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“I don’t understand?” She was tired and hot and, quite frankly, horny. This had to be a dream, but it seemed incredibly real.

The second man leaned down and kissed her forehead, her nose and finally her lips. By the time he got to them she was arching upward to reach his mouth. She wanted his kiss, wanted to taste him, to know him.

Crazy. That was the only explanation. She had to be in some wild, drug-induced dream. Maybe her new vitamins had jump-started her libido. There was no other logical reason for her to be dreaming about being in bed with two men.

“Relax.” Abrah rested his hand on her belly and leaned down to touch her straining nipple with the tip of his tongue. Her entire body jerked as if a bolt of lightning had hit it. Relax? He had to be kidding.

Audrey made the decision to go with the flow and enjoy the dream. Why shouldn’t she? She wasn’t in a relationship. She wasn’t cheating on anyone. And, the deciding factor, it wasn’t real. It was a fantasy brought on by deep sleep and exhaustion.

Decision made, she embraced the situation. The second man cupped her jaw and kissed her again. Really kissed her this time. Not just a light brush of lips but a full-on, hot, tongue-twining kiss.

Audrey lost her breath as he leisurely explored her mouth. She’d been kissed many times in her life, but she’d never been kissed like this. He used his lips and teeth to nip and tease until she was breathless to do anything but respond. He tasted warm and welcoming, with an underlying spiciness that she wanted more of.

Abrah was anything but idle. He closed his lips over one hard nipple and sucked it into his mouth. He gently tugged on the sensitive bud and she pulled away from the kiss and let out a cry.

Her legs shifted restlessly against the mattress. Her cashmere robe was open but she was still wearing it. It was soft against her back, a warm and cozy place for her to rest while her two dream men pleasured her.

Four hands glided up and down her arms and legs, over her torso and belly. Abrah’s brother left her mouth and eased down to capture her other nipple. The two men licked and sucked and generally made her crazy.

Audrey clutched at their hair, her fingers tangling in the long locks while she moaned and writhed on the bed. She needed more than they were giving her. Abrah raised his head and watched her as he let his hand slide over her belly and down between her thighs.

He didn’t hesitate. He spread her pussy lips wide and plunged one finger into her hot depths. Audrey arched up, her lips parting on a long, high wail. Oh God, she was so close to coming.

Every cell in her body was clamoring for release. Her skin was hot, her nipples hard, distended buds. Her lips were moist and her legs quivered with pent-up desire. It had been way too long for her.

Her other lover ran his hand over her hip, squeezing gently before letting it slip even lower. Impossible. He wouldn’t? Would he?

He did.

He worked one long, thick finger into her tight sheath, crowding next to Abrah’s. They stretched her slick channel, the inner muscles contacting and expanding to accept their sexual claim.

She was panting hard now, unable to talk. Every part of her was focused solely on her impending orgasm. She had to have it. She pumped her hips up and down, trying to get them to move, to push deeper.

Abrah moved his thumb, flicking it over her distended clitoris. It was like setting a match to dry kindling. Audrey went up in flames. She cried out and her hips jerked. Fire rushed through her, going up to the roots of her hair and down to the tips of her toes. Heart racing, blood pumping, she embraced her orgasm, letting it flow over and around her.

It was better than anything she ever remembered. Both men moved their fingers then, working them in and out several times. Another wave of pleasure hit her with the force of a sledgehammer. She cried out. It was too much but there was nothing she could do but ride it out.

If she died now, at least she’d die happy. That was the last coherent thought that went through her mind for a long time.

When she finally came back to her senses, she shivered. Her body was covered in a light sheen of sweat and her heart was slowly returning to normal. Abrah and his brother still had their fingers resting inside her, but they were both still.

She opened her eyes and stared at them. As if that was the sign they’d been waiting for, they slowly removed their fingers, leaving her feeling empty. She blinked back tears, uncertain why she was so close to crying. It wasn’t like her to feel so emotional.

Maybe it was natural. One of the information sheets the nurse had given her said that her emotions might be all over the place for a while and that it was to be expected, was even normal considering she was physically run-down and mentally exhausted.

Her unnamed lover caught a tear as it rolled down her temple. He frowned even as he brought it to his lips and licked it away. Her heart clenched at the intimacy of the moment.

But it wasn’t real. None of this was. It was only a very realistic dream.

Something hard pressed against her hip, startling her. Her eyes flew to Abrah, who was watching her with concern in his dark eyes. He was aroused. Of course he was. She was all but naked beside him. The normal male reaction would be to have a hard-on. She’d been so caught up in her own reactions she hadn’t even considered him or his brother. If this weren’t a dream she’d probably feel very selfish right about now.

Why was she still dreaming? She’d had one heck of an orgasm. Shouldn’t she have woken after that? And why did both men seem so darn familiar?

It came to her in a flash. The tapestry. The one she’d found in the box. Both men bore a startling resemblance to the ones on the tapestry. She relaxed and began to laugh as relief struck her.

She wasn’t crazy at all. This was nothing more than a stress-releasing dream brought on by a combination of exhaustion, medication and a beautiful piece of cloth.

Abrah brought his hand up to one of her breasts, toying with the puckered nub. Audrey’s gasp quickly turned to a moan of pleasure. Maybe she wasn’t quite as finished as she thought she was. Maybe she could have another orgasm. That was just what the doctor ordered—stress release. And she couldn’t think of a more pleasurable way to accomplish it.

Her other lover tangled his fingers in her pubic hair, the tip of his finger occasionally grazing her distended clit. Audrey gave a murmur of encouragement. She raised her hands and touched both their faces.

“I’m so glad I conjured you from the tapestry. You’re both gorgeous.”

Both men froze as though they’d been hit by lightning. Abrah’s voice was rough and almost angry. “What did you say?”

Audrey swallowed as nervousness crept over her. This was her dream. She was in control here. “It’s obvious. This is a dream brought on by stress.”

“That’s not what you said,” he countered. His previously warm eyes went hard and Audrey shoved away from both men, pulling her robe around her. She suddenly felt very exposed and extremely vulnerable.

“Abrah.” The other man put his hand on his brother’s arm. He stared at her and there was some kind of yearning, some plea in his eyes. She didn’t know what he wanted but she was very afraid she couldn’t give it to him.

She pinched the skin on her arm. “Wake up. Wake up.” She’d had enough of this dream.

Her lover caught her hand. “Stop. Please. Tell me about the tapestry.”

“Leave her be, Heroc. This isn’t real.”

Heroc. Now she had names to go with both men. They were so unusual but somehow it suited them.

“Maybe it is,” Heroc insisted. He turned beseeching eyes on her and she found herself unable to deny him.

“It’s a small piece of fabric with a castle with two men in front of it.” She looked from one to the other. “With you standing in front of it.”