Fatally Flaky

Fatally Flaky
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Язык: английский
Год: 2009
Добавил: Admin 6 Дек 12
Проверил: Admin 6 Дек 12
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It's been a long summer for Goldy Schulz, who is engaged in planning a wedding reception for Aspen Meadow's nuttiest bridezilla. But then Doc Finn, beloved local physician and the best friend of Goldy's godfather, Jack, is killed when his car tumbles into a ravine. Jack thinks Doc was murdered because of the research he was doing at the local spa—allegations that are confirmed when Jack himself is attacked. So Goldy adds more work to her plate and dons chef's whites to go undercover at the spa, where coffee is outlawed in favor of smoothies. But if she doesn't find the clever killer on the spa grounds who's watching her every move, catering weddings and cooking low-fat food might just be the death of Goldy Schulz . . . And enjoy Goldy's delectable recipes, including fatally flaky cookies and nutcase cranberry-apricot bread!

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