Ending Day by Day (Part 1)

Ending Day by Day (Part 1)
Боевая фантастика
Серия: Full Metal Panic! #4
Год: 2019
Добавил: Admin 2 Сен 23
Проверил: Admin 2 Сен 23
Формат:  EPUB (25385 Kb)
  • Currently 0/5

Рейтинг: 0/5 (Всего голосов: 0)


With the defeat of Gauron, Sousuke's life has entered a comfortable rhythm. He's adjusting to school—the occasional car bomb false alarm notwithstanding—and balancing his newly-found normalcy with the needs of his mercenary life. He's even started to turn his thoughts toward the future—a future that might involve Kaname. But that future will soon face a threat, not from North Korean soldiers, Italian mobsters, or Russian spetsnaz... but from the hierarchy of Mithril itself!

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