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“And Lila Parrish?”

“She went to college down in San Diego, on Eli’s tab.”

“And then Eddie married her,” Bannon said.

Brodie is getting tired, Bannon thought. The flash is drifting out of his eyes and his shoulders are beginning to droop. Or maybe just thinking about that night again sapped everything out of him.

“You figured that out, too, huh,” Culhane said.

“And you didn’t know?” Bannon said to Culhane.

Brodie didn’t answer.

“You handled the payoffs,” Bannon said to Delilah.

She smiled. “You had that one right from the start,” she said.

“You were on the right track,” Brodie said. “But I kept telling you, you were after the wrong dog. I figured it was Guilfoyle who killed Wilma. You were the one who nailed Riker.”

“Actually it was Ski who figured it out, lying up there in the hospital.”

And Bannon thought: It was Ski, too, who had wired for young Eli’s birth certificate and figured out that Eli Junior was Brodie Culhane’s son. “That’s why Isabel and Ben Gorman went to Boston and married so soon after Brodie left Eureka,” he had told Bannon while lying in a hospital bed. “I’ll bet old Eli probably fixed the birth certificate, too. Showing Ben as the father.” That was what Brodie meant when he said he had “betrayed a friend,” what he meant by “the mortar in a great friendship.”

Brodie Culhane had accidentally murdered his own son.

There were some things in your past you could run from. But not that. No wonder Brodie seemed to have no fear. There was nothing left that could scare him. The greatest punishment he could have was to go on living every day knowing what he had done.

“How’s that partner of yours doin’?” Culhane asked.

“He made lieutenant,” I said.

“Good for him.”

Bannon had one more question, but Brodie leaned over, reached under the table and brought up a gift-wrapped package. He slid it across the table to Bannon.

“Here,” he said. “Call it a wedding present.”

Bannon and Millicent looked at the package, then Bannon slid it over in front of her.

“You open it,” he said.

She unwrapped it the way women do, pulling on the ribbon until the knot unties, then stripping the ribbon off and laying it carefully to the side. She unwrapped the paper with the same care, without even wrinkling the paper.

It was a walnut box with a small plaque on the lid that said: buck tallman 1899–1920 captain brodie culhane 1921–1946 sergeant zeke bannon 1946-

It was the Peacemaker. Oiled and polished and shined to a fare-thee-well. There was a card inside that said “Don’t shoot your damn foot off.”

“I hope you never use it, Cowboy,” Brodie said. “Hang it on the wall or buy a table and display it in the library. But try not to use it. That’s my wedding gift to you, Millicent.”

Millicent leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

“I have to ask you one more question, Brodie. When did you figure it was a frame-up? Riker, Wilma, Eddie. The whole thing. When did you know?”

He looked at me and suddenly the fire came back in his tired eyes and he got that crooked smile on his lips and his voice got strong.

“What’s the dif?” he said.