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“Go on,” she urged. “Do it. Eat my pussy!” Her own fingers pulled insistently at the elastic band of her pink panties. The silken material followed the pantyhose down the ivory pillars of her legs to expose her black furred pussy mound. He licked his lips at the sight of her lovely cunt. The dewy drops from her pussy juices were beading on the blue-tinged lips guarding her inner delights. Pressing his cheek against her pussy mound, he breathed hard for a moment. She was slowly opening her legs to him so that he could work his mouth to the spot where it would turn them both on the most. He moved his Lips to her pussy lips. A rough pink tongue swirled out and dragged across the excited, blood-engorged flaps hiding her cauldron of seething carnality. His tongue stabbed out, cock-hard, and plunged deep into her cunt. The woman shuddered and her legs pressed hard against the teenager's ears. For a moment, he was dead and almost blind, but his senses of taste and smell and touch were running wild.

The acrid, biting taste of an aroused woman assailed his tastebuds. He rolled his tongue around just inside the woman's pussy and lapped up all the salty juices he could. Jaws straining, he drove his tongue even deeper and felt the velvety lining of her pussy. He stroked up and down a few times, just beginning a really fine tongue-fucking, then stopping. He wanted her as strung-out sexually as he could get her. That way they'd both get off in a big way later.

Later, when he really fucked her with his throbbing, paining cock.

“Ummm, no,” she said suddenly. “No, Fred, you shouldn't be doing this. And not here, not in public. Someone might see us.” “The hell with that. We both know what we want-it's each other. Don't deny it. And fuck all the nosy people who might intrude on us. Hell, we'll give them a premier performance. We'll fuck so good that we might be invited to Carnegie Hall to do it on stage. Wouldn't that be something, to fuck in front of thousands of people?” He felt her legs twitch at the thought of anyone seeing them screwing. He knew her protests were simply designed to make him respond and turn her on a bit more. His tongue busied itself running over the thick patch of pussy fur and then down to her cunt lips. The agitated flaps of skin were throbbing harder and harder now. When he saw her tiny little clit begin to poke meekly from its fold of protective flesh, he knew she was about ready to fuck. Another quick lick along her cunt lips, then his hands went to her trim waist and lifted. She came off the ladder easily and flowed into his arms. The woman was a few inches shorter than he and a perfect fit for the circle of his arms. But it wasn't simply his arms he wanted near her. His cock heaved and bucked harder as it was pressed between their bodies. She reached down and stroked his prick gently, starting at the base and working toward the plum-tipped glans. He groaned and almost lost his balance as waves of delight assailed his senses. He pressed closer, lifted her skirt around her waist and drove his cock for the erotic target of her sex lips. Even with her guiding hand firmly placed on his long pole, he missed. The blunted head of his cock skittered down the well-greased gash and came out poking between the thick, meaty slabs of her asscheeks. They were pressed as close together as a man and woman could get. He felt her nipples hardening and poking into his chest through her thin blouse. She wore no bra. That wasn't according to the dress codes required by the library, but few objected.

Especially the male users of the library. Not for the first time, Fred wondered how many of those men this sexy bitch fucked back here in the semi-privacy of the stacks. And then it didn't matter to him anymore. Her mouth found his and a tongue as rough and wet and demanding as his own speared into his mouth. She rolled hers around a few limes in the dank, wet cavern, then retreated to say, “Hmmm, you taste good. I taste good. That's my cunt juice still on your tongue!”

Fred didn't trust himself to answer. He was afraid his voice might tremble or crack with emotion. He lowered his prick and aimed upwards for her twat again. This time, with their combined efforts, he hit dead center on her cunt hole. The very end of his cock vanished between those sucking, demanding cunt lips, then paused for a moment.

He let the heat boiling from her excited pussy warm his cock. The juices running out around the thick plug of his prick dribbled down the sides of his shaft and lubricated him for the fucking yet to come.

When he felt ready to continue, he raised his body and sent his pillar of manhood exploring into wonderfully feminine territory. The teenager felt the librarian's cunt slowly enfold him. The warmth tried to melt his eager rod of cock. He gulped and shoved a little deeper into her juicy interior. The way he felt the walls of her pussy turn from soft to demanding sent tiny volts of carnal electricity zinging into his balls. The hairy little bag containing his nuts tightened a little and made the lead-heavy jism inside come to a boil. “This isn't the place for fucking,” she said softly, hotly, enticingly in his ear. Her lips touched the lobe of his ear as her tongue shot out and plunged down into the aural channel. When she began slowly flicking her tongue in and out, he knew she wanted more of his cock.

His trouble was all physical. He couldn't support her weight and adequately give her all the cock she was begging for-or he wanted to give her! He would have to change that. Awkwardly, making certain his prick never left its warm, thrilling berth in her twat, he spun around and made his way to a tiny chair sitting behind a wooden desk fastened to the wall. When he reached the chair, he gratefully collapsed into it. She moved quickly to straddle his lap, her legs on either side of the chair. Facing him, she was able to kiss and lick all over his face. And he received an added thrill as her tits crushed hard into his chest again. Reaching up, the teenager took firm grips on both those creamy mounds of solid titflesh. Stroking from the base to the very tip, he coursed over the satiny skin and quickly discovered the bumpy areola. Thumb and forefinger seized eagerly on her nipple and rolled the hard little pebble around in a circle until she began to moan and thrash around on his lap. The way her pussy clutched harder at his deeply buried cock told him of her rampaging lusts as much as any other reaction. Through the nubbin of flesh he held so firmly between his fingers, he could sense her heart beating faster and faster. He was exciting her. He was turning her on. He was the one she lusted after. She placed her hands on his shoulders and used the leverage to pull herself up and off his prick. When only the glans of his quaking manhood remained poised inside her, she hesitated for a moment and said, “It feels so damned good in me! And I'm a greedy bitch. I want it all. All!” She simply relaxed and let gravity pull her hips down to his lap again. The chair creaked under the impact of her crotch against his. The youth's heavy cock shot into her cunt and seared its way into her belly, driving her wild with lust. No longer could she restrain herself now. She had to have every single inch of that prick, fast, hard, deep. Nothing less would do. The woman began fucking herself with impressive speed. She levered her body up and her cunt tried vainly to hang on to the cock sliding like a steely piston from her oily insides. A sucking noise echoed down the rows of bookcases. Neither of them noticed or cared.

Let the entire world come and watch them fucking. All that counted to them now was the delightful sensation of a manly, virile cock surging hard into her pussy. Rising and falling, she built up friction inside. The tiny fires that had been blazing now flared into all-out fires that threatened to consume her totally. When the friction of his huge cockhead rubbing against her pussy walls was no longer enough stimulation for her, she began corkscrewing down into his lap. This sent his cock spiraling into her seething passion pit. Female crotch ground excitingly into male. She felt his wet pubic hair rubbing and dragging across her clit. This was all the trigger she needed to get off. Her insides convulsed once, then she exploded like an atomic bomb. Her hips shot up and down in a frenzy of orgasm as her cunt gripped harder around the youth's cock. She felt the thick arrowhead of his prick expand and fill her to overflowing. The way he stretched her already tight cunt made her come all the more powerfully. She continued fucking herself on the teenager's prick until the sweat ran down her face. She could even feel it trickling between her huge tits.