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Charlie glanced fearfully at the house. The windows stared back at him, hollow and empty-and menacing. He couldn't go back in there. He couldn't be sure what he would do. There was a blazing, uncontrollable knot of need in his guts. He had to find some release for it. If he went in the house, he wasn't sure he'd be able to control himself.

Jan, he had to see Jan. They didn't have a date or anything. Her parents might be home. But she was the only solution he could think of. If she wasn't there, he'd have to slink off somewhere and jack himself off. He didn't want to think of that possibility. Masturbation provided pallid pleasure in comparison with the searing ecstasy he got with Jan.

He sprinted all the way to her house. Reaching her front door, he stopped, his finger on the doorbell. What if she wasn't home? Worse, what if her parents were home? How could he face them and ask for Jan, knowing what he did about them, and what he wanted to do with their supposedly sweet, innocent daughter? He drew his hand away.

Then he heard the splashing from behind the house. Cautiously, feeling like a sneak thief, he crept around the house to the gate through the high fence. All he could hear was splashing. He couldn't tell if it was one person or four. But there was no car in the driveway and the garage was empty.

He hesitated, in an agony of indecision, trapped between overwhelming sexual hunger, and fear of walking in and making an ass of himself in front of her and her parents. He couldn't think of anything worse than that!

Then he thought of returning home, to Cookie. The memory of her body, glowing in the sunlight, decided him. His lust had overwhelmed everything else in him. He had to have a woman, he had to!

Cautiously, he tested the gate. It was unlocked, and unlatched silently. Taking a deep, shaky breath, he eased it open. Peering through, he found that the pool blocked his view of most of the yard. A glittering spray of water arced into the air. Then a slender hand came into view. That was all. Nothing else.

It had to be that Jan was in the pool, alone. God! Now as long as she didn't throw him out because he hadn't called or anything. He slipped through the gate and closed it carefully behind him.

For a moment he hesitated, remembering how she said she always swam when she was alone, then mustered his courage. If he was naked, maybe the sight of his cock would heat her up enough to keep her from rejecting him. With shaking hands, he stripped, throwing his clothes in an untidy heap on the grass. Then he advanced around the curve of the pool, his toes curling into the prickling grass.

"Charlie!" Jan exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

Charlie Froze, felt himself dying inside, the blood draining from him as if he had been ripped open with a knife. He tried, desperately, to figure out the tangle of arms and legs on the lounge he once had shared with Jan. Oh, God! It couldn't be! He thought he had envisioned the worst, but this was much worse than anything he had imagined. He couldn't take his eyes off the tableau in front of him.

Jan was nude. Her pale skin gleamed in the sun, her jet black hair was tousled and mussed. She was astride a man. Her black pubic patch was tangled with his dark brown one. Obviously, his cock was driven up into her hot, wet vagina.

"Well, hello there, Handsome!" a female voice exclaimed, making him whirl around. "If it isn't Charlie Crandall!"

Charlie gaped, and wished he had a place to hide, then was glad he didn't. He wasn't sure. The girl on the pool deck, the one who had been swimming when he had slipped through the gate, was as nude as he, and Jan, and the boy under her.

"Puh-puh-Polly?" he managed to gasp. He felt like a total moron as he raked his eyes over her naked body.

She was sitting on the deck. Her legs were bent, and she was leaning her head on her knees. Her arms were around her legs. Her blue eyes glittered as she studied him boldly. "I had no idea you had so much to offer," she observed.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" he asked, his voice squeaking absurdly. Then he realized what a dumb question it was.

"I could ask you the same thing, Charlie," Jan observed acidly.

"Ignore the twerp, will you, Jan," the boy under her ordered. He was fondling her cone-shaped breasts, the same breasts Charlie loved so much. "We got more important things to do, right?" He heaved his hips up, stirring his cock in her pussy.

"Ohhh, yeah," Jan agreed, sighing.

"Come on up, Charlie," Polly invited. "I thought I was going to have to wait my turn, but I think otherwise now."

Charlie ripped his stricken gaze off Jan, and looked at Polly again. Of all the girls he knew, she was the last one he would have expected to find here, in these circumstances. She was-sweet, and clean and pure, as pure as Cookie, not like Jan at all. Or so he had thought. Her soft brown hair was always perfectly arranged in curls that brushed the shoulders of her chic yet demure dresses. Her complexion was always peaches and cream, her lips a pretty cupid bow. Her figure was softer and rounder than Jan's, but not plump.

She leaned back on her arms. Her back was very straight. One knee was raised. She was obviously posing for him. Her breasts were softer, smaller and rounder than Jan's. Her nipples were light pink. Her thighs were softer and rounder and-hell, she was damn pretty.

After what had happened with Cookie, it didn't take much to send Charlie's lust blazing. Also there was his jealousy of Jan, and the sight of her screwing whoever the hell it was under her, and the promise of Polly's body.

His sweaty hands squirmed on the ladder as he climbed briskly. His cock was waving and swinging heavily in front of him.

He stood over her, staring down at her hungrily, flexing his hands nervously. She met his gaze with twinkling, deep blue eyes. Her dainty mouth was smiling faintly. Her belly was soft and round. Her pubic bush was fine, light brown hair. He could see her slit through the wet twists of hair.

"Cat got your tongue?" she teased.

He shook himself out of his reverie. "Hi," he managed awkwardly. He sat down next to her, close enough to feel the warmth from her. Her eyes held his. He leaned toward her, feeling as if he were being reeled in by her steady gaze.

Her lips felt as soft and warm and thrilling as they looked. They opened, invited his tongue to explore her. His hand slipped over and found one of her soft, warm breasts without having to grope for it. His thumb stroked over her nipple. He felt it bounce in response. He followed her down, maintaining the wet, sucking, tasting kiss as she stretched out on her back in the warm sun.

Her body was soft and warm against his as he lay beside her. He petted and fondled her breast, loving the feel of it as much as he had the feel of Jan's. Maybe even more.

Polly's fingers curled around his phallus and drew a hot, stinging flow of juices from him. As she smeared the fluid, over his seething prick, her fingers skated on the thin, slick film. She thumbed his cock-head with easy familiarity.

Charlie was aware of the sounds of fucking-soft slurping, slapping sounds from Jan and whoever it was under her. It increased his flaming jealousy and searing lust. Impatiently, he heaved himself over onto Polly's slight, yielding body. She welcomed his assault, spread her thighs for him, wrapped her arms around him and ground her mouth against his even harder. Her breasts were warm, soft pillows between them, her nipples hard knots digging delightfully into his chest.

Reaching down, Charlie grabbed the base of his cock and rubbed the bulb of it up through the fine curls of Polly's pussy. He split her crack open with it, rapped her clit with the glands.

"Go, fucker!" Polly urged.

Charlie's cock burned as he seared it up and down Polly's crack. Feeling it pop into her vaginal opening, he didn't wait, but raped it into her with a single powerful thrust of his hips.