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If he ever took his eyes off the other women, that is. “Oh Dax,” simpered the tall, thin, gorgeous blonde on his left. “This has been a long time coming.”

“I know. You’ve been so patient.” Dax smiled into her eyes. “Work’s been a bear.”

“All I want to know is, are you going to make the wait worthwhile?” The redhead on his right lifted a suggestive brow, making promises with her eyes that made Amber roll hers.

“Absolutely,” Dax told her, still smiling.

“Good. Because…” The blonde leaned close and whispered something in his ear.

His eyebrows shot straight up.

“No secrets,” pouted the redhead, pressing her lush curves against Dax.

He smiled at her, too, his eyes heavy and slumberous.

Amber gritted her teeth. They were almost on top of her now, and he was so busy with bimbette-one and bimbette-two that he hadn’t even seen her!

This was the man she pictured as miserable all night because of her rudeness? Ha!

Since she couldn’t disappear into thin air, she would have to handle this as she would any uncomfortable situation, with her famed, icy control. “Good morning, Dax,” she said, ever so proud of her cool voice. She only hoped he couldn’t see the steam coming out of her ears.

“Amber.” He stopped short, clearly surprised. “Hello.”

Amber didn’t want to think about how his smile suddenly warmed, or how this time it reached his eyes. No, she didn’t want to think about that, or she’d lose her anger. Anger was good here, anger would get her through. “You look awfully busy this morning.”

He dropped his hold on his playmates and looked suddenly panicked. “Taylor. There’s nothing wrong with her…”

Well darn if that fierce worry in his expression didn’t defuse a good part of her temper. “No, Taylor is fine.” But since she wouldn’t apologize now, she needed another reason for her appearance. Frantically she searched her mind and came up with…nothing. “I was just out for a walk and thought I’d say hello. So…hello.” Forcing a smile, she turned away.


She didn’t, couldn’t.


She couldn’t get away fast enough, and behind her, she heard him swear.

“Amber, wait-”

Then he was there, alone, taking her arm and turning her back to face him. “Just out for a walk?” He shook his head. “Come on, Amber. What’s this really about?”

For some idiotic reason, her throat closed. “I told you. I’m just walking.”

He shot a doubtful look at her heels. “In those?”

Cool. Calm. That was the ticket. “Are my shoes a problem for you?”

“Not for me.” He smiled angelically. “That’s a pretty suit.”

“Thank you.”

“Personally, that short skirt could quickly become a favorite of mine, but it seems a waste to exercise in it.”

Dignity, she reminded herself. Keep it. “I always walk before work. It’s terrific exercise.”

His look was long and knowing. “This place is at least twelve miles from your place.”

“I’m in excellent shape.” She glanced at the women still waiting for Dax. They had rich curves and fabulous bodies, and she found her temper again. “For a woman who’s just had a baby, anyway.”

“That you most definitely are.” He ran a finger over her perfectly-in-place hair. “You sure look great for someone who’s walked so far. Oh, and look at that…” He gestured to her car, parked on the street only fifteen feet away. “How in the world did that get here? Don’t tell me it’s trained to follow you on your morning constitutional.”

“Very funny.”

He grinned. She should have known better. For whatever reason, there was no controlling herself around him. “Glad I’m such a source of amusement for you. I have to go now.”

“Like you did last night?”

Last night. The reason she’d come. “I’ll talk to you later.” No way was she going to apologize in front of an audience. “When you’re not so…busy.”

It was as if he could see right through her. “I’m not too busy for you.” He reached for her hand. His voice was low so that only she could hear it. Only problem, the exciting, rough timbre of it sent tingles down her spine. “What’s the matter, Amber? Can’t you tell me?”

It was hard, she discovered, to feel his hands on her. She liked the warmth in them too much. Liked how important she felt. How special.

That she could actually let herself depend on that warmth and strength scared her.

He scared her.

Then she remembered the women. “You visiting with your sisters?” she asked casually, not wanting to publicly misjudge him again, as she had in the medical center.

Was that a flash of guilt that crossed his face as he glanced at them over his shoulder? “Ah…no. Not today.”

Okay, then. “Gotta go.”


But she couldn’t, she just couldn’t.

DAX WATCHED Amber escape. His obligation, in the form of four fine legs behind him, burned. Not that Amber would have believed him if he’d told her.

Hell, half of the people he knew wouldn’t believe him.

He glanced over his shoulder at the two women. In response, they both waved and giggled. Skin shimmered. Breasts jiggled.

Dax groaned, but the decision was actually easy. He raced after Amber, catching her just as she unlocked her car.


She glared at him.

“Come on, baby-”

She went rigid. “I am most definitely not your baby. Check with the two women waiting for you. I’m sure either of them would swoon at the opportunity to be called by such an endearing term.”

He had no idea why he found her stiff unyielding attitude so wildly appealing, or why he suddenly felt like grinning. “Just listen to me, that’s all I’m asking.”

“I’m in a hurry.”

Oh yeah, she was in a hurry. But she’d come to him. And he wanted to know why. “Please?” He risked touching her again, running his fingers up and down her arm. He couldn’t seem to help himself, he had to have that connection.

She went completely still. Nothing gave her away, but he just knew she responded to his touch. He looked into her inscrutable face and wished she’d show him how she really felt, wished he didn’t have to guess. “About the women…”


“I know what you’re probably thinking.”

“I doubt it.” She sighed. “Dax, really. You don’t have to explain why you’re going on a date, much less why you’re doing it in the morning, with two women. It’s none of my business.”

“It’s not a date.”

The two women, apparently tired of waiting, came down the stairs. The redhead smiled at Amber. “We won him in an auction.” She smiled wickedly. “He’s ours for the rest of the day.”

“It’s true.” The blonde smiled, almost licking her lips in anticipation. “We can do whatever we want with him, we were promised.”

Together, they grinned.

Unbelievably, Dax felt himself blush. “The auction was a long time ago,” he said quickly. “And I’ve been too busy to meet my obligation-” This wasn’t going well, he could tell by the ice in Amber’s gaze. “It was to raise money for the fire stations on the west side,” he added. “All the guys did it.”

“But you brought in the most money,” the redhead added helpfully.

“Did he now?” Amber asked coolly.

“Uh…Ladies, I’ll be with you in just a moment, okay?”

Thank God they took the hint and backed off, giving him and Amber some desperately needed privacy. Only problem, he didn’t have a clue as to what to say.