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Axel pulled her into his arms. “God, honey, don’t fear us.”

She clung to him, welcoming his warm embrace, and heard the soft thud of his heartbeat—a quiet reassurance that he was real. They’d come for her.

After she turned them down and walked away, they’d come for her. The emotions boiling inside her threatened to overwhelm her, and she trembled.

Another hand—Gunnar’s—stroked her back in a soothing manner.

“I’m not afraid of you.” She pulled back to look Axel in the eye then turned to see Gunnar beside them.

“Never like that. I mean, I’m just…I don’t know. It all happened so fast, and what I felt—what I feel now-it’s so strong that I’m not sure what to do. There’s two of you and only one of me. How can this happen? I’ve never fallen for anyone before, and now there’s two of you, and you both mean so much, and I was stupid for walking aw—”

“Shh.” Axel cupped her face, his thumb over her lips.

“I’m rambling,” she muttered.

They smiled at her.

“You’re adorable when you ramble, but I’ve waited weeks to do this.” Axel kissed her, soft at first, then firmer, and she responded with all of the emotion she’d kept bottled up the past month.

Nothing else mattered anymore but his broad shoulders, strong arms and hot breath that bathed her neck as he trailed light, passionate kisses over her skin.

“We’ll go slow,” he murmured between kisses.

“Get to know each other.” Another kiss. “Likes, dislikes. We have plenty of—”

“Axel?” Her voice was a breathless whisper.

“Hmm?” A soft brush of his lips just under her ear.

“Shut up and take me to bed.”

He chuckled and swept her into his arms. “Yes, ma’am.”

Before he headed down the hall, she reached out and snagged Gunnar’s hand, matched his grin with one of her own, and pulled him down the hall with them.

“Last door on the right,” she said as Axel carried her to her bedroom.

Her place was far from lavish. A simple queen-sized bed, two nightstands and a dresser. A hamper sat in the corner. When she saw the bed, she frowned.

“It’s kind of small for us to sleep in.”

“Who needs sleep?” Gunnar asked from beneath the shirt he was in the process of pulling off. Once free, he tossed it toward the hamper and began removing his jeans while he toed off his shoes.

Axel set Dakota on her bare feet and tilted her face toward him with a fingertip under her chin.

“He has a point,” she allowed with a cheeky smile.

“I love you,” Axel said. “You didn’t want to hear that a month ago, and I understand that, but it’s true.”

Damn these tears. Her heart hammered as she stared up at his sincere features, so open and vulnerable. And she knew she would never survive without them. Though she’d fought, tried to deny it, run from it, they’d opened her heart and crawled inside.

Slowly, she cradled his face in her hands and admitted, “I love you too.” Up on tiptoes, she pressed her lips to Axel’s and began to pull his shirt from his pants.

Axel deepened the kiss. His hands rested on her hips just inside her robe. Gunnar stepped up behind her and lightly slid that robe off her shoulders, pressing soft kisses at her nape.

“Guess who else loves ya, sugar,” he whispered.

She moaned into Axel’s mouth, but the kiss continued until he raised his arms to let her pull off his shirt, which joined her robe on the floor. She reached for his pants, but his hands were already there. The spaghetti strap on her right shoulder fell off, thanks to Gunnar’s efforts. She turned toward him, found him gloriously nude. Though she expected an impudent grin on his face, she saw only sincerity and passion.

She smiled. “Guess who loves you too.”

Gunnar grinned and tugged the other strap of her nightgown. A smooth caress sent it over her hips and to the floor while Gunnar leaned closer to brush her lips with his. Then he slid his arm around her waist and hoisted her up against his hard body.

Draping her arms around his shoulders, she gave herself over to the kiss. Gunnar whirled with her in his arms and fell onto the bed. Seconds later Axel crawled onto the bed to join them. Gunnar’s hands mapped her body, leaving behind pleasurable tingles everywhere he touched.

They positioned her between them on her back while they propped themselves up on elbows and gazed at her, each man slowly skimming her body with hot palms, tantalizing fingers.

She closed her eyes for a second and reveled in the gentleness they showed toward her.

“Dakota,” Axel said, gaining her attention.


“After tonight, there’ll never be another woman for us but you.”

She smiled.

“We want to claim you as our mate, the woman who will someday bear our children…when you’re ready.”

Her smile grew as Gunnar teased one of her nipples and Axel continued to speak.

“But we didn’t exactly expect to end up in your bed tonight, and I know you aren’t ready for children, yet.

Neither of us brought protection.”

“Oh. Well, that’s okay,” she said in an attempt to sound convincing. It was nice that he thought of that when she hadn’t, but she didn’t want to stop now either. She wasn’t ready for kids just yet, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t ready to be theirs, now and forever.

“No, it’s not okay. Your desires and needs are most important to us. We’ll know someday when the time is right, and it’ll be a choice we three make together.


Her smile back in place, she nodded.

“Good. Until then, do you trust us to ensure that you won’t get pregnant?”

She raised her eyebrows. “How do you plan to do that?”

He smiled. “Do you trust us?”

She didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”

He bent over her to press a kiss on her lips. Gunnar slid his palm down her body, between her thighs.

“We want you right now,” Gunnar said, “want to mark you as ours, if you’ll let us.”

“Will you agree to be our mate?” Axel asked, his lips a hair’s breadth from her mouth.


Gunnar slipped a finger into her pussy as Axel thrust his tongue into her mouth. “Now,” Gunnar added in a soft whisper she barely heard, “we can make love to our mate.”

Yes, they could make love, and did with sublime effectiveness. The pair indulged themselves by driving Dakota to peak after peak with their hands and mouths before either of them ever entered her. She’d never felt so adored or sated in all her life, so much so she was as relaxed and happy as a loon by the time Axel pulled her body over his.

Her heart full of joy, she nipped his chin playfully and captured his mouth with hers. He hugged her close, but Gunnar was the one who first penetrated her pussy. His hard cock slipped in from behind to gain her attention. Axel drank in her sounds of pleasure while Gunnar slowly, almost methodically, fucked her.

So deep. So deliciously good.

Axel’s cock rubbed her, too, with the sweetest sensations as she slid forward and back in response to Gunnar’s thrusts, but before she could reach the peak, when she was just on the verge, he pulled out, and Axel replaced him.

“Mmm, yes,” she murmured as he slid deep inside her moist pussy. Her eyes closed, and she pushed up to sit more securely on his hard cock buried into her to the hilt.

Axel gripped her hips, held her still while he throbbed inside her, hot and hard. Gunnar embraced her from behind, his hands like warm cups for her breasts. And then he nudged her puckered anus, the tight hole giving way to his determination.