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“I’m not afraid of him. He’s like a big dog that barks because he wants attention.”

“Yes, I’m the big dog and I bark but I also bite.”

“Do your worst, I’m sick and tired of bullies like you and so is the whole damn world for that matter.” Kulagin was getting mad again.

“Kolchevsky, finish them all.”

“Yes, Comrade.” Tatiana was ready and when she heard that she knew there was a slim window of opportunity. Kulagin was a good ideologue if there is such a thing as a good one and he was indeed a cold-blooded killer as he had intimated and shown but he really wasn’t a good kidnapper because the first thing you do is check to see if your captives have any weapons. Tatiana who always had a weapon, had two knives in her waist and despite her wounded shoulder had crawled as close to Kulagin as she could. Kolchevsky was right next to Kulagin.

“I’ll deal with the leaders,” Kulagin said and with that he aimed his rifle at Ellen. She didn’t wait and fired a shot striking Kulagin in the leg. He returned fire and struck her in the left arm and she fell to the floor. Trent covered Ellen and he was shot by Kulagin in the lower back. At the same time Tatiana lunged and stabbed Kolchevsky in the heart and she grabbed his automatic weapon and shot Manatov several times. Kulagin smashed her head with the butt of his gun and she fell on the floor. Lanewsky was looking for a shot and as he did Andy and Justin tackled him and the gun slid away. Jozette picked it up and then they heard gunfire in the hallway. Kulagin figured that security forces had finally arrived and he had one chance to be immortal. He aimed at Deniken and fired. The Russian President went down with a bullet in his stomach. “Now, Madam President, let’s end this charade once and for all. He raised his rifle and took aim. Ellen crawled out from under Trent and stood with hands on her hips and her jaw thrust outward.

“Don’t miss your chance,” She said. Kulagin smiled but as he started to press the trigger a knife flew across the room and went deep in his neck from the side. He choked and spit up blood before dropping his weapon. He turned to see Little Wolf standing on one leg and Julieta holding him. It was the last thing the Stalinist saw before he fell backwards and died. Security men entered the room and saw Justin and Andy on top of Lanewsky and Jozette holding an assault rifle. They aimed at her but Vladimir, who was sitting up with some pain began shouting in Russian and they backed off and corralled Lanewsky.

“Please help us, we need many ambulances,” Julieta said. Dave went to Tatiana. She was groggy but alright as Dave held her in his arms. Orders were barked out and emergency personnel came into the room and began working on the wounded.

“Do you always have to be a hero?” Dave asked. She was bleeding at her temple and he wiped the blood away and held her head to his chest.

“Seemed like the thing to do and besides I was trying to turn you on,” she said and smiled.

“President Deniken is seriously wounded and Agent Rodriguez,” Ellen barked out and they were the first to be taken away on a stretcher. Warren woke up and lay on a gurney as Ariel walked beside him to the ambulance. A medical worker bandaged Ellen’s arm and she walked over to Little Wolf.

“Thanks for saving my life,” she said to Little Wolf who nodded.

“My pleasure, Madam President.”

“I’m sorry that all of this happened to you folks.”

“We’re just sorry that your friend was killed,” Jozette said.

“Yes, she was a dear friend and I’ll miss her to the day I die,” Ellen said with wet eyes.

“Ma’am, I’ll be in surgery but agent Wheaton will watch over you,” Trent said as he was taken out on a gurney.

“Hey, Yankee, how are you feeling?” Vladimir asked as his gurney was brought alongside of Trent’s.

“Been better, what about you?”

“I’ve had worse nights with a bottle of vodka.”

“I have no doubt.”

“Take care of yourself, Yankee.”

“You too, Russkie.” They were taken away and that left those that could walk.

“Madam President, wouldn’t you like to be carried down on a gurney?” Val asked.

“No, I’ll walk.” She rode in the ambulance with Bonnie to the hospital. Then they all waited in the lobby while their friends were attended. It was two hours and nothing. Pacing, reading, and worrying occupied them. Ellen was safely ensconced in a private room after her surgery. She wanted to be with the others but Val convinced her that she could easily be a target of a crazy if there were any around in the hospital and there very well could be on this day.

“Madam President I need to call the Whitehouse and tell them you’re okay,” Val said and she nodded. He talked to a security agent and was directed to a phone where he called and gave the news to Cheryl Wallach who went immediately to the situation room where the cabinet was meeting.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the Falcon is up,” Cheryl said and there were sighs and smiles all around the table.

“Thank God,” Marty said.

“Where is she?” Valerie asked.

“In a hospital. She was shot in the arm but will be okay. There were other injuries and Clarice Wallace was killed.”

“They were very close,” Susan Rojas said.

“And Kulagin?” Perry asked.

“Dead along with several of his henchmen and the rest are in custody.”

“Hallelujah for that,” Valerie added.

“When will the President get back here?” Marty asked.

“She’s at the hospital and won’t leave until everyone is okay,” Cheryl answered.

“Thank you, agent Wallach,” Marty said and Cheryl left the room.

* * *

“Sir, I have good news,” Cheryl said as she stood outside the door of the residence speaking to Don who let out a sigh.

“Is Mom okay?” Shelly asked as she ran to the door followed by Brian.

“She was shot in the arm but she’ll be fine and she should be home in a few days.”

“Thank God for that,” Don said as his kids hugged him.

“I’ll inform you when she has left the country on Air Force One.”

“Thank you, Cheryl.”

“I’m so relieved, dad,” Shelly said.

“Me too,” Brian added. I was so afraid something would happen to her before I could say how sorry I was.” Don smiled.

“She’ll be glad to see you too, Brian. Hey how about a movie and pizza?” It was met with approval and they relaxed that evening and enjoyed the movie as they waited for Ellen to get back home.

* * *

“Mr. Swanzy,” A doctor said as he came into the surgical waiting room.


“Your wife is doing fine and she’ll be out of recovery and in her room in an hour or so.”

“Thank you.” There was a parade of doctors and nurses after that. Warren didn’t need surgery and was in a trauma room with Ariel. Johnny Rodriguez pulled through. Bonnie was touch and go but she came through the surgery and was in her room. Against Val’s advice Ellen went to see Bonnie and sat at her bedside for two hours. Three days later everyone left the hospital and cars took them to the airport in Kerch. Airforce One was ready and staffed with secret service agents that flew in the night before. Everyone was seat belted and the plane took off. Once in flight they all breathed a sigh of relief.

“How’s your leg, Brave?”

“Okay, the pain killers help.”

“My hero,” Julieta said as she put her head on his shoulder.

“My wife the warrior.”

“I’m just a dentist from Indiana.”

“Keep talking but I know better.”

“Warren, does your head hurt?”

“Only when I’m awake.”

“Why did you tell Kulagin that you wired the door?”

“I didn’t want an innocent person to get killed because of me.”