of Prussia and first German Emperor (1797–1888): Pss of W and, 92; P of W and, 92, 103; opposed to his grand-daughter’s marriage, 266; death of, 266

Wilhelm II, German Emperor (1859–1942) as Prince : bad behaviour at his uncle’s wedding, 64–65; confirmation, 125; King Kalakaua given precedence over, 147; wedding, 148; and P of W, 266, 269, 270; and QV, 266; opposed to his sister’s marriage, 266; becomes Kaiser, 266

as Kaiser : late for dinner at Osborne, 152; congratulates Kruger, 152; Mrs Keppel sits next to, 172; yachtsman, 269; his navy, 270; suggests an Anglo-German alliance, 272; at Sandringham, 272–73; on KE, 273; and death of QV, 191, 271; makes a speech, 207; decorates British officers and men, 211; and Pope Leo, 251, 252; Nicholas II and, 262; officiously knowledgeable, 267, 271, 273; personality and appearance, 266; visits to England, 269, 271, 272–73, 275; 40th birthday greetings from KE, 274; prophesies war with England, 275–76; KE and, 276; on his discussion of armaments with KE, 276; tries to make KE’s and QA’s visit a success, 276; his rules for court balls, 279; Sardanapalus, 280; patronizing behaviour, 301

comments on him by: KE, 274; Francis Knollys, 271; Pss of W, 271; QV, 152

William, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel (1787–4867), 41

William, Prince of Denmark, later King George I of Greece (1845–1913), 83

Williams, Owen Lewis Cope (1836–1904), 130, 140

Wilson, Arthur (1836–1909), 160

Windsor Castle: Alexandra arrives at, 61–62; QV and Pss of W at, 87; KE makes changes at, 193; trouble over music at, 197; golf course at, 198; impromptu dances at, 201

Winterhalter, Franz Xaver (1805–73), 33

Wolseley, Sir Garnet Joseph, later cr Viscount Wolseley (1833–1913), 145, 179

Wood, Fernando, 34

Wood, Mrs Henry (1814–87), 197

Wren, Sir Christopher (1632–1723), 67

Wynn-Carrington, Charles Robert, later 3rd Baron Carrington and Marquess of Lincolnshire (1843–1928): on P of W, 15, 135, 140; on Albert, 15; P of W makes a friend of, 37; and Nellie Clifden, 40; P of W writes to, 50; his history, 72; P of W and, 100, 107, 193; on Mackenzie, 99; his father’s warning, 100; on Harriet Mordaunt, 107; on the monarchy, 117; and Indian tour, 129, 137; on Aylesford, 140; expedition with P of W to London slums, 144; coins a phrase, 153; on dinner party at Marlborough House, 195; on Esher, 193; on receiving Order of the Garter, 193; on life at Sandringham, 219; on KE as a speaker, 206; and Third Reform Bill demonstration, 284; and death of KE, 299