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This dress was out of a childhood dream. A simple scoop-neck dress with a rich, burgundy velvet bodice and antique white gathered skirt that fell to her shins.

A knock on the door before it opened had her turning to see Beth and Dakota enter. She grinned at them.

“You do know how jealous of you we are, right?” Dakota said as she touched the tiny cap sleeve of Heidi’s gown.

“I know,” Heidi said with a smile. “You two have made that very clear. But you have two men to...you know. That should make up for it, right?”

Beth chuckled. “He’s a great guy. We’re so happy for you.”

“He is, isn’t he? Even if the boys are still undecided.” She frowned. “They’ll come around, right?”

Dakota cleared her throat and looked away.

“What? What do you know?”

Her sister-in-law grinned at her. “I happened to overhear a conversation a few minutes ago in the den.”

Heidi groaned. Her soon-to-be husband was getting ready in her dads’ den, a decision mandated by her fathers, and one that had worried her to no end. “Was Axel threatening his life again?”

“Well, yes,” Dakota said, “but once Javier had sworn to protect you, as we’ve all heard him do countless times, Axel said something else.”

“Axel once threatened to make us leave Leavenworth. He didn’t do that again, did he?”

“Oh, come on.” Beth rolled her eyes. “Like your brothers—or your fathers for that matter—would ever let you out of their sight. Even if you do belong to a new alpha.”

“Then what did he say?” Heidi asked Dakota.

“He said that he wished Javier all the luck in the world...because he was going to need it if he wanted any control over you.”

All three girls burst into hysterical laughter. Heidi hugged her sisters-in-law, her best friends.

“I don’t think even luck will help there,” Beth said, and they all laughed harder.

A knock on the door, and they quieted.

“Yes?” Heidi called.

“Your groom is waiting,” Burke said.

She grinned at Beth and Dakota. “I’m so glad you’re here.” She squeezed their hands. “Thank you for not being toooo jealous.”

The girls giggled, and then Heidi opened the door.

Burke and Fridrik both stood in the hallway, wearing tailored charcoal suits. They were so handsome. Heidi rushed into their arms. “I love you, daddy,” she said, encompassing them both.

They both whispered endearments to her and each kissed her cheek. “Come along,” Fridrik said.

“Everyone is waiting, and Javier is looking rather impatient.”

Her fathers each took one of her arms, and they escorted her out onto the back patio. The morning air was crisp with fall, clear and sunny, yet a tinge of dampness sweetened the scent of the forest pines. Mums in shades of orange, yellow and red poured from the planters and pots positioned around the yard and patio. She turned and grinned a thank you at her bridesmaids. They’d worked all the day before preparing the house for the small wedding and reception, not letting her raise a finger except to get a manicure.

Dakota gave a thumbs up, and Beth swiped a tear from her eye.

At the top of the steps leading to the lawn stood Javier, and Heidi’s heart skipped a beat. Never had a man looked so gorgeous, so virile, as he did wearing a black-on-black suit and tie.

Both fathers shook his hand, and then Burke passed her hand into Javier’s. His strength, his warmth, seeped into her, and she couldn’t stop smiling.

You’re beautiful, Javier murmured telepathically to which Fridrik responded with Smart boy, making the couple and her siblings chuckle.

“That’s something I’m going to have to get use to,” Javier muttered to her as they moved down the few steps to the lawn where the minister, a family friend, waited under an arch of fall flowers. He’d expected the telepathic link to exist between her and him once they’d mated but had been surprised to learn it extended to her blood relations, even while in human form.

“You’ll adjust,” she whispered back with an amused smirk as they came to a stop between her bridesmaids and Axel and Kelan, who stood approvingly next to Javier.

The rest of her family and friends, those she’d grown up with who never left Leavenworth, and some friends of her fathers’ sat in rented folding chairs on the lawn.

The words of the minister seemed only background noise as she held Javier’s hand. They spoke the words of love, of commitment, and exchanged simple gold bands. And then, when the minister told Javier he could kiss his bride, her husband— husband, she thought, filled with giddiness—lifted her right off her feet and kissed her in a very, very inappropriate manner as applause echoed around them.

As Javier gently set her to her feet, he said, “I love you.”

Heidi grinned and pulled his head down so she could whisper in his ear. “I love you, too...daddy.”

He pulled back to blink at her, then grabbed her up again, swung her in a circle and shouted to the sky.

Laughing, Heidi clung to his neck as tears of happiness dampened her cheeks.

Her life was complete.

* * *

Looking for more sensual paranormal romance?

Check out these titles from Anna Leigh Keaton and Madison Layle’s Puma Nights series, available now!

Falke’s Peak Stressed-out ad exec Dakota wandered into Catamount Outfitters in search of a guide for a wilderness excursion. She didn’t expect to be greeted by not one, but five of the most ruggedly delicious-looking men she’d ever seen. Not to mention a live cougar guarding the shop.

Eldest brother Axel agrees to guide Dakota on her mountain trek. In cougar form, Axel’s twin, Gunnar, was there as a protection from predators—but he had his eye on the sexy client instead.

Falke’s Captive A graduate student working in animal genetics, Beth Coldwell is in town to track and tag big cats in the wild. Her prospects for the summer only improve when she meets Kelan and Reidar Falke and decides the sexy brothers are the right pair to fulfill her other, less than scientific, desires...

Kelan and Reidar cannot deny the powerful attraction they feel toward Beth. She might just be their destined mate. But if they reveal themselves to her, will she embrace who they are or see them as just another science experiment?

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About the Author

Anna Leigh Keaton has been reading and penning romances for as long as she can remember. After she met and married her very own real-life hero, romance took on a whole new meaning. She now knows married life can sizzle, and romance can be erotic—even in her own home.

Madison Layle avoided her childhood chores on the family farm by curling up with books and disappearing into other worlds of fantasy, adventure and romance. With maturity came the love of her own real-life hero (a.k.a. “my darling hubby”), and a real understanding of why her parents locked their bedroom door.

Madison and Anna Leigh write erotic romance both as a team and individually. They’ve consistently been on bestseller lists with their coauthored books, and have won numerous awards together including the 2009 EPPIE Award for Erotic Romance.

The pair first met online through a critique group, a meeting which sparked a strong friendship and a fun partnership. Together, their writing has taken on a spicier flavor, so while their hubbies are off at work, they let their imaginations soar...