Every Wrong Reason

Every Wrong Reason
Современные любовные романы
Автор: Higginson Rachel
Язык: английский
Год: 2015
Страниц: 70
Статус: Закончена
Добавил: Admin 27 Окт 15
Проверил: Admin 27 Окт 15
Формат:  FB2 (231 Kb)  EPUB (298 Kb)

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First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes the… really nasty divorce. Kate Carter thought she married her soul mate. She thought she had her happily ever after. But seven years into Kate’s marriage, she realizes that her husband Nick is not what she wanted. He’s selfish, he’s oblivious and he doesn’t love her anymore. Maybe she doesn’t love him anymore either. Divorce is the only option if either of them wants to find happiness. Kate and Nick thought they knew what they wanted, but neither is prepared for the heartache that separating will bring them. The journey they embark on is not the freedom they wished for, but a painful look at the people they’ve become. At the end of it, Kate has to decide if this is really the life she wants or if maybe there’s a way to salvage her broken heart.

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