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A shudder of need passed through Tynan as her gaze settled on him. He was on his hands and knees, crawling up from her cunt, his testicles hanging huge and heavy between his thighs, his penis a hard line against his muscled abdomen.

The sight made her sheath spasm. A shiver of remembered orgasm passed through her and she wanted to give him the same pleasure he’d given her, to take his cock in her mouth and love him with her lips and tongue until he knew the ecstasy of release.

Wraith still held her wrists pinned to the mattress. His hand remained possessively on her breast. His dark eyes were hard with the promise of more dominance.

A lightning strike of erotic desire whipped through Silver, striking her clit and making it pulse. “Let me have Tynan while you fuck me,” she whispered.

Wraith’s eyes flashed, a carnal storm in pitch-black night. “You heard her, brother,” he said, then wrenched Silver up and positioned her on her hands and knees.

Chapter Four

Silver shivered in anticipation. She widened her thighs and immediately took Tynan’s cock in her mouth when he knelt in front of her. She was too needy to tease, too desperate to torment him the way she’d done with Wraith.

If Wraith was the wildness found in a summer storm, Tynan was the earth in springtime, fresh and exhilarating, throbbing with promise and potential. She sucked his penis, took him deep, hard, and filled with heady power when he nearly whimpered at the pleasure she was giving him. It was ecstasy returned a hundredfold when Wraith forged into her channel.

Tight. So tight. Despite the arousal dripping from her slit, Wraith fought for every inch his cock claimed. He felt as primitive as the earth from which The Mother had created elves, as powerful as the storm-filled skies of The Father’s domain.

He groaned when he was fully seated, panted and shuddered as her sheath tightened and released on his penis like a hungry mouth, sucking him as she was sucking his brother. Ecstasy, it was the ultimate surrender of will, and yet he’d known nothing else since the first touch of his lips to hers, the first tangle of his tongue with hers. He might dominate her but she commanded his pleasure, his future.

He nearly came when Tynan began begging, thrusting wildly as Silver took him between her lips. Wraith had never shared a woman before, had only rarely fantasized about it, but as he watched his brother’s cock forging in and out of Silver’s mouth, his testicles pulled tight against his body and his penis grew so swollen that he couldn’t remain still any longer.

Wraith closed his eyes and gave himself over to mindless pleasure and raw passion, to lust so hot it became molten, liquid hunger. His breath charged in and out of his chest. His heart raced, its beat a wild uncontrollable pulse surging through his cock and making his hips buck until his shout of release filled the bedroom.

Even after the last of his seed escaped, white-hot shards of soul-stealing pleasure continued to pierce him and make him tremble. He felt weak, boneless, satisfied in a way he’d never dreamed possible.

He would have collapsed on Silver, buried his face against her neck as his chest covered her back but somehow Tynan had kept from answering the siren song of her mouth. Wraith grunted when his brother pulled Silver out from under him. He dropped to the sheets and turned on his side so he could watch.

Emotion raged through Tynan, tender and fierce, all-consuming as he placed Silver on her back and settled on top of her. He’d waited a lifetime for this moment, resisted temptation and the lure of easy sex so he could couple with the woman destined for him, the woman who’d plagued his dreams with heated sensation but remained elusive until now.

“Silver,” he whispered, shivering as her arms encircled his neck and pulled him to her for a kiss. He could taste himself and Wraith on her. He could taste all the seasons, all the elements. She was everything, their future.

The elfling mark on her palm sent a flame of heat straight to his cock. Deep inside her he could feel the magic building, getting ready to change her into what she was meant to be.

A shudder went through him at the thought of losing her. If their paths hadn’t crossed in time…

Tynan deepened the kiss. His tongue tangled with hers as a touch of fear made him anxious to claim her. When her legs went around his waist, trapping him against her flushed, heated skin, he moaned and bucked against her smooth cunt and belly.

In, he had to get inside her. He needed to feel the hot, slick muscles of her sheath holding him, burning him, welcoming him.

“Silver,” he whispered again, rising enough so his cock head found her entrance.

“Please, Tynan, please,” she said, lifting, impaling herself on him and surrounding the tip of his penis with wet, fiery ecstasy.

He gave in to the desire that had built over a lifetime. With the first thrust he pushed all the way in and surrendered himself to the rightness of being with her.

There was no room for thought, no reality other than her sultry depths and the rub of her tongue against him as they clung to one another. He wanted to climb beneath her skin and live with her there. He settled for plunging wildly in and out of her, for swallowing her cries of release and giving her his own.

Trouble, Silver thought afterward as the covers were pulled up and she snuggled underneath them, held securely between Tynan and Wraith. She was in trouble.

The nagging twinge in her heart warned how easy it would be to build a fantasy around them—Wraith whose dominance thrilled and freed her, Tynan whose easy manner and tender touches made her feel cared for. She could love them. She could make a life with them. The Mark she’d looked upon with horror suddenly offered freedom from a path she’d once eagerly looked forward to treading.

Silver turned away from the thought before it could take hold, before doubts could form and deepen. No one knew what The Mark truly meant or why it appeared.

It would be gone soon enough. She would be gone. But she wouldn’t regret this night even if it meant leaving for her new home alone and remaining that way until she could look at a warlock and not compare him to Tynan and Wraith.

There was no future here. There was only the moment. She closed her eyes and savored the feel of being held between Wraith and Tynan as she drifted off to sleep.

Silver woke to a room warmed by a spring breeze and smelling of exotic flowers. Sunlight filtered through gauzy curtains and birds sang in nearby trees. Her lips curved upward in a smile. It was a fitting way to wake up after a night of fantasy.

For a moment she luxuriated in the warmth radiating off Wraith and Tynan. At some point they’d rolled onto their backs but they’d remained close, pressed against her as if even in sleep they wanted to keep touching her.

Don’t, her heart warned. Don’t make it more than it is.

She’d never been casual in her choice of bed partners. Always before they’d been warlocks or nulls who were friends first and friends afterward, men who understood she wasn’t free to give her heart until she finished her training and went through the Rite of New Beginnings.

Silver opened her palm and looked at The Mark. If anything it seemed more pronounced, darker and deeper than when it first appeared.

It had followed her into her dreams, the circle spinning wildly, the spiked lines in the center burning until she’d felt turned inside out, recreated. She closed her hand and eased into a sitting position, preferring to contemplate the men still sleeping on either side of her.

Stray tendrils of hair had escaped from their braids, but not enough to cover the delicate tips of their ears. She leaned down to study Tynan more closely.