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No. I decided to get some fresh air before going to bed and think over the affairs of the past.

YesWhy do you think so?

- You could do just an amazing thing - to make people think for the benefit of surrendering to you at mercy without a fight. There are rumors all over Attica that you are Ares himself, who has returned to earth, to teach people who are weak in spirit.

- So they are Christians! What is Ares?

" Who told you such stupid things? "A visit to the church and baptism does not make them Christians. In the whole Roman Empire, which is under the hand of Constantinople, the strength of a hundredth part can be considered real Christians, as they sincerely adhere to certain convictions. Unfortunately this is the most incompetent part of the inhabitants of the empire.

- This is just, it is very natural. It would be strange if they were the most capable.

- And yet people correctly notice

- What exactly?

" You are different from us, from all of us. "You are a very strange man. As if one of us, but very far away.

- Why do you think so?

"Faith my lord, your faith allows me to think so. "

"What do I have? " Eric smiled.

- I'm at a loss to say. My observations indicate that you do not have it at all. You as if do not take faith and the gods seriously. For you they are fiction, a fairy tale.

" You're an observant man. "And how do you estimate it yourself?

" Your Highness is very dangerous. "Already, there are rumors about you that you are coming down to earth the ancient God. I'm at a loss to say what it will result in later. But one thing is quite clear: a serious conflict with the Pope is inevitable. I understand that for you being excommunicated from the church is just words, but people who have more faith around you, and therefore may be impressed by this act.

"They know perfectly well that I will kill anyone who will go against me. "

"And if they start to leave, and not come out against you? "

- It is unlikely. With me they get too much, because of such stupidity as the faith to miss their profit. They are not even profitable to rebel against me, because my talent and my success gives them a satisfying life. What is waiting for them in a different scenario is not known to anyone.

"Are you so sure of yourself? "

- I'm absolutely sure of myself, otherwise I would not be what I have become. I would have fought, at best, somewhere in Antiochus with the Turks and Arabs as an ordinary knight. No, my dear friend, in order to lead people along, to lead confidently, accurately, you can not doubt yourself. There should not be a drop of doubt in you.

"And people will take you to heaven, considering not a man " theodore continued thoughtfully.

- Steel people yes, perhaps you are right, it was those who created the Roman empire.

" I've been to the agents around the Thebes, you know, it's amazing. You ordered to kill every tenth in that militia, and the people are grateful to you and consider it a very kind ruler.

"Curious Is that why? "

"Because you could kill everyone, but you took pity and returned most of them alive and well to your home. "

" It's just a wonderful people that understands simple things. "Much worse, if it rose with pink snot.

- Than, forgive?

" Well, I began to lament that some bloody tyrant killed innocent armed men on the battlefield. "After all, they all died on the battlefield.

"You are a very strange man. "

Is this normal? It is right. But I have to interrupt our conversation, the runner is running, it seems that something happened.

After a couple of phrases came up to the vigilante Eric went to his escort to the gate. There he was waiting for a group of townspeople, guard detachments, Valentino and some man with bound hands. After a little questioning, he ordered to bring his purse and handed each citizen on a silver Bosporan denarius, thanking him for his vigilance and intelligence. It turns out that this peasant, whom they dragged, was engaged in subversive activities and embarrassed the minds of ordinary people by telling stories about the prince of fables. For example, he explained the execution on the field in front of Thebes a massive sacrifice to the ancient god Ares, who, it is said, is worshiped by Eric. In general, they brought this unfortunate agitator to a small, dark room, where they locked up. A couple of days, Demeter decided to find out what kind of a poor guy was howling without water and food in the closet? Our warrior about him, it turns out, completely forgot. Let's go together, and somehow it's not good to torment a person with the expectation of questioning and execution.