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Cuba, 55, 77–78

the 509th in, 81, 84–85

Cyanide capsules, 241

Death ray, 43, 120

Dehart, “Pappy,” 113

Doll, Ed, 226, 229, 232, 236

Doolittle, James, 97

Dougherty, Dora, 54, 96

Downey, William, 69–70, 198, 237–38

Dulles, Allen, 64, 99, 100, 121, 122, 168–69, 190–91

Dumbos, 229

Duzenbury, Wyatt, 33, 46, 48–49, 147, 183, 184, 225, 226, 242, 281

during atomic mission, 247, 258

preflight check of Enola Gay, 238–39

Early, Steve, 108

Eatherly, Claude, 56–57, 67, 77–78, 111, 113–14, 204

attempt to bomb Imperial palace, 186–87, 188

description of, 24, 26–27

mental health of, 57, 197

since 1945, 280–81

on Tinian, 183

as weather scout, 217, 252, 253

Eatherly, Joe, 280

866th Bombardment Squadron, 199–202

Einstein, Albert, 7, 65–66

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 14

Ellison, Buford, 201

Enola Gay, 232, 284

controversy over name, 233

crew of, 238, 281

departure of, from Tinian, 239–244

flight of, 244–51, 254–58, 262, 263–65

follow up attack of, 275

return of, to Tinian, 269

Ent, Uzal G., 11–12, 13, 14

Falls, Lawrence, 200

Farrell, Thomas, 175, 207–8, 218, 233, 241, 266, 269

Ferebee, Thomas, 25, 28, 47–48, 67–68, 102–3, 172, 219–20

description of, 31–32

during atomic mission, 244, 255, 256, 257, 258

since 1945, 281

skill of, 185

on Tinian, 179–80, 224–25, 236

Fermi, Enrico, 8, 40, 134

First Ordnance Squadron, 87, 94–96, 103, 112, 167, 232, 234

509th Composite Group, 67

attempts to break up, 179–80, 184

celebration for, following mission, 267–68

in Cuba, 78, 84–85

hostility toward, 166, 198

practice missions over Japan, 186–87, 204–5, 208

reunions of, 281

security of, 165–66

on Tinian, 154–57, 165–66, 180–81, 196–97

in Wendover, 113–14

Flanagin, Rudolph, 200

Formosa, 168

Franck Report, 136

Fuchida, Mitsuo, 18, 118, 251, 268–69, 282

Fujii, Shoji, 115

Full House, 227, 253

Furman, Robert, 169–70, 175–77

Fuzing system, tests of, 103–5, 112–13, 230–31

Gackenbach, Russell, 30, 158, 183

Genda, Minoru, 17–18, 143, 283

Germany, surrender of, 128

Giles, Barney, 13

Ginga bomber, 120

Göring, Hermann Wilhelm, 273

Great Artiste, 204–5, 218, 226, 227, 230, 239, 244, 247, 249, 256, 257, 266, 276

“Great God K, The,” 8

Greenglass, David, 40–41

Grennan, Eugene, 29–30, 183, 253

Gromyko, Andrei, 123

Groves, Leslie, 55, 66, 80–81, 86, 90–93, 123, 124–25, 145–46, 218

and “arming” of bomb, 227, 233–34

and code names, 171, 198–99

description of, 15–16, 30–31

and LeMay, 184

and “publicity” of Enola Gay’s departure, 239

and security, 31, 181

and target selection, 70–72, 92, 134, 136–38, 144, 215

at test-firing of plutonium bomb, 172–74, 175

and time schedules, 72, 115, 213

Guam, 18, 74, 75, 78–79, 81, 126, 209

“Guillotine, The,” 38

Handy, Thomas T., 206–7, 215

Haruna, 199, 200

Hashimoto, Mochitsura, 33–35, 72–75, 126–27, 208–213, 282

Hata, Shunroku, 142–43, 162, 188–89, 193, 199, 201, 224, 234–35, 251, 257, 282

headquarters of, 163–64, 274

Hirohito, Emperor, 61, 161, 169, 190, 194–95, 277, 278

Hiroshima, 22, 102, 115–16, 125–26, 186

air raids on, 100–101, 236, 252

communications conference in, 235, 251–52, 254

conditions in, prior to atomic attack, 58–62, 87–88, 189, 223–24, 253–54

description of, 18–21

destruction in, following attack, 261–63, 269

military headquarters in, 142, 143, 163–65

military police in, 130

relief for, 274

as target selection, 132, 136, 137, 143–45, 214–15, 219–20, 225, 227, 253

today, 283

Hiroshima Castle, 20, 62, 130, 214, 254, 261–62

Hiroshima Pilot, The (Huie), 281

Hirota, Koki, 162

Hiroto, Kanai, 202, 203

Honshu, 140

Hopkins, James, 204–5

House Committee on Appropriations, 90

Huie, William Bradford, 280

I.58, 33–35, 72–75, 127, 209–213

Imai, Kizo, 151–55, 187–88, 244, 282–83

Imoto, Kumao, 251, 274

Imperial Japanese Army, 21

Imperial Japanese Navy, 33

Imperial palace, 186, 194–95

Incendiary bomb raids, 97–98

Indianapolis, 101, 127, 170, 171, 282

attack of, 210–13

choice of, to transport bomb components, 117

description of, 175–77

Interim Committee, 125, 134–36

Iwo Jima, 88, 101, 120, 256

as “pit stop” for atomic mission, 216–17

rendezvous at, 249

Jabbit III, 227, 253

Jacobsson, Per, 64, 168–69, 190–91


army intelligence of, 44–45, 63–64, 99, 163–64

atomic research in, 42–43

bombing raids in, 235

defense plans of, 188

internal political situation in, 161–62

invasion plans for, 140–41, 156, 179

military police of, 129–30

and peace negotiations, 64, 99–100, 122, 162–63, 168–69, 190–91

and Potsdam Proclamation, 195–96

surrender of, 277–78

war criminals of, 282

Japan Radio, 126, 129

Jeppson, Morris R., 167, 225, 229, 233, 236, 281

on atomic mission, 246, 249, 250, 255, 258

description of, 103–4

Johnston, Robert, 200, 202, 203

Joint Chiefs of Staff, 140, 179

Kaitens, 72–75, 208–9, 211–12

Kamikazes, 51–52, 65, 99, 101, 117–18, 143, 251, 281–82

Katayama, Colonel, 251, 274

Keitel, Wilhelm, 41, 273

Kempei Tai, 129–30, 165, 202–4, 214, 253, 274–75

Kennedy, John F., 283

“K Factor, The,” 8

Kido, Marquis Koichi, 161–62

King, Admiral E. J., 80–81, 87, 179

King, John, 27, 28, 53, 54

Kirkpatrick, Camillous, 200

Kirkpatrick, E. E., 155, 181

Kobe, 98

Koiso, Kumaki, 121

Kokura, 132, 136, 145, 186, 225, 227, 262, 275–76

Korea, 168

Kure Harbor, 127, 200

Kyoto, 71–72, 132, 136–38, 186, 191, 219

Kyushu, 122, 140, 141, 142–43, 153, 163, 276, 282

Lansdale, John, 11–13, 26, 36, 37

Laurence, Bill, 236, 240

Lawrence, Ernest O., 40, 134

Leahy, William D., 89, 173, 179

LeMay, Curtis, 78–80, 97–99, 144–45, 156–57, 180, 206, 207, 283

and final plans for attack, 219–20, 225, 231

Lewis, Robert, 32–33, 45–49, 52, 111, 138–40, 147–48, 242–44, 281

background of, 46–47

crew of, 67, 139

log kept by, during atomic mission, 240, 242, 245, 247, 249, 256, 264–65, 281

practice missions of, 45–46, 103–4, 113, 204–5

and Sweeney, 112

and Tibbets, 54, 76–77, 182, 208, 218, 226, 233, 244–45

on Tinian, 158–61, 236

Leyte, 209, 210

Lindbergh, Charles, 46

Lonesome Lady, 200–201, 202, 204