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And he was stroking constantly along her tiny clit to make sure she was as strung-out sexually as was possible. If he gave the thrill of a lifetime, she was doing the same to him. The man saw the heaving tits and had to bend forward to suck in the nipple of her left boob.

His tongue pressed hard against the nipple and he felt it slowly expand as more and more blood pounded into the tiny little pillar.

Rolling the nipple around with the tip of his tongue set off another come in her athletic, trim body. Everything was setting off her intense emotions now. Even his fucking was thrown off by the berserk motions of her hips. He decided that he'd better concentrate on his own emotions. The way his prick was paining him now was almost criminal, yet he wanted the maximum possible pleasure from this fucking. He might never again get a chance to screw such a beautiful woman. Her appearance hinted at her being a professional model or an actress; the way she fucked told him she was a sensuous woman who loved to ball. He wasn't about to give her anything less than his best performance in bed. Driving his cock in and out with short, quick strokes, he felt the friction mount rapidly. His cock began to expand as more of his own heated blood throbbed into it. When the fiery tide of his come began inching along his battering ram of flesh, he knew he would have to hurry. Spewing out his creamy load was only seconds away. His hips exploded in a frenzy of activity. He felt the woman convulse with a powerful orgasm, then his prick exploded like a stick of dynamite. He jetted out bullet after gooey bullet of jism into her greedy, sucking cunt. Whitewashing her pussy walls with his manseed, he rocked and fucked and drove into her belly until he was exhausted. He kept fucking until his prick was not only drained of all jism, but was beginning to go flaccid inside her still churning pussy.

“Ummrn,” she sighed, her arms stroking his upper arms now instead of clawing at them, “you're one hell of a fine fuck. We're going to have to do this again sometime.” He smiled down at her. “Any time you want, Emily.” He heaved a deep breath and wiped… the sweat from his forehead. Looking down at his prick, he realized they'd really mussed up the bed in the van. What the hell-it was a small price to pay for the best afternoon of his life. Never had he gotten off so strongly, never had he enjoyed fucking quite so much-not even with his wife. “Back to the lot it is, then,” she said, beginning to straighten her short skirt. “I've still got to look around to see what you've got for sale that's more in my price range. I love this van, but it's just too expensive for me.” “Maybe we can work out some easy terms-easy for both of us,” Don said. Her smile assured him such a thing might not only be possible, it might be enjoyable for both of them. He drove back to the lot with a warmth in his groin and in his mind. He was so distracted by the woman's beauty, it took him most of the rest of the afternoon to remember to collect his ten dollars from the mechanic. That was one bet worth winning!


“Sure you don't mind me borrowing the car, Dad?” asked Fred. His father looked distracted and Fred knew why. Not only the mechanic but three of the salesmen had regaled him with tales of how his father picked up a really foxy blonde and drove her out to a deserted spot beside the road in the country and banged the living hell out of her. Fred didn't mind that part of it was much as he did not getting to see the type of woman his dad enjoyed laying.

“Hell, of course not, Fred. I've got a solid acre of cars out there. Go on and finish off your running around and I'll make sure Jim gets to work on your car right away. Shouldn't be much bother. Just a little bit of a glitch in the timing chain.” “Whatever you say.

You're the one who knows cars.” With that Fred picked up the keys to the family car and left. Whistling to himself all the way to the library, Fred mentally went over what he knew was going to happen hidden in the stacks. Amid the books, he'd find that sexy librarian, talk with her a few minutes until they were both simply too hot to stand it any longer, then they'd ball. That was the way he planned to spend the afternoon, at any rate. Whether it came out that way or not was something else. But it never hurt to try. His father's little escapade with the blonde had proven that. Sometimes all you had to do was ask. Fred loped up the steps to the library, taking them two at a time. His cock was making him acutely uncomfortable. The way it tented his trousers in the crotch was open advertisement of his excitement. He passed by the librarian at the front desk without so much as a second glance. She was old and dumpy and frowzy and snapped at him to keep quiet all the time. She was nothing like the luscious librarian in the hack of the stacks. He walked up and down row after row of musty books, reveling in the odor. There was something exciting to him about the smell of ancient books. The feel of their cracked spines, brittled pages, tattered edges made him come alive. It was as if he felt as young and feisty as they did old and tired.

Her perfume was the first thing he detected. Sniffing at the old books had its advantages. He might have blundered onto the woman and ruined everything if he hadn't detected the faint odor of jasmine. She always wore jasmine; it was her favorite and he'd given her a small, expensive bottle of it for her birthday. Fred edged around the end of the bookcase and peered down the aisle. Perched precariously atop a movable stepladder was Gloria and the sight was almost enough to make him lose it right then and there. His cock tried to turn cartwheels in his pants at the sight of her long, lithe legs exposed all the way up to the curve of her ass. The way she stretched made her every contour all the more provocative. Her tits bulged wonderfully against her blouse in a very unlibrarian fashion. She had big ones he loved tonguing and taking into his mouth to suck. The memory of his mouth all over her snowy white mounds of titflesh thrilled him, spurred him on. And, while she was almost twice his age, there was a youthfulness to her that the teenager appreciated. In addition, he knew she had the experience to pleasure him, no matter what his mood. She knew all the right things to do and say, how to cajole him into giving his best performance sexually, even how to make sure they both got one huge charge out of fucking. Screwing in the stacks like they did was part of it. These were public books, and every now and then someone wandered back here to check on one of the dusty tomes. They could be caught fucking if anyone did venture back at the wrong -right!-time. But that added a certain zest to the fucking that would have been lacking otherwise. Gloria knew that and made sure that Fred did, too. She was a great fuck. He walked on cat's feet to a position behind her. Looking up, he could see her shocking-pink silk panties nicely filled by the bulge of her ass. She was wearing smoky pantyhose pulled up snugly around her upper thighs and lips. Those would have to go, just like the panties. He couldn't fuck her tightly clinging pussy with them in the way. Reaching up, the youth ran his hand lightly up the inside of her tights. She almost fell off the ladder in surprise. “Who? Oh, it's you, Fred. I wondered if you'd, ummmmmm, that's nice, if you'd come by today.” “I wouldn't miss it for the world. Just stand there for a second.” His eager fingers worked upwards under the band of her pantyhose. In a quick move, he pulled them over the bulge of her behind and stripped them from her trim, slender legs. He loved the feel of her satiny skin, especially her inner thighs. Nothing excited him more, except actual fucking, than to draw his fingers up and down the woman's legs.

Sometimes he could feel her flesh trembling in anticipation. Other times, the skin was cool and firm, demanding that he use all his skill to make it quiver with excitement. “Step out of them,” he ordered. She did, balancing herself against the bookcase as she did so. She towered over him in this position. Her pussy was almost at his face level and that gave them both the same idea at the same time.