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Brisa knew exactly which “him” Janey referred to. They’d talked about him enough. “Hey, you were staring at him as he came in.”

“Yeah, true. But I’m not the one who practically has her tongue hanging out of her mouth.”

She tore her gaze off the hottie and scowled at her friend. “I am not that bad.”

Janey shook her head. “Oh yes, you are. I’m surprised you haven’t set the bar on fire with your erotic thoughts, the ones starring him.”

Brisa lifted a brow. “And how exactly would you know I’m having erotic thoughts, hmm? Are you a mind reader now?”

Her friend laughed. “No, but I know you have your mind in the gutter as much as I do.”

She chuckled. “So true. We do have sex on the brain.”

“Yeah, but at least I have a boyfriend to get me some. You, on the other hand, do not.”

“So I’m not seeing anyone right now. It’s not the end of the world, you know. I’ve just decided I need to be pickier in my choice of men.”

“I have to agree with you on that. The last one was a loser with a capital L. He wanted you to be his mother more than a girlfriend. I don’t know how you stuck it out for a month.”

Brisa groaned. “Don’t remind me. I’d hoped he’d get over it. He wasn’t that bad of a guy.”

Janey gave her a look that said who was Brisa kidding. “Maybe, but he wasn’t that good, either.” She glanced over her shoulder, then turned back to Brisa. “I think the hunk over there would be perfect for you. Why don’t you go over and talk to him?”

“No way.” Brisa shook her head. “I’m waiting to see if he’ll talk to me first. I’ve caught him watching me a few times.”

“Brisa, you’ll be waiting a long time if you leave it up to him. He’s been coming in here for six months and hasn’t even said hello to you. There is nothing wrong with a woman making the first move.”

She nibbled her bottom lip. “I know. I just can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Well, look at him. I’m sure he has women throwing themselves at him all the time. I doubt he’d appreciate it if I were to do the same thing.”

Janey rolled her eyes. “I’m not suggesting you jump his bones or anything. Just go up to him and start off by saying hi and introducing yourself.”

“I don’t know. I have to be at the bar,” Brisa hedged.

She’d love nothing more than to go talk to the hottie, but every time she thought about it, she found herself not getting up enough nerve. Brisa had a sick feeling she’d make an ass of herself in front of him by saying something really stupid. As she’d said to Janey, he was so good-looking he probably had women going after him all the time. Brisa felt she’d have to make a good impression if she wanted to stand out in the crowd. And coming across as an airhead wouldn’t cut it.

“Stop thinking up excuses,” Janey said. “And that’s what it is. I’ve seen you handle guys who have tried to hit on you here with no problem. This should be much easier than warding off those dumbasses.”

“Maybe, but—”

“But nothing. Tonight’s your night. I’ll watch the bar while you go and serve the hunk his beer. I’ll even let you keep the tip.”

Brisa shook her head. “You’re not going to let up, are you?”


“All right. You win. I’ll go take him his beer, but I’m giving you the tip.”

She walked out from around the bar and went to where Janey stood. After picking up the beer bottle, Brisa turned and headed for the hottie’s table. As she came closer, his gaze landed on her and stayed. Her body instantly stood at attention. Her nipples grew taut beneath her white cotton blouse. With each step she felt more nervous. The hand holding the beer shook ever so slightly. Get a grip, she berated herself. She was a mature woman of twenty-nine. She’d talked with enough men she shouldn’t be feeling this way. Finally reaching the table, her mouth suddenly went dry when she looked into his blue, blue eyes. With his tanned skin, they seemed to pop.

Brisa quietly cleared her throat. “Here’s your beer,” she said as she placed the bottle in front of him. “I’m Brisa, the bartender, by the way.”

Now didn’t she sound real intelligent with that one? Duh, he had to already know she was the bartender. Any idiot would know that, considering that’s where she spent all of her time when working her shift.

His gaze met hers. “I’m Darius.”

His deep, slightly accented voice washed over Brisa. A shiver of delight shot through her. God, she could have an orgasm just from listening to him talk. As if her pussy agreed wholeheartedly, an ache built inside it and she grew wet.

Darius’ chest rose as he took a deep breath. And for a second there, Brisa swore she saw hunger lurking in the blueness of his eyes. She became tongue-tied, only able to stare back at him, wishing she could strip him out of the black t-shirt that seemed molded to his broad shoulders and wide chest. Better yet, she wished she could plop down on his lap, take a good grip of his hair and have her way with his mouth.

He shifted, reaching into the front pocket of his jeans, and Brisa snapped her thoughts back to reality. She watched him take out some bills to pay for his beer, then reached for them when he held them out. As their fingers touched, and she took the money, his hand wrapped around hers before she could pull away. His was warm and seemed to envelop all of hers. At the simple contact her heart beat faster, her breath speeding up as well. It wouldn’t take much to have her melt into a pile of goo at his feet.

“Keep the change,” he said. Still holding her hand, he continued. “Have a drink with me, Brisa.”

“Ah, I can’t. I’m not allowed to drink while I’m working.” From where their skin touched, a current of pleasure rode through her bloodstream all the way to her pussy.

“Then once you’re finished your shift.”

“That’ll be closing time.”

“I’ll wait and walk you to your car.”

Brisa was about to tell him that he didn’t have to when Janey breezed by, and said, “She’d love for you to walk her to her car.”

She figured her friend had to have been somewhere close enough to eavesdrop on her conversation with Darius, even though she was supposed to be watching the bar. Brisa shook her head as the other woman went to another table to take orders.

Brisa turned her attention back to Darius. He still hadn’t let go of her hand. “I guess my answer is yes.”

“Until then.”

Darius released her. Brisa instantly missed the warmth of his hand surrounding hers. She smiled and slowly backed up, clutching the money. She spun around and beat a hasty retreat.

She wasn’t too surprised to find Janey approaching the bar a short time after Brisa had gone behind it. The knowing smile her friend wore said everything.

“Aren’t you glad I made you go talk to him?” Janey asked.

“Yes.” Brisa rang in the sale of Darius’ beer in the cash register, then took out the change and handed it to Janey.

The other woman pocketed the money. “And don’t worry. I won’t stick around to see what happens when he walks you to your car.” She winked at Brisa. “Maybe you’ll get lucky tonight.”

Brisa doubted it. For one thing, she wasn’t the type of woman to hop in the sack with a man she’d just met. Considering how late it would be when the bar closed, it wasn’t as if she and Darius would have a lot of time to get to know each other enough for sex to be part of the picture. If he asked her out on a real date, that would be another matter.

“Oh yeah, I’m going to have some hot sex with Darius in the back of my car in the parking lot,” Brisa said. “And given how small it is, I doubt the man would manage to fit inside it.”

Janey laughed. “Okay, I just got the mental picture of him sitting in the backseat with his legs hanging out the car door as he does the nasty with you.”