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When the teenager saw this, his face dived to the deep canyon formed by her knockers and his tongue shot out to lick and lap up the salty fluid. The sensations of his fingers tweaking and fondling her nipples and the wetness of his rough tongue all over the area between her boobs made her chest feel on fire. Every breath was a sweet agony.

Liquid fire burned deep inside her and her throat felt as if it were covered with sandpaper. And she came again. The delight of his prick warming her pussy and the way his mouth and hands worked on her tits seemed to collide around her belly. There, the wondrous sensations mixed into another bomb-blast of delight. She came and came and came like a human machine gun firing. The woman was dimly aware of the arms circling her body to keep her from toppling backwards. She planted her feet more firmly on the floor and shoved up and relaxed, up and down, fucking away merrily to get the maximum from his cock. Every little wrinkle and contour of its buried length gave her a different type of thrill. The knobby head split her apart inside. Never had she found any man with so large a cockhead. And the big blue vein pulsing hotly on the top made her respond in tempo with it. Every fucking stroke of that cock into her steamy interior was in time so that they both built up their emotions to the breaking point before coming. She didn't like little comes. They were okay, but it wasn't much more than catching her breath. If at all possible, she liked to savor these sensations ripping through her body, store them up and then release all the intense sexual energy in one smashing orgasm. By fucking herself on the upright cock, she could pace herself, please herself and give just the right amounts of stimulation to the proper areas of her cunt. But nothing was perfect. She would have liked to sit there all day fucking herself, controlling the sexual tensions inside her and then having the ultimate orgasm. The way his bush tickled her clit made the tiny go-button throb with unrequited lust. It demanded attention and grew until it received more and more. The way her skin stretched around her pussy lips every time she drove that heavenly spike of cock into her pussy stimulated her clitoris, too. It bent and jerked in rhythm to her fucking and became more and more sensitive as it lengthened. She was totally incoherent and mumbling nonsense by the time the wet strands of the teenager's bush tangled around her clit and triggered still another come. She fucked herself hard to get the most out of it. And the way his hands fondled and gripped first her tits, then her ass made her come even more satisfying. She could feel his steely fingers pulling her asscheeks apart, fingers driving into the humid crack and toying with her asshole. When a finger actually stabbed up into the tiny ring of her anal sphincter, she came again. The feeling assaulting her body came from all over now. Every erogenous zone demanded equal time-and all of them were making her come like a string of Fourth of July firecrackers! “Ummmm, oh, your cock! It's swollen big in me. And that Finger up my ass is driving me out of my head!” She fell it wiggle and twitch, then dig a little deeper into her rectum. When he began to stroke his own prick through the thin inner walls of her body, she came again. His every movement was electric for her. No matter how she turned-or not-he was giving her one hell of a lot of sexual stimulation. Her tits crushed against his broad chest, his, mouth sought hers and his tongue duplicated what is cock was doing, and that finger up her asshole! As it slowly worked in and out of her anus, it built up a heat inside her body such as she'd never known before. Her hips moved faster up and down the greased pole of his cock. She felt her cunt begin to tense around it in preparation for still another come. Her clit throbbed and felt as big as a football. The lightest, most feathery touch made her all too aware of her own arousal. Her tits contained more blood than she'd have thought possible. They were pumped up like overinflated balloons.

And that ass-fucking finger! It refused to let her rest. It drove her on to fuck herself harder on his prick. No matter how she turned and twisted, bounced or dodged, it was there and driving hard up into her guts. The tingles of orgasm rapidly passed the point where she could control it. She was an over-pressurized vessel with only one safety valve: orgasm. She came, her hips hunching up and down on the teenager's cock until she was sure she would wear him down to a nubbin. Nothing of the sort happened. If anything, his cock grew bigger inside the tight confines of her pussy channel. She didn't quite understand that. The woman realized her collapsing cunt was due to her own climax, but why should his prick continue to grow larger?

He began stirring restlessly on the chair under her. He met her downward drives with an upward thrust that jarred her teeth together.

His finger fucking all the way up her ass began to twitch spastically.

Then she realized he wasn't able to hang on to his control any longer.

Her fucking had warmed his prick to the point where his white-hot jism would soon erupt and cream her cunt. “More,” he demanded, “give me more! Faster!” And his finger guided her in the speed and tempo he desired. He controlled her totally now through the use of that single digit. He could feel his own prick coming and going through her delicate inner membrane. Being able to stroke his own cock like this gave him a feeling of power he'd never felt before. He came, his jism fountaining out in thick, gooey strands to whitewash the interior of her love tunnel. He felt her pussy contract powerfully around him, then he gasped and abandoned his senses to the delights of simply shooting out gob after gob of his come. The pair locked together and rocked and fucked and clutched fiercely at each other until their mutual passions had died down a little bit. Then, his prick beginning to go limp inside her still convulsing pussy, he had to be content with holding the librarian close to him and feeling the powerful beat of her heart through the marshmallowy mound of titflesh. “That was nice,” she said softly. If anyone had been standing five feet away, they wouldn't have been able to hear her words. Equally softly, he replied, “I love you, Gloria, I love the way your tight little pussy can clutch me so damned tight!” He grunted as she tensed, then relaxed those muscles around his softening prick. That muscular spasm was all it took to squirt his limp cock from her pussy amid a flow of manseed and love juice. “I wish we could stay here all day and fuck. It gets so dreary back here, all alone.” Fred laughed at the woman. “Lonely? You're not fooling me. I bet I'm only one in a long string you've got coming back here.” She smiled a dazzling smile and shook her head, a strand of brunette hair falling into her eyes for a moment. “You're the only one, Fred. Really.”

“I don't know whether to believe you or not, Mom,” he said, looking his mother, Gloria Munday, square in the eye. “You shouldn't contradict your parents. Now be a good boy and let me up.

Those strong arms of yours are squeezing the life out of me.”

“Just like that nice little pussy of yours did to me!” he joked.

“Yes,” she sighed. “Exactly the same.”