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The aroused young girl was coming with each thrilling, pounding penetration. Her clit was vibrating so hard that she thought the joyous quivers might rip the tiny love-button right off her twisting, humping body. Her tits were marble-hard and sensitive as she rolled them repeatedly against her big brother's muscular chest.

And yet there was more. Lucinda knew it as she bounced and wriggled her cunt up at Steve in sheer bliss. The marvelous sensations in her spasming pussy were the best Lucinda had ever experienced, and yet she was throbbing, aching for… for something – she didn't know what.

Steve stopped his frantic fucking at just that moment. Lucinda looked up, curious about his abrupt halt, and saw an expression of tortured indecision on her brother's handsome young face.

"I've, I've just got to!" Steve moaned, his hips slamming up and back with unleashed frenzy. "Got to shoot it, baby girl. Gotta unload, right in your hot little cuuuuuuunt!"

Steve's eyes gleamed like a wild animal's. His powerful legs jerked and his big cock rammed into Lucinda's tight cunt so deeply that it knocked the wind out of the surprised teenager. It drove up into her so far that Lucinda felt as if the knobby tip had punched straight up into her womb.

A large, white-hot jet of cum lanced up into the far recesses of Lucinda's little pussy. The searing, spurting sperm-douche blew far up into her tight slit, making Lucinda feel as if a load of molten steel had suddenly been poured into her clenching cunt.

"Oh, God! God, it feels…ohhhhhh!" Steve broke off into a moan, his cock jerking and spraying thick white cum inside the gasping girl.

Lucinda screamed, or at least she thought she did. She found she couldn't really hear much of anything, even her own passionate, exploding scream.

The fiery deluge of cum was causing a super-orgasm in the pretty blonde that made all the others seem tame by comparison. Lucinda grabbed onto her big brother with everything she had and rolled her sleek hips up onto his blasting cock. The fluid, sucking motion of her climaxing cunt drew wad after wad of scalding jism out of Steve's jerking balls. The two of them clung and rutted and moaned together until there wasn't a drop more of the steamy cum in the boy's nuts. Lucinda was so tired that her surging pussy refused to gyrate upward for even one more stroke.

"That… that was the best ever," Steve panted at last, tugging his deflated prick out of his kid sister's oozing gash.

"Unfucking real!" Lucinda sighed contentedly.

The smiling young girl took a deep breath, felt the room spin, and promptly passed out.


When Lucinda awoke, she was alone in her room with the lights out. The hazy light from the late fall afternoon was filtering weakly in through the half-drawn curtains. From the deepness of the shadows, Lucinda guessed it was about three or four o'clock.

Getting up gingerly, Lucinda found that she was still naked. Steve had cleaned up the bedroom a little, pulled up the covers, and simply let her sleep for a few hours.

Lucinda smiled and thought how kind her big brother was. Then she felt between her slim, legs and found the flaky dried jizz he had deposited there, and she thought about what a powerful, wonderful lover he was. She discovered that she was very, very happy.

Humming a little tune, Lucinda got back into her pajamas and her bathrobe and made her way down the hall. She took a bath, intending to soak in the luxurious suds for a long time, to ease the soreness Steve's bullish fucking had produced in her newly-initiated little cunt.

"Holy Jesus, the dinner!" Lucinda sputtered, right after she had lowered herself into the warm water. "Dawn will kill me!"

Hurriedly, the worried young teen scrubbed herself down with a bar of soap and rinsed off the copious suds. She drained the bath and toweled off as fast as she could. Dawn would be home from skating any time now. She had given Lucinda a bunch of instructions on what to have started for tomorrow's Thanksgiving feast by the time she returned from the rink and her shopping trip.

Lucinda flew down the stairs. It was almost dark outside now, she noticed, as she passed the window near the front door. The sky looked slate gray and the wind blew dead leaves down the deserted street. Streetlights were coming on and porch lights glowed here and there throughout the neighborhood.

It was dark downstairs except for a light coming from under the kitchen door. Lucinda's heart beat faster with joy. Steve must have remembered to start the food Lucinda had been delegated to prepare the girl thought. He had figured that she was too tired after their little adventure to get it done before Dawn came home, so he was doing it so that Lucinda wouldn't get in trouble with Dawn and Daddy!

Running to the door in her furry house slippers, Lucinda was ready to gush out her thanks to Steve. As she neared the door, something stopped her. Some premonition made her stop just short of the swinging kitchen door and listen before she opened it.

Leaning closer, Lucinda heard something very odd. A strange, sucking, wet-sounding noise was coming from the kitchen. Lucinda had heard something very much like it somewhere just recently, but she couldn't for the life of her think where that had been.

All Lucinda knew was that she had never heard anything even vaguely like this soft, squishy noise coming from the Collins' kitchen and it made her cautious. The small blonde eased the door open slowly, just a crack at first, instead of throwing it open as she had originally intended.

The kitchen was bright with overhead and in direct lighting. Lucinda could see quite clearly, and what she saw made her drop her jaw in amazement.

Now she remembered where she had heard that sound before! It was the noise Steve's thick cock had made inside Lucinda's seeping, virginal cunt when he had fucked the shit out of her just a few hours ago!

Only no one was really fucking in the kitchen, Lucinda had to admit – not in the strictest sense of the word. Dawn was in the kitchen alone, so no man's prick was involved.

The tall, radiant eighteen-year-aid was leaning forward slightly, up on the balls of her feet Dawn had her skating dress on – a short red thing that came halfway down her sumptuous thighs. Her panties were pulled down and lying in a frilly scarlet heap over the tops of Dawn's tennis shoes.

Something, Lucinda couldn't quite tell what it was from her angle of observation, was disappearing up into her older sister's lovely golden curl-fringed pussy with a steady, slippery rhythm. That was what was causing the regular "squish, squish" sound.

"Ooooooooooh!" Dawn sighed softly. "Such good looking, well-built boys. I bet they've got long… hard… thick cocks! Just like my darling Stevie! Ummmmmmmmmm!"

Dawn slipped back into silent reverie, staring out the window ahead of her. Whatever it was that she was pushing in and out of her cunt continued to make the sexy, sucking noise. It was extra loud as Dawn murmured the part about "long, hard, thick cocks" over and over again. She punched it in even harder as she mouthed the words.

Lucinda felt a rush of lust envelop her as she watched her gorgeous older sister beating off. She could see what Dawn was looking at – Steve and a group of his friends were playing football outside, just down the hill in the light of a street lamp. The boys were sweating and yelling and running around excitedly, their lean, hard bodies moving fluidly in the ghostly light.

"Ohhhhhh, that one's a little darling!" Dawn whispered suddenly, watching a tall, lanky boy run out for a pass and haul the ball in as he ran. "How graceful, how coordinated his body is! I bet he has a prick like a salami and he could fuck me all night long. I bet he'd love to fuck me all night long!"

Dawn leaned forward more, so that she could get whatever it was she was fucking herself with farther up into her wet pussy. Lucinda gasped as she saw a fat, green object wedge deep into her older sister's succulent red cunt-lips.