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“Why do you say that?”

She turned back to him. “Well, for one thing, we’re now in Miami Shores. Where some of the most expensive homes can be found in the city. I take it this is where you live, right? And your car isn’t exactly what the average Joe could afford.”

“Yes. I bought a place here five years ago when I came to Miami.”

“I’ve only ever driven by the houses here. With a bartender’s salary, there is no way I’d ever be able to afford one, let alone rent it.”

“Well, today you can say you’ve been inside one of them.”

Money had never been a problem for him since he’d become one of Anubis’ warriors. The god had made sure of that. Over the years, Anubis had given him more than enough precious jewels and gold to make Darius a very rich man. The god looked after his own.

As he pulled onto his long, curving drive, Brisa let out a low whistle. “Wow. Your place is gorgeous. You live here by yourself? It’s huge.”

Parking his car outside the garage, Darius turned off the engine and turned to Brisa. “Thanks, and yes, I do live alone. I like to have my space.”

“I guess so. You’d probably be able to fit three of my apartments in there.”

He chuckled and got out of the car. Brisa followed suit and walked around the back end to meet him at his side. Once at his front door, Darius unlocked it and moved aside for Brisa to enter first. She let out another whistle as he stepped in behind her and closed them inside.

“It’s beautiful, Darius. I especially like the banister. It’s the type I would have spent hours riding down when I was a kid.”

He looked over at the wide, mahogany staircase that started near the center of the cathedral-ceilinged foyer, rising to the upper level. He then focused back on Brisa. “Go ahead.”

She gave him a questioning look. “Go ahead what?”

“Go ride down the banister.”

Brisa laughed. “You really want me to do it? I didn’t mean I should slide down it now. I’m too old for things like that.”

“Why not?” he asked. “I know you want to. And I won’t think you’re any less mature for doing it.” He gave her smile. “I have to admit I’ve tried it out a time or two. If it can hold me, it’ll definitely hold you.”

She gnawed her bottom lip as she thought over what he’d said. Seeing her doing it made Darius want to lean in and claim her mouth, do some nibbling of his own.

“I don’t know,” she said. “It’s a long banister, and there isn’t much of a newel post at the bottom of the staircase. It’s nothing but a small square piece of wood. If I can’t stop in time I could fly off at the end.”

“I’ll be here to catch you just in case.”

Brisa chuckled and shook her head. “I can’t believe I’m going to do this, but who am I to turn down a chance to go banister riding inside a mansion.”

She put her purse on the floor and ran up the stairs. Once she reached the top, Darius shifted into position at the end of the railing. Brisa swung her leg over it with her back facing toward him.

“All right,” she called down. “Are you ready?”

“I’m all set.”

She let go and started a controlled ride down. She giggled as she went. Darius followed her progress with his gaze. It landed on her bottom and didn’t shift away. Her jeans were pulled tight across it, molded to it perfectly. He had to bite back a moan at the sight of it. Unlucky for him, Brisa managed to stop herself before she reached the newel post. He would have liked the excuse to fondle that rear end.

Brisa got off the banister and smiled. “One more time.”

He nodded, then watched her hurry back up. This time she went a little faster and it looked as if she wouldn’t be able to stop in time. Darius stepped onto the bottom stair, snagged Brisa around the waist and lifted her off. He pulled her tight against his chest and swung around so they faced the other way.

She relaxed into him and laughed. “I guess I went a little too fast that time. Thanks for catching me.”

“No problem,” he said, his voice sounding husky to his ears.

Where he held her to him, her nicely rounded bottom rested against the front of his jeans. His cock was hard, liking where it was. Brisa must have felt it, because her laughter slowly died. She turned her head to look at him and licked her lips.

Darius knew he couldn’t let the situation pass. He took her mouth, groaning as she kissed him back. He made no move to put her down or turn her in his arms. He pushed his tongue past her lips and licked and sucked. His cock throbbed, and he rubbed it against Brisa, aching to have it buried deep inside her.

One of her arms curved up, her hand coming to rest on the back of his head. She moaned into his mouth and pressed her bottom tighter along him. The intoxicating scent of her arousal filled the air around them, making him harder. Their kisses became hotter, more carnal. Darius felt as if his body had been set on fire. Need and lust pounded in his veins. God, how he wanted the woman he held in his arms.

Chapter Three

Brisa was so turned-on she couldn’t think beyond the pounding pleasure that surged through her body. What had started off as some immature antics had turned into something way more adult. And quickly at that. Whenever Darius touched her, she seemed to go up in instant flames.

She squirmed in Darius’ arms, tying to let him know she wanted to face toward him without having to break contact with his lips. But he must have gotten the message. Brisa let go of his head as he turned her as if she weighed nothing at all.

Since he hadn’t put her down on her feet, she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. They both moaned as her pussy came to rest atop his erection. A shiver of delight swept through her body at the feel of him. She wanted more. So much more.

Darius turned and walked in a direction away from the stairs. As his steps slowed, she cracked open her eyes to see he carried her into a spacious living room. His lips trailed from her mouth to the side of her neck. Brisa leaned her head to the side, turning it slightly to give him better access and saw the black leather couch with a chaise attached at one end. He headed right for it, then slowly lowered her onto it. He followed her down, still nuzzling her throat.

“Please don’t tell me I’m going too fast for you,” he said against her skin.

She sank her fingers into the sides of his hair and lifted his head. She nibbled at his bottom lip before she swept her tongue along it. “No, you’re definitely not going too fast.”

“So you won’t mind if I take your top off?”

Brisa tilted Darius’ head back and licked the hollow of his throat. “God, no. Do it.”

He moaned, then shifted to lie half off her, holding his upper body up on a bent arm as he used his other hand to take hold of the bottom of her t-shirt. He pushed it up, baring first her belly, then her satin bra, to his view. His heated gaze landed on it, causing her nipples to tighten even more. Darius reached out with a finger and circled each one through the material that covered them.

With a couple of tugs, he pulled her shirt up and over her head. He tossed it to the floor. A large hand covered one of her breasts, a thumb stroked back and forth over the taut peak that tipped it. Brisa pressed closer when Darius pulled her bra cup aside and bent his head to sweep her nipple with his tongue.

He made short work of unhooking her bra and dragging it off her. Once he had her free of it, he took the tight bud into his mouth, sucking on it. Each pull on her breast Brisa felt deep inside her pussy. She grew wetter, her juices leaking into her panties. She shifted beneath him and Darius placed a hard thigh between her legs. Brisa rubbed against it, becoming more excited.